ethics and legality

ethics and legality


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st johnstone

14 Nov 09
15 Dec 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Haha Roma tea Jenny, no self control, like Crusty from one extreme to the other, no balance! no moderation just a prohibition banner to keep out your demons.
you clearly have a alcohol problem
you clearly have a cheating problem

your doctor can help with problem number 1
site admin can help with number 2

simple solutions
1 cut back drinking alcohol
2 remove collusion points

easily fixed

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
15 Dec 16

Originally posted by roma45
in the continuous drunken state he must actually believe some of the drivel he posts
he will never know the damage he has done to this site, made RHP a laughing stock ruined the clan system for a year at least plus with his minions sand baggers ruined many tournaments and made players not renew their subscriptions all year gloating and boosting
, the once r ...[text shortened]... h reputation in tatters. what a sad spiteful little man

hey robbie have another drink loser

I believe you are 100% correct. Kudo's to you for spelling it out like it REALLY IS!!!


11 Nov 14
15 Dec 16
1 edit

Originally posted by Very Rusty

I believe you are 100% correct. Kudo's to you for spelling it out like it REALLY IS!!!

Not quite, rusty

I do believe it is AN alcohol problem

Also, give your mate a nudge. It is Thursday now. I am not at all surprised by his lack of, well, anything. Think he promised a 'surprise'

More evidence of clear lying by a proven liar. Oh, you know the drill.

Ps Kudo's??

Pps by 'mate' I do not mean your partner/wife. I mean bully boy. Just to clarify

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
15 Dec 16
2 edits

Originally posted by Blood On The Tracks
Not quite, rusty

I do believe it is AN alcohol problem

Also, give your mate a nudge. It is Thursday now. I am not at all surprised by his lack of, well, anything. Think he promised a 'surprise'

More evidence of clear lying by a proven liar. Oh, you know the drill.

Ps Kudo's??

Pps by 'mate' I do not mean your partner/wife. I mean bully boy. Just to clarify

Are you confused?

Or are you having a few brews?

Which is it?

Could it be the brown spot on the tip of your nose that needs wiping?

Or, have I misunderstood what you were saying?


11 Nov 14
15 Dec 16
1 edit

Originally posted by Very Rusty

Are you confused?

Or are you having a few brews?

Which is it?


neither, rusty

think YOU are addled from the rot gut you imbibed in the 70s

anyways, say goodbye to your chums from me

when I was away, haven't missed it

will close the door on the way out

oh, you added the 'brown nose' bit while I was typing

the irony!

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
15 Dec 16
1 edit

Originally posted by Blood On The Tracks

neither, rusty

think YOU are addled from the rot gut you imbibed in the 70s

anyways, say goodbye to your chums from me

when I was away, haven't missed it

will close the door on the way out

oh, you added the 'brown nose' bit while I was typing

the irony!

Don't get your panties all in a ruffle. Just playfully pulling on your chains a little. 😉

I have buddies?

My Bad!


11 Nov 14
15 Dec 16
1 edit

Originally posted by Very Rusty

Don't get your panties all in a ruffle. Just playfully pulling on your chains a little. 😉

My Bad!

oh, that's fine, rusty

did I say 'buddies'? 'chums' are different. more, erm, supperficial. be careful.

I know you are a nice guy, really

au revoir

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
15 Dec 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Teaching time!

The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.' But wisdom is proved right by her deeds."! - Matthew 11:19

Better watch out those Pharisaical tendencies Startreader you might end up as cynical as the Crusty one.
"Beware of false prophets"

Translation: robbie is a piece of crap

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
15 Dec 16
1 edit

Originally posted by Blood On The Tracks
oh, that's fine, rusty

did I say 'buddies'? 'chums' are different. more, erm, supperficial. be careful.

I know you are a nice guy, really

au revoir

I have learned a long time ago not to take anything said seriously on here. Some love to hear/see themselves talk, some love to argue, like me some like to pull chains. 😉


master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
15 Dec 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
yeah a cheat that broke no rules, bwahaha, what a lamebo skulking around in the shadows with a chick name hanging around like a bad smell.
That sounds like the robbie story to me.

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
15 Dec 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Vespin is a poet and an inspiration, a hero and the leader of the illustrious revolution! Peace be upon him for a thousand years!
He is a lecherous conspirator who is as big a cheat as you are.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
15 Dec 16

Originally posted by shortcircuit
That sounds like the robbie story to me.
Yes, IF only he would stop repeating the same thing over and over. He sometimes sounds like a parrot, in my humble opinion. So does FMF in my humble opinion. Everyone has an opinion... 😉



07 Feb 09
15 Dec 16

Originally posted by Very Rusty
Yes, IF only he would stop repeating the same thing over and over. He sometimes sounds like a parrot, in my humble opinion. So does FMF in my humble opinion. Everyone has an opinion... 😉

He's not sounding like a parrot when it comes to responding to the 10 clan challenges I sent him.

He's looking more like a mime.
His mouth moves but nothing comes out !! 😀

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
15 Dec 16

Originally posted by mghrn55
He's not sounding like a parrot when it comes to responding to the 10 clan challenges I sent him.

He's looking more like a mime.
His mouth moves but nothing comes out !! 😀

LOL...Now that is funny!!


Fun, fun fun!!

On the beach

26 Aug 06
15 Dec 16

Originally posted by mghrn55
He's not sounding like a parrot when it comes to responding to the 10 clan challenges I sent him.

He's looking more like a mime.
His mouth moves but nothing comes out !! 😀
That's cause he's sucking on a Lemon !!!!