Incomes relative to Religions in USA.

Incomes relative to Religions in USA.


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24 May 10
10 Sep 12

Originally posted by mikelom
“Income levels of America’s major religious groups compared to the average U.S. income distribution.
Over $100,000 per year:”

8% Black Christians
9% of Jehovah’s Witnesses
13% of Evangelicals
16% Mormons
16% Muslim
18% National Average
18% (Other)
19% Unaffiliated
19% Catholic
21% Christian (Mainline)
22% Buddhist
23% Christian (other)
28% ...[text shortened]... the USA...... ahum?

What say ye white American Christians about this diversive?

-m. 🙁
How about this bit of devilry -

"In the U.S. alone, says Emily Matthews of the World Resources Institute, every man, woman and child is responsible for the consumption of about 25 tons of raw materials each year.

Americans, while making up only four percent of the worlds population, operate one third of its automobiles. U.S. citizens consume one quarter of the worlds global energy supply.

Perhaps a more graphic example is that of the lowly quarterpound hamburger. To produce just one requires 1.2 pounds of grain to feed the cattle, and 100 gallons of water part of the hidden cost consumers never see."

or this...

"Here’s another stat that the Occupy Wall Streeters can hoist on their placards: The world’s millionaires and billionaires now control 38.5% of the world’s wealth.

According to the latest Global Wealth Report from Credit Suisse, the 29.7 million people in the world with household net worths of $1 million (representing less than 1% of the world’s population) control about $89 trillion of the world’s wealth. That’s up from a share of 35.6% in 2010, and their wealth increased by about $20 trillion, according Credit Suisse.

The wealth of the millionaires grew 29% — about twice as fast as the wealth in the world as a whole, which now has $231 trillion in wealth."

or this...

"The World Bank’s latest World Development Report, which focuses on gender equality around the world, offers some stark facts about how women and girls fare in developing countries despite decades of progress.

Wealth: Women represent 40% of the world’s labor force but hold just 1% of the world’s wealth.

Wages: Salaried women workers earn 62 cents for every $1 that men earn in Germany, 64 cents in India and about 80 cents in Mexico and Egypt. Women entrepreneurs fare far worse, earning 34 cents for every $1 men earn in Ethiopia and just 12 cents in Bangladesh relative to every $1 for men."

The greedy obscene rich unfair devils share their delightful karma with us all.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
10 Sep 12
2 edits

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Our publications are rarely about court battles, they are focused on helping people
overcome all manner of ills. It may yet come to print, I dunno, but I had never heard
of it, never heard of Candace Conti and never heard of Kendrick either. What we do
with our voluntary donations is our business, 10 million, while substantial could have
we ...[text shortened]... a rank and file member, even if you were
unaware of them, twelve years after they had stopped.
Your magazines might very well be about helping people 'overcome all manner of ills', i just find it extraordinary that you had never heard of this case until i brought i up. You'd think that an organisation which, is probably, going to have to settle multi-million dollar lawsuit with donated money might like to let the rank and file members know what is happening with such a large chunk of their money. Your suggestion that $10 million could have gone to good use is the biggest understatement of the week.

but as the brothers pointed out and you seem to forget, paedophilia is not a problem specific to Jehovahs Witnesses, its a societal problem, as we have been making people aware of through our publications.

I forget? What a load of nonsense, justify that statement if you will please.

You may well have been making people aware of the problem in your publications, but the WBTS has been found sadly lacking in how it deals with these problems within it's congregations. The 'two witness rule' is frankly one of the most absurd and anti productive policies i have ever come across in my life.

As for my chess club, if someone confesses to molesting a child or other such abuse i can assure you he/she will be dealt with by taking them to the appropriate authorities ie. the police. That's how you deal with these matters.


26 Aug 07
10 Sep 12
3 edits

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Your magazines might very well be about helping people 'overcome all manner of ills', i just find it extraordinary that you had never heard of this case until i brought i up. You'd think that an organisation which, is probably, going to have to settle multi-million dollar lawsuit with donated money might like to let the rank and file members know what is em to the appropriate authorities ie. the police. That's how you deal with these matters.
ok, hopefully this will be the last thing i will say to you on the subject also, for
believe me, it is becoming quite tedious to me, going over the same ground again
and again,

I spoke with the Gman, he had not heard of it either and he lives in America. Why
you find this astonishing I cannot say, as far as i can tell it was reported not very
widely in the British media, all i could find was an inaccurate portrayal of our beliefs
and the settlement in the Daily Mail, more of a comic than a newspaper and not
something i tend to read, ever. It appears that many atheistic, anti religious and
anti witness sites had more of an interest than us, but as I tend not to frequent
those sites it is not astonishing in the least that i had not heard of it. Also it was not
widely reported in the British media, except for internet sites which had some
motive, anti witness and anti religious or purely sensationalistic (The Daily Mail) etc
etc again its not surprising that i had not heard of it, not at all. I find it ultimately
ironic that the only real interest that is a taken in Jehovah witnesses is that when
they suffer a reversal of fortune as this case clearly indicates, had the congregation
won the case, there would have been little movement except the usual accusations
of big shot corporate lawyers against a victim as we have witnessed during this
thread also.

As for you statement of two witnesses or so called corroborative evidence it may
interest you to know that presently Scots law also requires corroborative evidence
before a charge can be brought. What you may or not be aware of is that
corroboration does not require two witnesses. What it does require is two or more
separate sources of evidence. This serves both as a protection to false accusation
and because people are fallible, make mistakes and is essentially a safeguard to
justice, otherwise, it comes down to my word against yours, you may find this article
interesting, i do.

The perpetrator in this instance was reported to the police, by both a member of his
immediate family and a sister in the congregation, as she had been counselled was
her right. Both the police and child protection services were also involved. If in
your chess club the same thing had happened, he was reported to police, police
conducted an investigation and he was not charged or jailed and allowed to return
on that basis, if he covertly abused another, without your knowledge and which
came to light only twelve years later, you would be held responsible as having been
complicit in that abuse, that is what this amounts to.

There are two victims in this case, Candace Conti and the honest, law abiding, hard
working and self sacrificing brothers of Fremont congregation. Once again, I repeat,
there has not been a shred of evidence that the congregation was negligent and if
you ever find any, let me know.


28 Oct 05
10 Sep 12

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
There are two victims in this case, Candace Conti and the honest, law abiding, hard working and self sacrificing brothers of Fremont congregation. I repeat there has not been a shred of evidence that the cocngregation was negligent and if you ever find any, let me know.
Well this is not what the court of law decided. The victim Candace Conti got some justice and the JW organisation was found to have been negligent and complicit in the abuse, as the verdict and the court transcripts show.


26 Aug 07
10 Sep 12

Originally posted by FMF
Well this is not what the court of law decided. The victim Candace Conti got some justice and the JW organisation was found to have been negligent and complicit in the abuse, as the verdict and the court transcripts show.
I have said all I need to say.


28 Oct 05
10 Sep 12

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I have said all I need to say.
Well that means your deflections and ad hominems will stop too. So that will be a definite plus for the discussion hereon in.


28 Oct 05
10 Sep 12

Originally posted by Proper Knob
You'd think that an organisation which, is probably, going to have to settle multi-million dollar lawsuit with donated money might like to let the rank and file members know what is happening with such a large chunk of their money. Your suggestion that $10 million could have gone to good use is the biggest understatement of the week.
Two thoughts:

[1] Let's hope this verdict gives heart to other victims to come forward now that the JW organisation's negligence and complicity has been established in a court of law.

[2] Let's hope the JW organisation looks at its policies with regard to child sex abuse and corporate secrecy, and reviews and revises them so as to ensure that such negligence and complicity is less likely to happen again.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
11 Sep 12

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
ok, hopefully this will be the last thing i will say to you on the subject also, for
believe me, it is becoming quite tedious to me, going over the same ground again
and again,

I spoke with the Gman, he had not heard of it either and he lives in America. Why
you find this astonishing I cannot say, as far as i can tell it was reported not v ...[text shortened]... a shred of evidence that the congregation was negligent and if
you ever find any, let me know.
One final note from me. That Galveston hasn't heard about this case is even more bizarre, you may be correct in that the media coverage hasn't been widespread but that is not what i'm referring to. Your organisation is run on donations from it's members right? If the WTBTS has to now settle a multi million dollar lawsuit with the donations of it's members, you'd think; well i would anyway, that the powers that be might like to inform those members what is happening with their money. A short statement letting people know what has happened and what will likely happen in the future, but maybe that's just me.


26 Aug 07
11 Sep 12
1 edit

Originally posted by Proper Knob
One final note from me. That Galveston hasn't heard about this case is even more bizarre, you may be correct in that the media coverage hasn't been widespread but that is not what i'm referring to. Your organisation is run on donations from it's members right? If the WTBTS has to now settle a multi million dollar lawsuit with the donations of it's member ow what has happened and what will likely happen in the future, but maybe that's just me.
When one pays taxes, its wrong to speak of the money as being the tax payers money,
its not the tax payers money, its the governments money. Its illustrated in accounting
terms when you put your money into a bank, when you deposit you money, you are a
creditor to the bank and the bank owes you the value of that money, it is no longer, in
accounting terms, your money, its the banks money which they promise to repay to
you. When we give our voluntary donations to help produce Biblical literature, etc etc ,
its no longer our money, we have given it to the WTBTS to further the preaching of the
good news of Gods Kingdom, to build Kingdom halls, for disaster relief etc etc, its not in
any real sense, our money, exactly the same as if you had donated it to a charity,
deposited it in a bank, or paid taxes with it. We trust the congregation that they will
really try to do the best they can and they do an excellent job. We probably spend
more than 10 million a month on paper, in the vast scheme of things, its peanuts.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
11 Sep 12
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
When one pays taxes, its wrong to speak of the money as being the tax payers money,
its not the tax payers money, its the governments money. Its illustrated in accounting
terms when you put your money into a bank, when you deposit you money, you are a
creditor to the bank and the bank owes you the value of that money, it is no longer, in
acc ...[text shortened]... obably spend
more than 10 million a month on paper, in the vast scheme of things, its peanuts.
Were you happy to find out about this court case the way you did, or would you have liked to the WTBTS to have made an announcement to it's congregations?

10 million a month on paper? What a waste of money and paper. 😞


26 Aug 07
11 Sep 12
2 edits

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Were you happy to find out about this court case the way you did, or would you have liked to the WTBTS to have made an announcement to it's congregations?

10 million a month on paper? What a waste of money and paper. 😞
It matters little either way to be honest, it was interesting reading the court transcripts
and it was also interesting and a little amusing reading the somewhat sensationalistic
claims of atheistic and anti witness sites, 'it will send the witnesses into Armageddon
mode'. Its not a waste of paper at all, every drug users, prostitute, gambler, alcoholic,
gangster that is able to turn their life around because of it, is worth every penny and
not a few atheists too 😛


28 Oct 05
11 Sep 12

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
It matters little either way to be honest, it was interesting reading the court transcripts
and it was also interesting and a little amusing reading the somewhat sensationalistic
claims of atheistic and anti witness sites, 'it will send the witnesses into Armageddon
As I said to Proper Knob, let's hope this verdict gives heart to other victims to come forward - and demand justice, like Candice Conti - now that the JW organisation's negligence and complicity has been established in a court of law.


26 Aug 07
11 Sep 12

Originally posted by FMF
As I said to Proper Knob, let's hope this verdict gives heart to other victims to come forward - and demand justice, like Candice Conti - now that the JW organisation's negligence and complicity has been established in a court of law.
I read what you said, why you feel it needs repeating to me, i cannot say.


28 Oct 05
11 Sep 12

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I read what you said, why you feel it needs repeating to me, i cannot say.
Because it's revealing that you don't want to be seen to be concurring with me.


26 Aug 07
11 Sep 12
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
Because it's revealing that you don't want to be seen to be concurring with me.
Dude, I wouldn't be seen dead near you 🙂