Biden having secret docs:

Biden having secret docs:


Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

Of course the ultrarightwingnuts want to cast Biden in exactly the same boat as Trump who willfully refused to turn over REAL TS docs, HUNDREDS of them when in ABSOLUTE fact Biden retained his own FUKKING DIARY of his time in office as VP.
EVERY POTUS and VP has kept that kind of document and now the rightwingnuts want to blow it up into direct comparison to Trump which is TOTAL BULLSHYTE.
They were his own handwritten notes in his own diary which is what all the furor is about and that should have been clearly stated on page one of the report which if anyone went inside that report that is what they would have found but the ultrarightwingnut press takes that as a way to attack Biden once again when it was TOTALLY innocent AND pronounced such IN THE REPORT, something you won't find said on Newsmax, OAN, Fox or any of the other ultrarightwingnut sites puking misinformation for the express purpose of trying to gain support for THEIR god, Trump.
The world needs to hear the whole story not the cockamamie crap puked out by the right wingers in their circus play hoping to gain religious followers for the Trump religion.

Pawn Whisperer

My Kingdom fora Pawn

09 Jan 19

There are support groups for people with Trump Derangement Syndrome

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@earl-of-trumps said
There are support groups for people with Trump Derangement Syndrome
Does there happen to be one for essayists? One track, one subject essayists who overwhelm their world , writing each time about the same thing, hoping for different results?

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