Prayreading the Word

Prayreading the Word


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Walk your Faith


24 May 04
21 Jun 16

Originally posted by Rajk999
My comment was about crooked pastors who pretend to have HS gifts.
I made no comment about disagreeing with what scripture said about HS gifts.
Neither am I going to make one, in case you did not figure that out.
It is difficult to know what you think for all I know you believe everyone who makes that claim is lying.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
21 Jun 16

Back to prayreading the word.
Back to prayreading.

I have showed that at the beginning of His ministry, Jesus "ate" the word of God.

At the end of His portion of ministry which concluded at His cross, there He also prayed with the word of God.

" And in the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama saabachthani? that is, My God, My God why have You forsaken Me? (Matt. 27:46)

In an agony of pain from man and judgement from God Jesus cried out with the very words of Scripture. He prayed out in crying from the very words of Psalm 22:1.

David had centuries before penned down the words under divine inspiration -

"My God, my God why have you forsaken me ? " (Psalm 22:1a)

Wasn't that the Son of God praying with the words of Scripture? I think it definitely was.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
21 Jun 16
1 edit

Originally posted by Rajk999
And I will repeat my answer:

Claims of Holy Spirit gifts. ... CLAIMS

CLAIMS ... People make false claims. That has been proven and demonstrated.

Sometimes you talk like you live in a hole somewhere and totally oblivious to the corrupt, greedy, selfish and false side of Christian leaders and pastors.
We got it the first time, and we were disgusted by it the first time, too.

Again, when you claim that we (other Christians) do not follow Christ, you are implying that you do. And yet you can type out this kind of hateful diatribe about your Christian brothers, once again proving you show them no love, as Jesus himself commanded that we do. So you do NOT follow all of Christ's commandments. And so you are a hypocrite.

Stop judging us. That is exactly what you are doing. You don't know us and you have exactly ZERO idea of what being a Christian means to us, yet you stand back with your fake holier-than-thou judgement of us.

So please spare us your 'righteous indignation'. You're nothing but a common hypocrite.


26 Aug 07
21 Jun 16

Originally posted by Suzianne
We got it the first time, and we were disgusted by it the first time, too.

Again, when you claim that we (other Christians) do not follow Christ, you are implying that you do. And yet you can type out this kind of hateful diatribe about your Christian brothers, once again proving you show them no love, as Jesus himself commanded that we do. So you do N ...[text shortened]... us.

So please spare us your 'righteous indignation'. You're nothing but a common hypocrite.
gee that was predictable.


28 Oct 05
21 Jun 16

Originally posted by Suzianne to Rajk999
So you do NOT follow all of Christ's commandments. And so you are a hypocrite. Stop judging us. That is exactly what you are doing.
Isn't judging Rajk999 also exactly what you are doing?

16 Feb 08
21 Jun 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
interrogation trolling? seen it and the repeats a million squillion times
Avoiding addressing someone's legitimate question ~ seen it a million times.



04 Apr 04
21 Jun 16

Originally posted by KellyJay
It is difficult to know what you think for all I know you believe everyone who makes that claim is lying.
You should determine for yourself who is lying and who is not.



04 Apr 04
21 Jun 16
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
Isn't judging Rajk999 also exactly what you are doing?
Im sure it is plain to see for everyone who can read, that I discuss doctrine and teachings I dont discuss individuals and personalities. Peoples personal lives and whether or not they follow Christ commandments are not known to me and I dont go there, I dont ask, neither do I care about such things. I would not answer personal questions either.

Mostly Checkbaiter and Sonship hold the view that Christ commandments are not critical and essential to eternal life as Jesus himself said. They water it down into something along the lines that it is useful or it is important or it is nice to follow them, or even that Christians would automatically follow Christ. Checkbaiter and Sonship quite probably do follow Christ and that is good, however my beef is that they do not preach Christ the way Christ and the Apostles preached Christ.

Some here do not have the ability to discern the difference between discussing doctrine and discussing people. They jumble it all into one in their confused little minds. What I suspect is the cause of this deficiency is a guilty conscience. So I say if the shoe fits they can feel free to wear it.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
21 Jun 16
1 edit

Originally posted by Rajk999
Im sure it is plain to see for everyone who can read, that I discuss doctrine and teachings I dont discuss individuals and personalities. Peoples personal lives and whether or not they follow Christ commandments are not known to me and I dont go there, I dont ask, neither do I care about such things. I would not answer personal questions either.

Mostly ...[text shortened]... this deficiency is a guilty conscience. So I say if the shoe fits they can feel free to wear it.
Do not lie! You did indeed judge those that you were talking about below to say otherwise
is a lie. I was asking about scripture you repeated your judgment on those that you dislike.

"Claims of Holy Spirit gifts. ... CLAIMS

CLAIMS ... People make false claims. That has been proven and demonstrated.

Sometimes you talk like you live in a hole somewhere and totally oblivious to the corrupt, greedy, selfish and false side of Christian leaders and pastors."



04 Apr 04
21 Jun 16
1 edit

Originally posted by KellyJay
Do not lie! You did indeed judge those that you were talking about below to say otherwise
is a lie. I was asking about scripture you repeated your judgment on those that you dislike.

"Claims of Holy Spirit gifts. ... CLAIMS

CLAIMS ... People make false claims. That has been proven and demonstrated.

Sometimes you talk like you live in a hole some ...[text shortened]... ally oblivious to the corrupt, greedy, selfish and false side of Christian leaders and pastors."
I pity you and your lack of understanding.

I condemn those pastors and leaders who are confessed crooks and shysters or who have been caught redhanded committing acts of depraved evil eg stealing money from the churches, having sex with church members and minors, claiming to have gifts of the HS etc etc. There are many such cases out there and this is public knowledge. Just that you are very uninformed.

I know of nobody;s personal life on this site so I have not condemned anyone for not following the commandments of Christ. I condem the doctrine and the teaching that following these commandments are not essential for eternal life.

I have said this to you dozens of times but your head cannot seem to process it.

Standard memberRemoved

08 Dec 04
21 Jun 16

Originally posted by Rajk999
Im sure it is plain to see for everyone who can read, that I discuss doctrine and teachings I dont discuss individuals and personalities. Peoples personal lives and whether or not they follow Christ commandments are not known to me and I dont go there, I dont ask, neither do I care about such things. I would not answer personal questions either.

Mostly ...[text shortened]... this deficiency is a guilty conscience. So I say if the shoe fits they can feel free to wear it.
So do you think I am naive? I have seen your religious doctrine hundreds of times from religious hypocrites.
Christ's words are INDEED essential to life, you just don't have a deep enough understanding of them. You try to please God like the Pharisee's.
They were so deep into their religious efforts they couldn't honestly see themselves and how God and everyone else saw them..



04 Apr 04
21 Jun 16

Originally posted by checkbaiter
So do you think I am naive? I have seen your religious doctrine hundreds of times from religious hypocrites.
Christ's words are INDEED essential to life, you just don't have a deep enough understanding of them. You try to please God like the Pharisee's.
They were so deep into their religious efforts they couldn't honestly see themselves and how God and everyone else saw them..
This is a clear example of being judgmental to me as an individual, and you and others here do this constantly. You are telling me how I live and act personally

I do not do that with others here as I do not claim to know how people live and act.

I focus on doctrine of Christ and the preaching of this doctrine.

Not interested in anything else.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
21 Jun 16

Originally posted by Rajk999
This is a clear example of being judgmental to me as an individual, and you and others here do this constantly. You are telling me how I live and act personally

I do not do that with others here as I do not claim to know how people live and act.

I focus on doctrine of Christ and the preaching of this doctrine.

Not interested in anything else.
The fact that ONLY humans claim to teach the words of Christ is suspicious in the extreme.

To me it points to the obvious: No god or deity made religions, only men.

The thing is men can be very pursuasive and creative, we don't need a god to come up with pithy sayings. You do that enough over centuries and you will have more material than you can put into one book. The council at Nicea proved that, whittling down pithy sayings from a thousand authors over the past few thousand years to comply with the political directives of the people running the show.

So we lost the version of the book of Judas where he is told by Christ he has to be the one to 'betray' him, instead the alternate story is told where Judas is forever a pariah, betrayal for money.

There is 2 separate versions of the same myth yet Judas the betrayer is the one the politicians chose.

MEN chose that book, not some deity.

Men also WROTE all those books, no need for a deity.

The scam has worked wonderfully, now counting billions of the ones duped by this scam, where there is conveniently, original sin, jealous gods (anthropomorphising god so humans could relate to it, regardless of what a real god would be like)
God saying a man is worth 50 shekels but a woman only 30.
Then there are the apologists saying what they think god meant by all that when in fact all that was just written by men which scammed the entire planet, billions of duped fully believing a god loves humans so much it will make an infinite amount of space available for all the trillions of those who died, come back to life and live forever in some man made heaven.

Of course, people from 10,000 years ago would be left out, not having heard the precious word and also tribes hidden from most of mankind living their lives for the past 2000 or more years never hearing this precious word even now. All out of the club.

Like a real god would set up such a system where religions are at each other's throats for centuries on end. Oh yeah, it is the DEVIL you claim that started all those bad religions. Only MY religion is true.

That just proves my point, it's all 100 % man made where just so conveniently the top echelon gets all the best food, transport, women, medicines, houses and of course, money. All the best for top dogs, the rest gets dregs.

Tell me a god would set up such a system.

A god. Let's see, claimed to be omniscient, knows everything about the universe since it MADE the universe, knows the past and future of all atoms, all people, all aliens and such from the beginning to the end of the universe, yet it was necessary for that god, knowing the outcome of any event, had to set up tests for Eve, which just conveniently she failed, thus putting women on the second tier with men just accidently on top.

So why would such a god need to set up such a test in the first place if it already knew the outcome and could have just called Eve second fiddle from day one.

Same with Abraham, his test, kill your son if you believe in me.

Well this god would have known full will Ab would have offed his son, so in the middle of the act just before the sword struck, NO AB, stop, I believe you. You love me.

Like it didn't know that a million years earlier in our time frame.

That is what HUMANS would write, HUMANS need tests so now GOD does tests.

So humans write in a religion that just so happen to need special people to tell the word, rather than a god just going, ok humans, here is the deal.....

Oh, you don't think a god to be capable of talking to every human on Earth in it's own language?

Not much of a god if it couldn't. Especially since it was supposed to be the one who called the universe and us into being.

SCAM SCAM SCAM SHAME on the SCAM. It keeps humans from maturing, keeps us in religious wars for century after century, in century 20 alone, over a hundred million dead in wars and religious conflict and other atrocities, but not a word about all those deaths from a deity.

So it is clear that ten times that number could also die with no word from a deity as to the atrocities that would cause that many deaths.

So it is clear a hundred times that number could die and also no word, to tsk tsk tsk from your god, but wait, that would be every human on the planet dies and still no god steps in and says enough already, OOPS, too late. Oh well, I have some ideas for an intelligent spider that I have designed to come along in another ten million years or so. Hope they don't screw up the planet like the last bunch........


10 Apr 12
21 Jun 16

Originally posted by sonship
There is nothing basically wrong with going from door to door to tell people about the Gospel. Going from house to house to preach the Gospel is good.

Going from house to house to preach [b] false teachings
about Jesus Christ is not good.[/b]
(Romans 14:4) Who are you to judge the servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for Jehovah can make him stand.


10 Apr 12
21 Jun 16

Originally posted by divegeester
I am not denying that you go from house to house; your activities on the doorstep are well documented. I'm pointing to what you say, not how you go about it.

I'm also pointing to your success rate which indicates that the activities are not particularly effective and therefore not blessed or anointed as the disciples you compare yourselves with were.
Sorry you don't see the truthfullness of what we preach. It is from the Bible and therefore the same as what the Apostles taught. We too were part of what the Christian church has bwecome until diligent Bible study freed us from wrong ideas.
Jehovah's Organization is blessed in many ways.
There are now over 8 million members.
Bible literature is now translated in over 750 languages in harmony with
(Revelation 14:6) And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare to those who dwell on the earth, to every nation and tribe and tongue and people.
You are entitled to your own opinion. We hope you go beyond what has been handeed down to you. (see telephone game)