Mctayto tournament games hard fought

Mctayto tournament games hard fought


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Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
28 Mar 19


This is because if your rating goes down because you resign one game, it means you get an easier opponent next clan game.

I agree with everything you just posted... except this. If the clan leader is a lazy sob and just matches people up based on rating, sure. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of hearing clan leaders here bitching about other clans 'sandbagging', and then going right ahead and offering another clan a challenge based strictly on rating. Some of the clan leaders are not stupid, and inspect every challenge and try to bounce back a challenge based on the past records of the players (i.e. their real playing ability) instead of just rolling over and accepting fraudulent ratings. And then 'clueless clan leader' either bounces your corrected challenge back because it looks unbalanced because they are lazy and going by rating only, or think they can pull one over on you. This happens ALL the time. This is a major reason why the majority of clans here support sandbagging for themselves while claiming that others' sandbagging is 'bad'. And it's even worse than that. Since this kind of activity is so prevalent here, even new clans start off by thinking "this is the way it's done." And the cycle continues.


07 Feb 09
29 Mar 19

@suzianne said

This is because if your rating goes down because you resign one game, it means you get an easier opponent next clan game.

I agree with everything you just posted... except this. If the clan leader is a lazy sob and just matches people up based on rating, sure. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of hearing clan leaders here bitching about other clan ...[text shortened]... nt here, even new clans start off by thinking "this is the way it's done." And the cycle continues.
I hear where you are coming from.
My point is that a player's rating can not be manipulated if he/she plays clan games only.
Because usually a player loses one game, then wins the next one with a lower rating against an easier opponent.
The formula is in the FAQ's.
If 2 players with identical rating play.
The winner goes up 16 points, the loser down 16 points.
Now if the loser plates an opponent next game against an equally matched opponent, he/she gets those 16 points back.
If a player loses, say, 5 games in a row, then their rating drops 80 points, theoretically.
But then they also hurt their clan.

Now a player decides to use tournament games for his losses and wins most of his clan games.

That's how someone like Mctayto, while in lemondrop's clan has won 3 times as many clan games as he has lost while keeping his rating at around 1100.
Because he uses tournament games to keep his rating down.
I've put this on the table in front of Lemondrop.
His response so far has been to hurl insults.

I've been a clan leader for 7 weeks.
One things I have seen is matchups full of opposing players with current ratings 300 points below their personal bests.
Players like this are everywhere.
And they don't cheat. Players have ups downs.
I know I do.
A good clan leader recognises this.
A good clan leader does their homework.
They look at the opposing players.
The tools are provided by site clan feature.

That's why shortcircuit was so good.
He did his homework. He even kept an eye on his own players.
He monitored their game load.
He knew when his own players got timed out.
And then other clan leaders accuse shortcircuit of cheating.
Shortcircuit didn't cheat.
He was just that Damm good !!

Lemondrop doesn't have to do that kind of homework when it comes to Mctayto.
He knows his 1100 rating is fake.
He just has to set the matchups.
And then sit back and call other clan leaders failed leaders.

But I digress.
Yes. You and I are on the same page here.
Other clan leaders point the finger at somebody else when they didn't do their homework.
You are exactly right in that regard.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
29 Mar 19

@mghrn55 said
I hear where you are coming from.
My point is that a player's rating can not be manipulated if he/she plays clan games only.
Because usually a player loses one game, then wins the next one with a lower rating against an easier opponent.
The formula is in the FAQ's.
If 2 players with identical rating play.
The winner goes up 16 points, the loser down 16 points.
Now if th ...[text shortened]... e finger at somebody else when they didn't do their homework.
You are exactly right in that regard.
And I agree with you in that separating clan rating and personal, or tournament, rating is best. Too many use the tournament system to lower their rating for clan games.

And if the system allows cheating, then that's not a reason for trashing the system, but it IS a reason to do due policing, and trash the cheaters.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
29 Mar 19

And while we're on the subject of McTayto, I want to double down on the concept that The Misfits will not be entertaining any challenges from clans who don't respect the system by having McTayto in their clan. I had to turn down a challenge just this week from Popeye the Sailor Clan because they let McTayto in their clan. Sorry, guys, it just ain't happening until you dump the cheater. Russ wants the clans to do their own policing? Well, this is where it starts. We refuse to play ANY clans who let McTayto join them. Integrity IS important.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
29 Mar 19

@suzianne said
And while we're on the subject of McTayto, I want to double down on the concept that The Misfits will not be entertaining any challenges from clans who don't respect the system by having McTayto in their clan. I had to turn down a challenge just this week from Popeye the Sailor Clan because they let McTayto in their clan. Sorry, guys, it just ain't happening until you dump ...[text shortened]... is where it starts. We refuse to play ANY clans who let McTayto join them. Integrity IS important.
Well said, A thumbs up from me on that!!!


Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
29 Mar 19
1 edit


I agree with what you said in your post on this page. I played years ago in rated tournaments in a Chess Club. The powers that be at that time said that a rating 200 points up or down was a fair challenge.

I believe people are manipulating their ratings playing tournament games to lower their rating and it is being done by more than just Mctayto. People have been doing this for many, many years! Having said that Mctayto takes it to the extreme playing 400-500 points below his true rating. The Majority of players don't take advantage by doing that.

Perhaps the ONLY answer is having seperate ratings for Clan rating & tournament rating. This was brought forward years ago but was not implemented. I personally would like to see it happen!


st johnstone

14 Nov 09
29 Mar 19

@very-rusty said

I agree with what you said in your post on this page. I played years ago in rated tournaments in a Chess Club. The powers that be at that time said that a rating 200 points up or down was a fair challenge.

I believe people are manipulating their ratings playing tournament games to lower their rating and it is being done by more than just Mctayto. People have ...[text shortened]... brought forward years ago but was not implemented. I personally would like to see it happen!

Great idea...after mcgayto booted (again) plus any clan leader who used the cheat.

But russ has previously said it cant be done dont see what the problem is... get separate rating for clubs

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
29 Mar 19

@roma45 said
Great idea...after mcgayto booted (again) plus any clan leader who used the cheat.

But russ has previously said it cant be done dont see what the problem is... get separate rating for clubs
I am hoping he will re visit the idea. You're right I completely forgot club ratings can be used to do the same thing!




18 Apr 10
29 Mar 19

@suzianne said

This is because if your rating goes down because you resign one game, it means you get an easier opponent next clan game.

I agree with everything you just posted... except this. If the clan leader is a lazy sob and just matches people up based on rating, sure. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of hearing clan leaders here bitching about other clan ...[text shortened]... nt here, even new clans start off by thinking "this is the way it's done." And the cycle continues.
A related point to the lazy clan leader subject(which I agree with by the way) is that a lot of leaders simply do no read the forums(especially this one) and so don't know the reputations of Mctaytyo and others.
I suspect a lot of leaders set up clans with the best of intentions and then get bored with the laborious process of trying to set up challenges and so when a challenge comes along they just accept it and get on with something they consider more important.They know they are not going to feature on the first page of the net points clan list so why bother?
This is food and drink to the sandbaggers of course.
Perhaps we should try to set up a thread titled "clan advisor" and post ratings based on integrity.
But then again who would look at it?


31 May 12
30 Mar 19
1 edit

@venda said

Perhaps we should try to set up a thread titled "clan advisor" and post ratings based on integrity.
But then again who would look at it?
How about setting up clans based on integrity.

14 Mar 15
30 Mar 19

@moonbus said
How about setting up clans based on integrity.
Cough, cough, The Misfits.



santa cruz, ca.

19 Jul 13
30 Mar 19
1 edit

@ghost-of-a-duke said
Cough, cough, The Misfits.

I'm not sure
you have a leader that is so full of herself
self describes herself as eye candy, petite with a black belt in whatever
to me this is someone a bit insecure and she trolls me
I'm sure there is a lot more compliments made by her to herself over the thousands of words posted but it would be such a bore to find them
you'll soon tire of her and her constant descriptions of herself
unless you were one of her two failed engagements of which she posted for all to enjoy
yep she's a doozy

or maybe you were her date she talked about having
again, who spills their guts like she does?


07 Feb 09
30 Mar 19

@lemondrop said
I'm not sure
you have a leader that is so full of herself
self describes herself as eye candy, petite with a black belt in whatever
to me this is someone a bit insecure and she trolls me
I'm sure there is a lot more compliments made by her to herself over the thousands of words posted but it would be such a bore to find them
you'll soon tire of her and her constant des ...[text shortened]... y

or maybe you were her date she talked about having
again, who spills their guts like she does?
While you're posting drivel in a thread about Mctayto tossing games, perhaps you'd like to comment on the proven cheat you recruited to your clan.

There are half a dozen clans who might be interested in what you have to say.
I'm not interested any more.
I'm just having fun making you wish you could crawl back under your rock. πŸ˜›


santa cruz, ca.

19 Jul 13
30 Mar 19

@mghrn55 said
While you're posting drivel in a thread about Mctayto tossing games, perhaps you'd like to comment on the proven cheat you recruited to your clan.

There are half a dozen clans who might be interested in what you have to say.
I'm not interested any more.
I'm just having fun making you wish you could crawl back under your rock. πŸ˜›
I recruited
he's eligible to play
I don't vet
the door is open to anyone to join
and he is doing just fine
and you come across as a big wuss
the only thing you could make me wish for is some itch cream


31 May 12
30 Mar 19

@lemondrop said
I recruited
he's eligible to play
I don't vet
the door is open to anyone to join
and he is doing just fine
and you come across as a big wuss
the only thing you could make me wish for is some itch cream
Not vetting being the operative verb there.