Originally posted by PatrioticDogYou started it out all wrong!
Post an insult here
Non-Sub (non-suhb) n : one who fails to subscribe without obligation to do so; a refusal (without sufficient excuse) to become a subscriber; identified by lack of star and oft times manners.
see also: freeloader.
Bowmann n. 1. A very annoying character who acts as a forum posting dictionary, thesaurus, and grammar book. 2. A character who refuses to move above 1000. to pull a Bowmann v. Acting like Bowmann on purpose.
Common Mistakes - anyone who acts like Bowmann by accident hasn't pulled a Bowmann. Often mistakenly related to the words: interesting, respectful, good company, and respectable.
Whats goin on eh n. A chess player who is proud of his alcoholic ways. phrs. Canadian slang that is used to start a conversation.
Common Mistakes - is presumed to have an unlimited supply of beer. Is a good chess player. Has a chronic alcoholic problem. Has shame for getting drunk almost every night. Is not sober for work and school. A common sentence spoken by every Canadian.