The Misfits are looking for more

The Misfits are looking for more


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Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
06 Feb 16

The Misfits, Clan 25434, are looking for more players interested in fair clan challenges, an honest clan leader and playing in a clan that values integrity and fair play. Altruism and unselfishness a plus. Your rating is a secondary consideration for us. Yes, we're interested in how you play the game.

If you're morally bankrupt, you need not apply. If you, too, look forward to a day when people will not be judged by their chess rating, but by the content of their character, then The Misfits are looking for you!

The Misfits
Clan 25434


31 May 06
06 Feb 16

Are you supporting my proposal for a change to the new challenge rule ?

Chess Librarian

The Stacks

21 Aug 09
06 Feb 16

Originally posted by padger
Are you supporting my proposal for a change to the new challenge rule ?
I Hope you don't mind, but I am going to start a thread with your proposal, as I think it is worthy of discussion and it's own thread. I don't think it will get sufficient attention under this thread.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
06 Feb 16

Originally posted by padger
Are you supporting my proposal for a change to the new challenge rule ?
Not a fan, no.


31 May 06
06 Feb 16

Why not ?
I thought you were after fair challenges
The new rule not only doesn't do this it will promote more sand bagging in the future
I had a challenge this week that under the new rules would have been allowed but if you looked at the 5 year average one was 300 points apart in favour of the opposition
Another was 500 points in my favour
Was that fair ?


26 Aug 07
06 Feb 16

Originally posted by padger
Why not ?
I thought you were after fair challenges
The new rule not only doesn't do this it will promote more sand bagging in the future
I had a challenge this week that under the new rules would have been allowed but if you looked at the 5 year average one was 300 points apart in favour of the opposition
Another was 500 points in my favour
Was that fair ?
She is only nominally interested in fairness despite the claims that she makes.


santa cruz, ca.

19 Jul 13
06 Feb 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
She is only nominally interested in fairness despite the claims that she makes.
she is more interested in tooting her own horn and channeling Martin Luther King Jr.

05 Jan 05
06 Feb 16
1 edit

that's probably still better then just being interested in screwing up the system, system needs change, i think a symposium is required


santa cruz, ca.

19 Jul 13
07 Feb 16

Originally posted by Wycombe Al
that's probably still better then just being interested in screwing up the system, system needs change, i think a symposium is required
I'm all for change as long as we can still have fun

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
08 Feb 16
1 edit

Originally posted by padger
Why not ?
I thought you were after fair challenges
The new rule not only doesn't do this it will promote more sand bagging in the future
I had a challenge this week that under the new rules would have been allowed but if you looked at the 5 year average one was 300 points apart in favour of the opposition
Another was 500 points in my favour
Was that fair ?
No, it's not fair. But, believe it or not, the responsibility is on the clan leader to do the research and pass on the challenge if it is against their clan. Clan leaders should still be vigilant.

You know, just because I'm not a fan of your system, doesn't mean I'm not interested in fairness.

My solution to sandbagging is a two-tier rating system. One rating for clan games and another rating for non-clan games. This would stop this nonsense of resigning tourney games so your clan rating goes down too, Keeping the ratings separate would stop this instantly. AND has the benefit of showing a player's true colors if there is a wide discrepancy in the two ratings.

Ultimately, the oversight of sandbagging and recruiting players who do not try to "game the clan system" lies solely with the clan leaders. Don't expect the website to hold your hand for you. If you have an unfair challenge, don't accept it. It really is that simple.

The only way a society changes voluntarily is if an unwanted behavior becomes 'socially unacceptable'. We need to make not only sandbagging, but recruiting players with deficient ethics, as well as running a clan with pathetic ethics, seen as 'socially unacceptable'. We need to ostracize players and leaders who display these unwanted behaviors.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
08 Feb 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
She is only nominally interested in fairness despite the claims that she makes.
Get stuffed. You don't have the tiniest clue what fairness is.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
08 Feb 16

Originally posted by lemondrop
she is more interested in tooting her own horn and channeling Martin Luther King Jr.
And you are more interested in seeing cheaters prosper and seeing hard-working clans lose. More interested in seeing a clan system that rewards ego over one that rewards hard work.

You should be ashamed for following Robbie. So shut up.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
08 Feb 16

Originally posted by lemondrop
I'm all for change as long as we can still have fun
News flash: Winning through hard work is more satisfying, and more fun than being #1 because you have gamed a system that you normally would have no chance in.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
08 Feb 16

Originally posted by Wycombe Al
that's probably still better then just being interested in screwing up the system, system needs change, i think a symposium is required
I've presented my solution to sandbagging in Site Ideas.


santa cruz, ca.

19 Jul 13
08 Feb 16

Originally posted by Suzianne
And you are more interested in seeing cheaters prosper and seeing hard-working clans lose. More interested in seeing a clan system that rewards ego over one that rewards hard work.

You should be ashamed for following Robbie. So shut up.
I don't know if that's true
what I like is seeing inept clan leaders trounced
you are absolutely right
it is up to the clan leader to accept or reject a challenge
unfortunately there are so many dead in the head clan leaders out there
so much food for all those vulture clan leaders to fill up on