Annotated Chess Game 10377003 by Ragwort

Annotated Chess Game 10377003 by Ragwort

Annotated Games

Published as The Law of the Jungle (Elephant Gambit) in [threadid]157047[/threadid] A couple of added comments and spellings corrected etc.

  • 1. e4
    My opponent is one of RHP's high volume fast turnaround players. We've played a few times and he has beaten me once where I, overconfident and a pawn up, missed a vital tactic and paid the price.
    • 1... e5
      Carving out a stake in the forest and elbow room for later maneuvers
      • 2. Ng1f3 d5
        Formerly called the Queen Pawn Counter Gambit, now the Elephant Gambit. Black offers a pawn so as to develop unimpeded by having to have a pawn on d6 and to gain a move while white captures the pawn. The risk is that White builds a dominant centre, consolidates and wins with an extra pawn.
        • 3. d4
          White does not buy into Black's view of reality and opens the centre for himself
          • 3... dxe4
            forcing White's hand by attacking the knight
            • 4. Nf3xe5
              White establishes his knight in the centre
              • 4... Nb8d7
                challenging the centralised knight
                • 5. Bf1e2
                  Sensible if restrained, keeping Black's route to glory - the e file - blocked and preparing access to the stockade. (See the quoted forum thread for Greenpawn's rant about this move and where bishops should be in double King Pawn openings)
                  • 5... Ng8f6
                    Protecting e4
                    • 6. Ne5xd7
                      There was no necessity for this capture at this stage which wastes a move
                        Game started
                        19 Dec '13
                        Last move
                        21 Dec '13
                        Game Lost
                        22 Dec '13
                        22 Dec '13
                        Annotation Id

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