I thought I was stuffed in this game after move 25. g4. However in desperation I started to think outside the box and poked him right in the eye.
Game 10946090
Good game.
Simple straight forward development by Black, chop the g2 Bishop and then
swing everything you have to the Kingside and wait for an opportunity to cash in.
Often. espescially on the lower boards, this approach works...it worked for me.
The White pawn moves have created weak squares in his position that
require pieces tied down protecting them. That White Knight on e2 is
holding the White camp together and an exchange sac on e2 is in the air.
In the end it was a pawn move that unzipped White, the tempting 25.g4?
Black played 25...Nxg5+
Originally posted by greenpawn34How do. Thanks for the analysis. I generally don't have an agenda when I start a game. I more than often play king's pawn as white and sicilian as black. I went through a period of playing queen's gambit as white but went off it as I just kept getting torn to pieces. If someone throws something different at me when I am black I will have a gander at Youtube as I find that there are some good instructional videos on there. Rather than look at databases, I find these videos give me a general feel of openings, and what to watch out for, rather than play moves out of a text book and not quite understand what I am doing.
Good game.
Simple straight forward development by Black, chop the g2 Bishop and then
swing everything you have to the Kingside and wait for an opportunity to cash in.
Often. espescially on the lower boards, this approach works...it worked for me.
The White pawn moves have created weak squares in his position that
require pieces tied down protect ...[text shortened]... . Rxe2 Qg3+ [/pgn]
[fen]4r1k1/1pp2ppp/1p1prnq1/5n2/1PP2P2/P2P1RPP/R3N2K/2BQ4 w - - 0 23[/fen]
Also, again, rather than have a complete strategy, I have a list of strategic ideas and tactical ideas that I employ rather than having one massive plan in a game. I tend to take it as it comes. I find I play a lot better defensively and wait until my opponent runs out of steam before I hit them back. It is rare that I go all out to mate someone unless they beg for it. I find that if I try and force the issue myself then I crash and burn. Most common tactic is to gain small advantage in material (usually a couple of pawns) then exchange off and creep to victory.
Edit: I would love to develop my game so that I can take the initiative and slap people hard fro the onset, but it escapes me and I don't know where to begin.
Yours passively