
Rating 1716

Accepting challenges from rated 800 to 2300
Daily ChessLast move 411 days 11 hours and 23 minutes ago

About oradbaforpsoft

Sláva Ukrayíni! Heróyam sláva!

-- I love this site, but I am taking a break from being a subscriber. I hope to return in the future. In the meantime, I will move as slow as possible without timing out. --

I learned to play Chess in South Africa a lifetime ago. Now living in the USA. I might have been a decent club-level player, but I never joined a club.
I read chess books as a teenager but lost touch with it for years. I should give most players a good run for their money.
I am probably about a 1500 OTB player.

NOTE: Unless a prior arrangement exists, Skulls will be gratefully accepted, thank you!
I make at least 2 blunders per game - see if you can capitalize on them!
If you must use software to play me, please let me know afterwards, so I will at least know what software I can beat and what defeated me.

Rating Trend (last 50 games)

Rated Won / Drawn / Lost

All Rated

1069 games

As White

535 games

As Black

534 games

Daily ChessStats

Games Played1119
In Progress0
All Moves40469
Moves This Month0
Tourn. Entry Rating1716

Rated Color


1069 games


644 games


331 games


94 games

Rated Timeouts


75 games


2 games


90 days1 Year5 Years
Highest Rating172917301781
Average Rating172217221744
Lowest Rating171617161716
Opponent Average Rating169615301496
Games Rated2633
  • Moves This Month is the number of moves made since the 1st of the month.
  • Highest Rating excludes provisional (first 20) games.
  • Tournament Entry Rating is calculated by the formula (CurrentRating + HighestRating) / 2. The entry rating will never drop to more than 100 points below your Highest Rating.
  • Rated stats are updated within 24 hours of the last completed rated game.
  • Last refreshed on 15 Mar '23 .

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Affiliated Clubs

  • Provisional Club!

    New to the site? Got a provisional rating? Join us! NON-SUBSCRIBER TOURNAMENTS IN THE PRIVATE CLUB FORUM! This club is for new people! Helpful, friendly, tournaments...all that stuff! Welcome!

  • M U T I


  • The Lone Star Club

    A club for Texans and a few honorary Texans too

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