69% of new jobs? Working for government.

69% of new jobs? Working for government.


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Democracy Advocate

23 Oct 04
1 edit

@averagejoe1 said
Or, you seem to say your parents don't need it, and thus the govt could use it elsewhere?
Yes. Government uses it 'elsewhere' anyway. See above.

In the past, when old people tended to be poorer, maybe the SS system as structured made more sense. Today, old people are on average richer than young people.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@spruce112358 said
Ummm... you know that's not what happens with your SS payments, right? They don't go into a government IRA with your name on it which earns interest for 60 years "to be given back in your old age." 🙂

Those funds are immediately borrowed by government and spent and a large note with "don't worry, you'll get an annuity one day" written on it is placed there instead.
...[text shortened]... ). But don't worry... to pay you in your old age, US GOV can always raise taxes on younger people...
Yes did not intend to go in the weeds here, either. And certainly in our country's financial shape, it is due to run out in a few years. Won't affect the elderly now, but you young'uns best get a' holt of your Dem spenders and try to right that ship. Or be sure your kids are self sufficient , self-reliant

Democracy Advocate

23 Oct 04
1 edit

@averagejoe1 said
Yes did not intend to go in the weeds here, either. And certainly in our country's financial shape, it is due to run out in a few years. Won't affect the elderly now, but you young'uns best get a' holt of your Dem spenders and try to right that ship. Or be sure your kids are self sufficient , self-reliant
Brother, the weeds is where I LIVE! 😀

You see a pair of eyes, staring' at you outta the weeds - that's me!

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@spruce112358 said
Brother, the weeds is where I LIVE! 😀

You see a pair of eyes, staring' at you outta the weeds - that's me!
My days don't give me much free time, you and Trmphouse read and write on.

Pawn Whisperer

My Kingdom fora Pawn

09 Jan 19

@averagejoe1 said
Are these 'real' jobs? My granny would call that Pulling Yourself Up By Your Own Bootstraps!

Though most industries added jobs last month, hiring was mainly concentrated in three categories: Healthcare and private education, leisure and hospitality and government accounted for nearly 69% of the hiring. In addition, construction companies added a solid 39,000 jobs.
The long-standing liberal dream.. Half the country on welfare, and half working for the government.

libs love that schizzle. Oh, and eat the wealthy!!

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@earl-of-trumps said
The long-standing liberal dream.. Half the country on welfare, and half working for the government.

libs love that schizzle. Oh, and eat the wealthy!!
Note that they WILL NOT answer my question,,,,,If you kill the rich, who will...well, fill in the blanks, there are a lot of blanks. Shav is the main not-answer guy, then there is Trumphouse.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04

@shavixmir said
Did she write that whilst inning her social security check?

The hypocrite.
Can you explain the supposed so called hypocrisy shag doody.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03

@averagejoe1 said
Who wants to ‘take SS away from them?’
The entire alt-right, who else?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
1 edit

@spruce112358 said
Yes. Government uses it 'elsewhere' anyway. See above.

In the past, when old people tended to be poorer, maybe the SS system as structured made more sense. Today, old people are on average richer than young people.
You fail to realize not all old people are rich. There is a sizable percentage of elderly people in America whose lives depend on SS and Medicare.

Your time would be better spent railing about the Republicans wanting to gut it and take it right out of Grandma's hands. Do you want Grandma eating cat food because it's all she can afford? Bitch about the Republicans stiffing Grandma to pay for Trump's tax cuts for the actual wealthy.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@suzianne said
You fail to realize not all old people are rich. There is a sizable percentage of elderly people in America whose lives depend on SS and Medicare.

Your time would be better spent railing about the Republicans wanting to gut it and take it right out of Grandma's hands. Do you want Grandma eating cat food because it's all she can afford? Bitch about the Republicans stiffing Grandma to pay for Trump's tax cuts for the actual wealthy.
Before your tired old arguments that we want to abandon old people, can you give us an answer to the pesky question above,,,,for Shav? He opened the door, but will not explain what he would do if all the rich are done away with. No more rich, get rid of the rich.
IF they are gone, where will people find jobs and buy things that are presently produced by the wealthy,,,,,,the wealthy who got wealthy filling the needs of the people. Can you build a car or a computer? Do you agree with Shav to stifle the rich??

Democracy Advocate

23 Oct 04

@suzianne said
You fail to realize not all old people are rich. There is a sizable percentage of elderly people in America whose lives depend on SS and Medicare.

Your time would be better spent railing about the Republicans wanting to gut it and take it right out of Grandma's hands. Do you want Grandma eating cat food because it's all she can afford? Bitch about the Republicans stiffing Grandma to pay for Trump's tax cuts for the actual wealthy.
I do not 'fail to realize it.'

I'm saying my parents did not need these payments, and they should have gone to someone who did need them. There are many other older people who I think, grudgingly, would also admit this.

Raising taxes is actually not going to be enough to balance our budget and address the debt. There must also be very deep cuts in spending across the board - defense, non-defense, SS, Medicaid, Medicare.

The interest on our debt will soon be our largest budget item. That's insane, and a violation of the rights of future generations.

So cut off my SS. I don't need it (fingers crossed).

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@spruce112358 said
I do not 'fail to realize it.'

I'm saying my parents did not need these payments, and they should have gone to someone who did need them. There are many other older people who I think, grudgingly, would also admit this.

Raising taxes is actually not going to be enough to balance our budget and address the debt. There must also be very deep cuts in spending across t ...[text shortened]... olation of the rights of future generations.

So cut off my SS. I don't need it (fingers crossed).
Sue and her lot identify illegal immigrants as 'people who need' payments from the government, so you see, that lot is quite broad. The billions that they, and Biden, are costing, is not worth the extra votes which that money curries for the democrats. That money is billions, which could help our citizens 'who need' the money.

Democracy Advocate

23 Oct 04

@averagejoe1 said
Sue and her lot identify illegal immigrants as 'people who need' payments from the government, so you see, that lot is quite broad. The billions that they, and Biden, are costing, is not worth the extra votes which that money curries for the democrats. That money is billions, which could help our citizens 'who need' the money.

"No, migrants do not receive $2,200 each month from the federal government"


Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
1 edit

It's not the likes of YOU and your buddies wanting to kill medicare and SS, it is your fascist orange antiChrist would be dictator who wants to do that, he has announced that so called 'policy' several times a week on TV. Also pulling out of NATO, the greatest bulwark against Russian aggression for 75 years now, X45 wants to pull out and turn the US isolationist. Didn't work out so well the last time that experiment in terror was tried, around 1920. Funny how political acts like that repeats every hundred years or so like epidemics, same time frame, "Spanish Flu" and 'Covid'.
But of course you could care less about history or the result of the isolationist movement a century ago, I also doubt you even HEARD of it much less give a rats ass as to the consequences.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
1 edit

I guess you forget the US was BUILT by immigration. Chinese, Irish building our infrastructure 200 years ago, European immigrants building business, bringing wealth to the US. Yeah, can't have THAT kind of thing, making the US the powerhouse it is today, Yep, immigrants poison the blood of America. And YOU fukking believe it.