Annotated Chess Game 11581668 by moonbus

Annotated Chess Game 11581668 by moonbus

Annotated Games

QGD Slav Defense

  • 32. Rc1a1 b2 33. Ra1b1 Rc8b8 34. Ra4a2 Bd6c7 35. Qd1a4
    White cannot afford to let the a5 pawn drop, as this would give Black a third passer; so, the White Queen must come out of her lair to defend the a5 pawn, giving Black the opportunity to trade off a critical defender. 35. Rxb2, QxRb2; 36. RxQ, RxR; followed by ... Ra2 picking up the a5 pawn would favor Black.
    • 35... Qb5xa4 36. Ra2xa4 Rb8b5 37. c4 Rb5b3 38. Ra4b4 Rd8b8 39. Rb4a4 Bc7e5 40. Ra4a2
      White has defended tenaciously until now, but here he relaxes: 40. Kf1 offered stronger resistance; the threat of ... Bc3 could then be answered by 41. Ke1 so that after ... BxBd2 White could retake 42. Kxd2 and maintain the blockade of the d-pawn. White's position would nonetheless remain almost completely paralyzed and White would be unable to prevent the Black K from penetrating the position.
      • 40... Be5c3
        This breaks the blockade on d2, after which White can no longer stop the d-pawn. The sequel might have been: 41. BxBc3, RxBc3; 42. Rxb2, RxRb2; 43. RxRb2, Rc2; 44. Rb1 or Rb3, d3-d2 and the d-pawn is home free. Note that if the Black K were on g8 here, then White could hold the position with 44. Rb8+, Kf7; 45. Rd8, d3-d2; 46. Kg2. But with the Black K on f8 instead, 44. Rb8+, Ke7, the White rook cannot occupy the d-file to stop the d-pawn. White resigned 0 - 1
          Game started
          11 Feb '16
          Last move
          28 Jul '16
          Game Lost
          29 Jul '16
          06 Oct '16
          Annotation Id

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