The Fast Players vs Essex Clan

The Fast Players vs Essex Clan

Clan Challenge

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The Fast PlayersEssex Clan
The Fast PlayersMovesEssex Clan
ggjengeda1527291517Mr Bump
gjengeda1527441517Mr Bump
norfolk and good1072361241BritannicusB
norfolk and good1072321241Britannicus
Dan Pascu5850957SeamusCS
Dan Pascu5851957SeamusC
3Games Won7
0Gross Points8
-8Net Points8
Challenge Result Notes

'Essex Clan' wins.

8 points awarded to winner.

8 of 10 games scored for this challenge.
Some games concluded in a win or a draw in less than 8 moves and are therefore excluded from the result.

This challenge result contributed to the 2020 challenge table.

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