Video shows Florida deputy repeatedly shoot at man after thinking falling acorn was gunfire
The cop shot at a handcuffed man in a patrol car who they had already searched and found to be unarmed...because he thought a single falling acorn was gunfire.
Thank God the suspect wasn't killed.
@vivify saidno American cops aren’t stupid you bigoted POS
Video shows Florida deputy repeatedly shoot at man after thinking falling acorn was gunfire
The cop shot at a handcuffed man in a patrol car who they had already searched and found to be unarmed...because he thought falling acorns were gunfire.
Thank God the suspect wasn't killed.
but I see the psychology of the left media is working on you
@vivify saidThere are many MANY bad cops in the USA. Shoot first and ask questions later when it's to late. This pos and his supposed partner should be in prison for life for this asinine bs. That's USA policing at it's best; worse than worthless. "a falling acorn" omG.
Video shows Florida deputy repeatedly shoot at man after thinking falling acorn was gunfire
The cop shot at a handcuffed man in a patrol car who they had already searched and found to be unarmed...because he thought a single falling acorn was gunfire.
Thank God the suspect wasn't killed.
@jj-adams said
So in your way of thinking that one instance makes all American cops stupid?
A cop shot a man because she thought he broke into her apartment...when she accidentally walked into his.
Cop kills man thinking her gun was a taser, even though tasers look, feel and fire differently.
Cop pulls gun on man for stealing candy....when surveillance footage showed the man paid for it.
Maybe U.S. cops aren't dumb but you can certainly make a case for it.
@vivify saidHere's another one of USA police protecting us US citizens:
A cop shot a man because she thought he broke into her apartment...when she accidentally walked into his.
Cop kills man thinking her gun was a taser, even though tasers look, ...[text shortened]... showed the man paid for it.
Maybe U.S. cops aren't dumb but you can certainly make a cade for it.
@kingdavid403 saidYeah. This was tragic. And infuriating. If I remember correctly, the cop gave the man something like 28 different commands in 30 seconds and threatened to kill him if they weren't followed.
Here's another one of USA police protecting us US citizens:
@congruent said
We love Murika cops on the youtube man, wait what? isn't this why the likes of Black Lives Matter exist coz of Police brutality?
Everyone got a camera now and its on youtube in seconds and blood boiling.
Why does America have a monoploy of its cops on youtube though.
@kingdavid403 saidWhy not ask the guy to turn around and crawl backwards to you? That looked like a movie or something except it was CNN. Shame policeman walked away free after butchering someone like that.
Here's another one of USA police protecting us US citizens:
@mott-the-hoople saidLife would be terrible. Doesn't change the fact that too many are stupid.
have you ever considered what life would be like without cops?
@ponderable saidWhat's the fun in armed police beating down or killing civilians? Why don't we see Canadian Mounties, Australian Police, japan Police etc starring on youtube regularly?
In fact this sounds like a generalization.
Of course German cops are much more relaxed, since guns are not so widely dsitrubetd in germany. And we have less murder, less detah by police and less stress to the police.