When posting on this thread you must coin new words by using nouns as verbs.
Don't rely on verbs that have already been created from nouns and have, as such, become accepted.
You should try to verb new nouns rather than using nouns that have already been verbed.
Originally posted by JS357In my town a few years back this idiot from across the street needed a battery. His name was Jones.
A noun that has been verbed in my lifetime: impact.
I stand corrected first use as verb: 1916 for literal physical action, 1935 for figurative usage (have a strong effect.)
So he goes across the street, pulls up the hood on some random car, takes out the battery, strangely enough, gets caught.
So the town now has a new phrase whenever someone does something illegal really stupidly:
"Looks like he's Jonesing it again"