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Talks between the IPPC and the OOPPP reach critica

Talks between the IPPC and the OOPPP reach critica




07 Jan 05
01 Aug 05
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Yes, talks between the IPPC and the OOPPP have stalled and is threatening the stability of the Table Tennis community. Its time to react and quash the threat of the OOPPP

The ITPPC (International Traditionalist Ping Pong Community) and the OOPPPP (Organisation Of Peaceful Ping Pong Players) are at loggerheads over a dispute between the rules set out by the governing body, the TTT (Table Tennis Treasury).

In a recent post on the website http:www.somerandomunknownwebsite.com, the feud was reported to have reached boiling point when the IPPC called the OOPPP's "Student Bludgers" who were out to ruin the game as we know it. The OOPPP responded by reaching for thier bongs and punching cones in defiance of the TTT rules which state that recreational drugs will now on be tested for every player who is competing professionally.

The OOPPP president released a statement saying "C'mon, seriously, half the ping pong population are under the influence when they play, it's just not fun when youre sober". Words, which needless to say has infruiriated the ITPPC and me.

We need to act now! This reliable source is dead right and i am trying to force my beliefs on you by posting a article from some obscure website or book and passing it off as fact and totaly non biased. We need to eradictae the pot smoking minority in the Tabble Tennis Community because they are threatening our existence and core values because they envy our freedom of not needing to snack every half an hour.

Anyone up for a fight? C'mon, lets argue and call each other names! All the other threads are doing it!

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