Annotated Chess Game 13386933 by DrMysticus

Annotated Chess Game 13386933 by DrMysticus

Annotated Games
  • 15... Bf5xd3 16. Qe2d2 Bd3xc4
    Black's advantage can only get better from here, with proper play, but he still has much work to do. The Bishop pair makes things much easier for Black.
    • 17. Rf1d1 e4
      Forcing him to move the knight back again. Now, he could have played the knight to g5, but that would have been met with Bh6, I think, pinning the knight to the other bishop, and still holding the tension between the two Queens. Also, it is here that the dark squared bishop is unleashed, and though he doesn't do much, he constantly points at c3, and White cannot move his b- or c-pawns without reprisal.
      • 18. Nf3g1
        ? I still think even Ng5 would have been better. This is a very sad knight.
        • 18... Qd8c7
          Getting the Queen out of the way with check, preparing to move the Rook to the open file with an attack on the Queen.
          • 19. g3 Ra8d8
            The Rook now moves to contest the open file.
            • 20. Qd2c2 Rd8d3
              It was here that Black truly began to throttle White's position completely. I was having trouble deciding whether to play Bd3 attacking the Queen, or simply Rd3 to stick a bone in White's throat. I chose Rd3 and thought a resulting double trade of rooks, once we finished all the trading down, would result in the bishop and pawn being a solid blockade on e4 and d3. And, as a bonus, if he pushes f3, I have f5, solidifying the e4 pawn and maintaining the choking structure up front. Black is easily winning with his extra piece once all the rooks are off the board. The engine, however, says that Bd3 is the winner in this situation.
              • 21. Rd1d2 Rf8d8 22. Ra1d1 Rd3xd2
                Deciding to trade all the rooks off, and then maintaining the choking Bishop/pawn structure. Though, I can't help but think I had a much better attack somehow. Will study it more with the engine later.
                • 23. Rd1xd2 Rd8xd2 24. Be3xd2 Bc4d3 25. Qc2c1
                  The Bishop and pawn structure is established for Black, and white is now suffering an extreme lack of space. His knight cannot move, his Queen is stuck shuffling along his own back rank, and his bishop cannot enter Black's position without a bit of reprisal.
                  • 25... Nc6e5
                    ? This one was rather stupid on my part. I wanted to negotiate the knight over to f3, trade knights, and have the pawn sitting clearly on f3 after the knight exchange. No such luck. I failed to see Bf4, momentarily pinning my Knight to my queen. Easily resolved, but a bit of a mistake to not see something like that.
                    • 26. Bd2f4 Qc7e7
                      Unpinning and slowly maneuvering the Queen. It was about here that I got the idea to maneuver the Queen down the f-file to strike at the exceedingly weak pawn on f2 with mate threats to follow.
                        Game started
                        21 Aug '19
                        Last move
                        22 Aug '19
                        Game Lost
                        22 Aug '19
                        22 Aug '19
                        Annotation Id

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