Annotated Chess Game 7731449 by Raabemaster

Annotated Chess Game 7731449 by Raabemaster

Annotated Games
  • 1. e4 d6 2. d4 e6
    ?! Not a bad move but doesn't really help back any. 2...Nc6 would have been stronger, but d6 then e6 is not a good opening for black. First of all, it blocks your bishops. Secondly, you've given white full control of the center right in the opening, not a good move. Black might be going for a closed game here, but his minor piece development will be seriously cramped.
    • 3. d5
      ?! This move does well to rip open the center, but it is far too soon for it to be effective. Instead develop your minor pieces first and take advantage of the open space and your control of the center. Moves like 3.Nf3 and 4.Bc4(either order would have worked) would have been best then 0-0. Once your king is castled and you have sufficient development, then attack the center.
      • 3... h6
        ? Waste of time. This move does nothing. Better is 3...Nf6. The opening is all about controlling the center and developing pieces. Here you have violated multiple opening principles in just the first few moves.
        • 4. dxe6
          ?! Better is 4.Bc4
          • 4... Bc8xe6 5. Nb1c3 a6
            ? Seriously? Again? What does this move even achieve? You might be trying to keep his bishops off the squares b5 and g5 but this is a complete waste of time.
            • 6. Ng1f3 Be6g4
              ? This also violates a opening principle, don't move a piece more than once in the opening unless you have a good reason. You don't have a good reason. 6...Nf6 is much stronger.
              • 7. Bf1e2 Nb8c6 8. O-O
                ! Good, now white wants to remove the pawn on the e file and attack black's uncastled king.
                • 8... Bg4xf3 9. Be2xf3 Qd8h4
                  ?? Why? Your knight and bishop on the king side are begging to be developed and you move out your queen without reason. Develop minor pieces!
                  • 10. g3 Qh4f6 11. Nc3d5
                    Good, attacking black's queen and developing your pieces.
                    • 11... Qf6d8 12. Qd1e2
                      lining up your queen and the opponents king is a good strategy. Although your rook on e1 might have been better. Now push the pawn on the e file and rip open the center! When you are castled and your opponent isn't, attack the center!
                        Game started
                        01 Sep '10
                        Last move
                        20 Sep '10
                        Game Lost
                        13 Sep '10
                        20 Sep '10
                        Annotation Id

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