2015 RHP Member Inventory

2015 RHP Member Inventory


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14 Mar 04
15 Jan 15

Originally posted by Great Big Stees
I found out about this site from a friend who has not been active here for about 7+ years now.
The reason I have stayed here this long was mainly because of the people I've become friends with it certainly wasn't because of my wanting to improve my chess abilities as I've pretty much been stuck in the 1000 rating mark. 🙂

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
18 Jan 15

Originally posted by Great Big Stees
The reason I have stayed here this long was mainly because of the people I've become friends with it certainly wasn't because of my wanting to improve my chess abilities as I've pretty much been stuck in the 1000 rating mark. 🙂
Thanks, Stees.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
18 Jan 15

2015 RHP Member Inventory (Inventory of *Reasons for Joining, Pages 1-13)

Originally posted by lolof (Page 8)
Reason for joining? My grandson wanted me to, he played a lot of chess then.

Originally posted by moonbus (Page 9)
Reason for joining: recruited by a neighbor.

Originally posted by redbadger
recruited by my SON

Originally posted by Ponderable
Reason for joining: Finding a different webchess site from the one I used before, where I was a member for about three years. Found it via a websearch.

Originally posted by redbadger
I was on Gameknot Chess it was rubbish.

Originally posted by Ponderable
That's true. The site I came from originally was named Atlantic Chess and is defunct now. I brought with me two more members, but thye ceased to play here years ago.

Originally posted by redbadger
my son /son in law and daughter are all on RHP

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
'correspondence chess, public forums, private clans and clubs': which do you still enjoy the most?

Originally posted by redbadger (Page 10)
well I have 30 games on some in tournaments so the forum comes second, I know I post a lot but that gives me time to think about moves.

Originally posted by Nick Bourbaki (Page 11)
I have been a member for 650 days. FMF is my dad.

Originally posted by *caissad4
3968 days for me.

Originally posted by moonbus
What I think about RHP, features, policies, and participants:

I play correspondence chess only at RHP and participate (occasionally) in forums. I'm not interested in blitz or clans. I played corr.chess decades ago (by post)--what a pain in the arse! I tried again in the 1980s via a very primitive email-based system (CompuServe) which led to many mis-typed moves and occasional disappointments, though the gamers were dedicated. RHP is a vast improvement over my previous experiences with corr.chess.

Friendliness of players: so far I have played 10 others. Not a bad apple in the lot, though some were more chatty than others. Depended a bit on me, too, I suppose.

Friendliness of forum participants: this is very variable, with some engaging me on PM quite cordially (which is not to say that we agree on all matters), whilst others seem intent on spewing out invective and vituperation.

Why I am not a paying member: the benefits don't interest me (I don't feel the need of playing more than the freebie-number of simultaneous games, I don't need or want an avatar-image, etc.).

Cost-worthiness: for a free service, this is amazing. The web interface works well (I don't use it from a mobile device, so I can't judge that aspect of it). The messaging, game archival/retrieval, and search functions, work reliably. No complaints about the GUI. Russ's willingness to accommodate user requests for special features is much appreciated. GreenPawn's blogs are great.

My one request: I'm vain enough to think that some of my published annotated games have helped a few players below my rating. I would appeal to some of the stronger players here (2000+) to annotate some of their games and make them publicly available. I'd like to learn not only from my own mistakes, but from others' successes as well.

Thanks for a great site, to all who contribute!

Originally posted by Fat Skier
I discovered this site after reading David Shenk's book The Immortal Game which pointed me to its website which in turn pointed me to here.

Originally posted by *!~TONY~!
4826 days.

Originally posted by Great Big Stees
I found out about this site from a friend who has not been active here for about 7+ years now.

Originally posted by Great Big Stees
The reason I have stayed here this long was mainly because of the people I've become friends with it certainly wasn't because of my wanting to improve my chess abilities as I've pretty much been stuck in the 1000 rating mark.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
18 Jan 15

]Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
2015 RHP Member Inventory (Page 8)

To: Schlecter: 701 Days; woadman: 51 Days; rookie54: 2,499 Days; NoEarthlyReason: 792 Days; redbadger: 216 Days; Ponderable: 3,550 Days; divegeester: 2,816 Days; HandyAndy: 3,032 Days; Great Big Stees: 3,695 Days; Sicilian Sausage: 3,795 Days; Fat Skier: 320 Days; Suzianne: 4,175; st dominics preview: 759 Days; ChessPraxis: 3,770 Days; wolfgang59: 2,773 Days; ale1552: 2,629 Days; moonbus: 956 Days; bbarr: 4,888 Days; mwmiller: 5,069 Days and lolof: 2,804 Days. Twenty members with a total of 49,390 Days or an average of 6.8 Years on the scene.

Additional Participants: Mammy Blue: 1579 Days; pawnpaw: 1,747 Days; onurtasan: 3,839 Days; Nick Bourbaki: 650 Days;

Part Three: Red Hot Pawn will celebrate its 14th Year in business as a viable online correspondence chess site [with public forums, private clans and clubs] on Saturday, February 21, 2015. It seemed apropos that we provide Russ with an insider inventory of the collective reasons why we joined and have remained active members as a representative site profile.

Timeline: To begin Tuesday, January 13 and completed within five weeks by Tuesday, February 17. Before Saturday, February 21, 2015, I'll post a summation of these intangible reasons and tangible site options and features, etc.

Request: Please focus on the thread's purpose and remain on topic. Part Four will follow one week from today. Thanks.

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby (Page 9)
"As long as members of the team of twenty one inventory takers continue to post to this thread their names will remain on the list until such time as it's updated to include additional members who wish to participate when it will be deleted."

Withdrawn from Participating: FMF;

Read a book!

23 Sep 06
18 Jan 15

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
]As long as members of the team of twenty one inventory takers continue to post to this thread their names will remain on the list until such time as it's updated to include additional members who wish to participate when it will be deleted.
How can they participate if it's deleted?

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
18 Jan 15

Originally posted by HandyAndy
How can they participate if it's deleted?
All Red Hot Pawn Members since February 21, 2001, are invited to participate in this inventory. FMF began by contributing to this thread and then decided to withdraw. What caused you to join and what options and site features do you enjoy most?


28 Oct 05
18 Jan 15

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
All Red Hot Pawn Members since February 21, 2001, are invited to participate in this inventory. FMF began by contributing to this thread and then decided to withdraw. What caused you to join and what options and site features do you enjoy most?
No you are mistaken Grampy Bobby, I just wanted you to leave calculating the number of days I'd been on the site to me, as your own OP suggested I should, and as I thought you doing it for me and then sort of justifying that in a peculiarly legalistic kind of way, was just you doing a rather odd sort of self-deprecating self-parody. I am still here posting on this thread. The stuff about 'how many days' is a bit silly, and your pedantic micro-managing is interesting. As with a lot of your control freak posting and demeanour, I wonder sometimes why you don't just start a blog so that you can really, really control, block, dictate and delete what people say. I joined the site because it's a chess site ~ I was even a subscriber for several years ~ but I don't enjoy online chess much anymore.


28 Oct 05
18 Jan 15

Originally posted by HandyAndy
How can they participate if it's deleted?
Why does "the team" of "inventory takers" have to be exactly [and only] twenty one", do you know?

Read a book!

23 Sep 06
18 Jan 15

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
All Red Hot Pawn Members since February 21, 2001, are invited to participate in this inventory. FMF began by contributing to this thread and then decided to withdraw. What caused you to join and what options and site features do you enjoy most?
Have you extended the invitation to all Red Hot Pawn members since February 21, 2001, or just the few who post here?


28 Oct 05
18 Jan 15

Why is moonbus' longish post, found only on the previous page (12) copy pasted again here on page 13?

Read a book!

23 Sep 06
18 Jan 15

Originally posted by FMF
Why is moonbus' longish post, found only on the previous page (12) copy pasted again here on page 13?
It's here in case you missed it the first time.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
18 Jan 15

Originally posted by HandyAndy
Have you extended the invitation to all Red Hot Pawn members since February 21, 2001, or just the few who post here?
"All Red Hot Pawn Members since February 21, 2001, are invited to participate in this inventory...
What caused you to join and what options and site features do you enjoy most?"

Read a book!

23 Sep 06
18 Jan 15

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]"All Red Hot Pawn Members since February 21, 2001, are invited to participate in this inventory...
What caused you to join and what options and site features do you enjoy most?"[/b]
Define enjoy.


28 Oct 05
19 Jan 15
2 edits

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]"All Red Hot Pawn Members since February 21, 2001, are invited to participate in this inventory... What caused [b]you to join and what options and site features do you enjoy most?"
I spent several years very active on the Debates Forum, but in more recent times I have mostly inhabited the Spirituality Forum where I find the behaviour of superstitious people very interesting, especially when the things that they claim to be true come under scrutiny in discussion and debate.

old pueblo

03 Apr 11
19 Jan 15

Originally posted by woadman
Is this to determine how many users are "active" ..I think I saw over 11,000 names on the list but many haven't made a move in years. This site could be "cleaned up" by deleting all those players from the list. The DeadBeats...
Some of those "deadbeats" have been reincarnated, some are our ancestors whose legacy must always be remembered. Then there are those who are more like herpes, whose names and memories come back from time to time to torture you.