Originally posted by Great King RatYes, there are a few oldies like that, but django unchained is my new
Haven't seen it, but that's quite a bold statement considering the existence of Once Upon A Time In The West.
favourite. Used to be the good, the bad and the ugly, but now it's django
unchained. Seriously, you should see it. It's got everything from senseless
violence to humour and an interesting story line too.
Originally posted by C HessYup, one day I'll watch it. I'm a bit Tarantino tired though. I think he should stop trying to be Tarantino so much. Must every movie he makes contain over-the-top violence and ridiculous amounts of swearing?
Yes, there are a few oldies like that, but django unchained is my new
favourite. Used to be the good, the bad and the ugly, but now it's django
unchained. Seriously, you should see it. It's got everything from senseless
violence to humour and an interesting story line too.
If I were his close friend I'd challenge him to do something wildly unTarantino-like. Maybe a romantic comedy or something.
Or porn.
Originally posted by C HessI must have watched every spaghetti western evah, yesterday i watched three, probably Sergio Leone makes the best, Once upon a time in the west is just class. I have not seen Django unchained but i have seen the 1960/70s original ones.
Django Unchained. Who's with me? Ay? Ay?
Originally posted by robbie carrobieWith the exception of Django Unchained and Eastwood's Unforgiven, all other
I must have watched every spaghetti western evah, yesterday i watched three, probably Sergio Leone makes the best, Once upon a time in the west is just class. I have not seen Django unchained but i have seen the 1960/70s original ones.
really good westerns in my opinion are indeed italian spaghetti from the 60's
and 70's, I agree. Leone made most of the great ones, but I also liked
Corbucci's Django.
Originally posted by C HessUnforgiven is a fantastic film. Have to watch that one again soon.
With the exception of Django Unchained and Eastwood's Unforgiven, all other
really good westerns in my opinion are indeed italian spaghetti from the 60's
and 70's, I agree. Leone made most of the great ones, but I also liked
Corbucci's Django.
Originally posted by Great King Rat
Unforgiven is a fantastic film. Have to watch that one again soon.
That's right. I've killed women and children. I've killed just about
everything that walks or crawls at one time or another. And now I'm here to
kill you Bill, for what you did to Ned.
You know the movie is well made when the protagonist can admit to
something like that and you don't even cringe.
Originally posted by darvlayYou know what has aged well? Not a western, but for some reason it
Likely not anyone's personal favourite. Just that it was mine when I was 11 years old. I haven't seen it since the 90s probably. Doubt it's aged well.
popped into my mind, taxi driver: you talking to me? Never gets old.