Originally posted by NyxieThe way I see recent events here is it is a bit like the use of drugs in sport. It has been common knowledge that a group of top players do use performance enhancers, they don't use them all the time but they are used.
Is it zero tolerance as advertised for the tos, or a selective interpretation depending on the percieved seriousness of the offense?
The site admins probably have little chance of catching all the players who use enhancers so they pick two or three cause celebres to make their point.
Like drugs in sport it leaves a bad taste in everyones mouth. No one enjoys seeing the likes of Exy and Ironman31 banned. It also fills the rhp air full of suspicion.
To be banned under the abuse of tos - I would think the evidence has to be massive and/or you must be a recognisable name on the site. The cheat police must be sure when banning anyone, but nothing gets their message out louder than banning a high profile player on the site.
Originally posted by NyxieIt's obvious the TOS is not based on zero tolerance.
Sorry perhaps I did'nt clarify, I meant the entire tos, and not just a selective part of it. In fact I think that was the whole point. No I'm sure that was the whole point.
I see so many people (myself included) breaking so many of the rules, it's a joke.
However, I disagree with most of the TOS and am happy it's not enforced too rigidly.
The only matter that seems to have become rather fanatic is the cheating thing. And that's pathetic beyond imagination.
"oooooohhhh...the cheaters.....oohhhhhhhh..."
First it's the niggers, then the pinko commies, then the terrorist trash...and now...it's the cheaters...
We all gotta be afraid of somethin' now eh....