Annotated Chess Game 10973762 by 64squaresofpain

Annotated Chess Game 10973762 by 64squaresofpain

Annotated Games

Pinned Queen + Mate threat in the same move

  • 1. d4 f5
    This is named the Dutch defense... probably because you've got to be high on Marijuana in central Amsterdam to be playing it
  • 2. Nb1c3 Ng8f6 3. Bc1f4 e6 4. g3
    e3 was probably better, to allow Ne2, and then possibly fianchetto later
  • 4... Bf8b4 5. Qd1d3 Nf6d5 6. Bf1g2
    And now White will have two lots of doubled pawns...
  • 6... Bb4xc3 7. bxc3 Nd5xf4 8. gxf4
    ...But just how bad is it? It is quite a strong centre with 6 pawns
  • 8... O-O
    And now Black's king is on a semi-open file
  • 9. Ra1b1 c6 10. Ng1f3 d6 11. Rh1g1
    Committal move, as White cannot castle now, but the King is safe enough in the centre and attacks down the g-file can happen
  • 11... Nb8d7 12. Nf3g5
    Hitting e6, 12... Nf6 is good here
  • 12... Qd8f6 13. Qd3g3
    Sets up the attack, Black could still play something like Nb6 here
  • 13... h6
    But this drops a pawn, as
  • 14. Ng5xe6
    Knight can simply capture, and if the Queen decides to take the bait
    Game started
    30 Dec '14
    Last move
    21 Jan '15
    Game Lost
    22 Jan '15
    22 Jan '15
    Annotation Id

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