2015 RHP Member Inventory

2015 RHP Member Inventory


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Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
12 Jan 15

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]2015 RHP Member Inventory

One: Check your site profile to verify the date you joined.

My site profile has the date I joined.
How do I verify it?

How did you verify yours GB?

rural North Dakota

31 Oct 07
12 Jan 15

Originally posted by redbadger
the longest member I am 6ft 2 inches, if you mean age its between GB & Andyandy
I have them beat by a few years.

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
12 Jan 15

Great idea getting people to do calculations for you, but why not
make it useful like a tax return?

Read a book!

23 Sep 06
12 Jan 15

Originally posted by ale1552
I have them beat by a few years.
You don't look a day over 60. 😉

rural North Dakota

31 Oct 07
12 Jan 15

Originally posted by HandyAndy
You don't look a day over 60. 😉
I can remember that year. I thought I was old.


28 Oct 05
12 Jan 15

Originally posted by wolfgang59
Couldn't you just wait another 45 days?
That would take a completely different kind of intellectual and emotional maturity and courage.

"The Guidelines: Help : forumguide

"Please demonstrate maturity and courage. There is clearly a subjective judgment to be made as to whether a post exhibits the correct kind of intellectual and emotional maturity and courage, and in the majority of cases the post will not be deleted unless it is considered to be disruptive to the thread and its participants."[/b]

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
12 Jan 15

Originally posted by ChessPraxis
3,770 days
Thanks, CP.

Cowboy From Hell

American West

19 Apr 10
12 Jan 15

Originally posted by redbadger
the longest member I am 6ft 2 inches, if you mean age its between GB & Andyandy
6 foot 4 inches
or did you mean standing up straight?

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
12 Jan 15

Web Review: Red Hot Pawn! Five Stars

"There are a large number of websites that allow you to play chess online. Some of them are free and some of them require a subscription service. Of course, if you decide to go the free route, you’ll be inundated with advertisements during play. When I started to take chess more seriously I wanted a correspondence-format chess website. I wanted a website that would allow me to make moves when I wanted, anywhere, anyplace, anytime. I didn’t want live chess, because that’s not so convenient to play at work or in the supermarket while grocery shopping. Some of my moves would need thinking about, and that could take a couple of days!

After a brief scurry around the Internet, I came upon Red Hot Pawn (RHP). RHP focuses on correspondence chess, and does it well. There is a micro-site that allows users to play blitz chess in real-time..."

"What do we think?

• Usability: 5
• Fun: 5
• Web experience: 5
• Mobile experience: 3.5
• Friendliness of other players: 5
• Cost-worthiness: 5

Total Score: 5"


Comment: Becoming a Member of Red Hot Pawn isn't a right;
it's a privilege not to be taken for granted. Thanks, Russ.


28 Oct 05
12 Jan 15

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
• Mobile experience: 3.5
A tad generous, I think. I ended up using a completely different facility to play chess on my phone.

Cowboy From Hell

American West

19 Apr 10
12 Jan 15

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]Web Review: Red Hot Pawn! Five Stars

"There are a large number of websites that allow you to play chess online. Some of them are free and some of them require a subscription service. Of course, if you decide to go the free route, you’ll be inundated with advertisements during play. When I started to take chess more seriously I wanted a corres ...[text shortened]... ber of Red Hot Pawn isn't a right;
it's a privilege not to be taken for granted. Thanks, Russ.[/b]
Funny you should pick that club, it's one on my bucket list.


28 Oct 05
12 Jan 15

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Comment:Becoming a Member of Red Hot Pawn isn't a right;
it's a privilege not to be taken for granted. Thanks, Russ.
I think your comment might be a bit fellatious. The site has over 424,000 members and about 400,000 of them haven't made a move in a year. I'd say it's mostly taken for granted, if not completely forsaken by the vast, vast majority of its members! 😀

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
12 Jan 15

Originally posted by FMF
That would take a completely different kind of intellectual and emotional maturity and courage.

"The Guidelines: Help : forumguide

"Please demonstrate maturity and courage. There is clearly a subjective judgment to be made as to whether a post exhibits the correct kind of intellectual and emotional maturity and courage, and in the majorit ...[text shortened]... st will not be deleted unless it is considered to be disruptive to the thread and its participants."
Originally posted by FMF
That would take a completely different kind of intellectual and emotional maturity and courage.

"The Guidelines: Help : forumguide

@ "Please demonstrate maturity and courage. There is clearly a subjective judgment to be made as to whether a post exhibits the correct kind of intellectual and emotional maturity and courage, and in the majority of cases the post will not be deleted unless it is considered to be disruptive to the thread and its participants."

Overview Help : forumguide

"The forum moderators' objective is to enable enjoyable forum usage. We want an environment where newcomers feel free to post to the forums without fear of being unfairly attacked and where posters don't feel overly-policed.

We want the Red Hot Pawn forums to be as open as possible. All moderation will be made using best-judgment and will never be used to stifle opinion, so long as such posts remain within the boundaries set out here.

Moderators have the ability to hide posts, hide threads, move threads to other forums, and place forum bans for varying periods of time on posters continually breaching the posting guidelines.

Please note that members of the community are encouraged to use the Alert Moderator link below any post which they believe breaches the guidelines set out here. This will place the post on the moderators' list of posts to review."

The Guidelines

"The following twelve points are the guidelines that should be followed when posting to the forums.

* Discussions in forums can often get heated, but while you may take issue with another poster's viewpoint, you must not resort to personal attacks or abuse. Do not post offensive or inflammatory remarks that stray beyond the bounds of reasoned debate. Calling another poster an "idiot" will leave a post subject to immediate removal.

* Do not post profanity. There may be occasions where the context of certain words may be acceptable, and this will be at the moderators' discretion, however posts containing profanity will often be removed automatically by the "robomod". There will be situations where it removes inoffensive posts, but this is unavoidable.

* Do not post material which is obscene, indecent or pornographic.

@ Please stay on topic. There is clearly a subjective judgment to be made as to whether a post strays off topic and in the majority of cases the post will not be deleted unless it is considered to be disruptive to the thread and its participants.

* While it is acceptable to post links to external articles and information, you may not use these forums for advertising or promotion of products or services or canvassing support for political parties or movements. You may post links to personal home pages, but repeated spamming of such links is not permitted.

* Do not make defamatory posts. While reasonable criticism of an individual or organization is not in itself libellous, any post that adversely affects the reputation of a clearly identifiable person or company is likely to be removed.

* Do not harass other members of the community. Harassment is any unwanted conduct including insults, jokes and any remarks affecting the dignity of another. Such conduct could relate to gender, race, nationality, sexuality, religion, disability or other similarly sensitive issues.

* Do not post information which invades the privacy of another individual, or the disclosure of which would breach an individual's reasonable expectation of confidentiality.

Any posts which are deemed to be incitements to commit criminal offenses, or any post which seeks to influence another to commit an offense will be removed.

Repeated posting of the same material (spamming) is not acceptable.
Overly trivial posts may be removed at the discretion of the forum moderators if they are deemed to be disruptive or distracting to the thread and its participants.

* Do not rant. Ranting is defined here as a style of post that comes across as a political broadcast or an angry protest that does little to progress the discussion or to involve other posters. Such postings often feel like an intrusion into the general debate, regardless of the validity of the points being made."
@ "Please edit quoted text responsibly. Making modifications which misrepresent the original post will result in a forum ban."

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
12 Jan 15

Originally posted by ChessPraxis
Funny you should pick that club, it's one on my bucket list.
Cool. lol


28 Oct 05
12 Jan 15

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
@ "Please edit quoted text responsibly. [b]Making modifications which misrepresent the original post will result in a forum ban."
Goodness gracious. Are you brandishing the threat of a forum ban against someone yet again? What for this time? How many times has it been in 2015 so far? 😵