Can each of us have diff version of American dream?

Can each of us have diff version of American dream?


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Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

What are you going to do or say if by some horrible thing T is reelected and he turns out to be the dictator bent on only revenge for those whom he thinks wronged him and zero in the way of policy except maybe another tax cut bribe to the ultrawealthy and starts using our military to quell peaceful protests and starts caging twice as many children in cages, I guess all that would be perfectly fine with you, no more democracy and a dictator running things, banning even more books, prosecuting women for going to a free state for abortions. Would you be ok with that. And 'it will never happen like that is not the premise' The thing is what IF that happens, how would you respond?

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@sonhouse said
What are you going to do or say if by some horrible thing T is reelected and he turns out to be the dictator bent on only revenge for those whom he thinks wronged him and zero in the way of policy except maybe another tax cut bribe to the ultrawealthy and starts using our military to quell peaceful protests and starts caging twice as many children in cages, I g ...[text shortened]... never happen like that is not the premise' The thing is what IF that happens, how would you respond?
Honestly, I would hate him for all the right reasons. You, Trumphouse, hate him for all the wrong reasons. ‘Nuff said, I guess. You libs can’t fathom a guy (me) reassessing a situation and coming up with a position 180 degrees different than before. You one-track people don’t have it in you.
Thanks for setting me up to show everyone yet another difference in radical libs and calm conservatives.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
1 edit

I really like responding to your posts that are so wordy, exhaustive and so detailed, in a way that I do not have to mention or recite or restate what you have typed in your voluminous post.
I have given you a sensible, easy to understand response without all of that. Pretty cool.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
1 edit

You hate Trump for all the RIGHT reasons? You mean your hatred towards Trump is not about how much of a criminal he is but what is left? His lack of morality? His juvenile behavior throwing food against the wall at the WH when he WAS POTUS?
Tell me what IS the "RIGHT" way to hate Trump?
Serious question, why do you continue to ACT as though Trump is above the law? You say one thing and do another supporting Trump no matter how gross or how ugly he becomes.

Democracy Advocate

23 Oct 04

@sonhouse said
Tell me what IS the "RIGHT" way to hate Trump?
Lol. Sonnets?


Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

A poem that begins "I hate thee, let me count the ways''......
Less than average Joe1 replies "Those are not the RIGHT ways to hate Trump''.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@sonhouse said
You hate Trump for all the RIGHT reasons? You mean your hatred towards Trump is not about how much of a criminal he is but what is left? His lack of morality? His juvenile behavior throwing food against the wall at the WH when he WAS POTUS?
Tell me what IS the "RIGHT" way to hate Trump?
Serious question, why do you continue to ACT as though Trump is above the law? You say one thing and do another supporting Trump no matter how gross or how ugly he becomes.
The question could make for a fun thread. One right reason I could ‘hate’ him is not getting the Wall built in 4 years. Or for spreading himself too thin and taking his eye of the sparrow. Thinking with his small head has been no picnic. I hate him for that. A lot of extraneous stuff that distracted him, his mind is always in overdrive……like Biden’s.
I do find it hilarious how you like to judge him about his business deals gone south. You know nothing about business, I know of a ‘person’ who bought a business with the total intent of bankrupting and reorganizing. It’s business. You’ve heard that phrase…

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@sonhouse said
A poem that begins "I hate thee, let me count the ways''......
Less than average Joe1 replies "Those are not the RIGHT ways to hate Trump''.
You hate him personally. I love my doctor for saving my dog’s life, but I hate him personally for being like Mr Scrooge. You hate him because he is, what,,,,,not like you?

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

Maybe it depends on the hater?
Losers would hate him for NOT paying off their loans. Suezperson would hate for not giving her free contraceptives.
So it could be a mixed up thread……….hating him for not doing things. Hell I hate Biden for having his nighttime CPap impressions on his cheeks. What would Kim and Xi think?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
1 edit

I have zero reason to hate Trump. I hate his ACTIONS, that is, he wants to be a dictator, he wants to regain power for a couple of reasons having nothing to do with us citizens, he wants power again to stop this legal thing he is embroiled in and he wants revenge on all he thinks wronged him.

He will use his POTUS power not for common good but for revenge pure and simple, one person I imagine him going after, well maybe two comes to mind, the MSNBC crew talking heads, Racheal Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell, both telling the truth about the crimes of Trump and making no bones they want him in prison.

Lawrence was in the courtroom when Trump evil eyed him, causing a ruckus on the media, they all said it was not a good thing for Trump to openly show hatred like he positively did against O'Donnell.

His people told him so and the next day there was no such display and media folks were looking for it but were disappointed.

And no family there except one day Eric showed up and that was it.
And ONE rabid supporter outside, giving very rude gestures, she was not a nice person and that was all Trump had in the way of support.

YOU want him to be the next POTUS again but it looks like a BUNCH of his former supporters have split the scene.

It will get to be a stampede if he is convicted of a few felonies and his goose will be thoroughly cooked even if he gets probation and wears an ankle bracelet.

So you better pray for a hung jury or some such, a hung jury will probably take the next date in court for the same offense past November and he will be riding high if he wins and makes most of that stuff go away. I don't think he can stop ALL the state charges though. Time will tell. First he has to win and THEN do his squashing deal and revenge. Maybe after a few years of revenge he might even get around to passing laws helping people, but don't hold your breath.

If he succeeds in becoming a dictator you can count on several things happening, total ban on abortions and FUK the woman, she can die, the bitch can't keep her legs shut and banning even more books and then squashing our right to free assembly, no more protests unless you want to end up like protesters do in Russia or Iran.

So you and I and every other American will have a very bleak future if your god is reelected.

Democracy Advocate

23 Oct 04

@AverageJoe1 said
You hate him personally. I love my doctor for saving my dog’s life, but I hate him personally for being like Mr Scrooge. You hate him because he is, what,,,,,not like you?
Hating Trump
So in 2016, my entire knowledge of Trump was that he had a cameo in 'Home Alone 2' and that he was in the casino business. I had never heard him speak (the good 'ol days, right?) I was out of the country from 2003-2012 so I never saw the Apprentice, although I did a few episodes of the UK version. It was OK.

Trump was like Paris Hilton to me - famous for something, but unclear what. Such people do not hold my interest.

The first time I sat bolt upright re: Trump was in a debate when he said 'You'd be in jail,' to Hillary Clinton.

You see, in America's history, that has never happened. No Presidential candidate has ever EVEN AS A JOKE threatened to imprison their political rival. Never. It is so off-the-charts as a warning sign - I stood there, open-mouthed. It was like someone saying, "Well, as President, I would abolish Congress." HUH?!? It's not a joke because that's the sort of thing that happens in OTHER countries. That's the behavior that wrecks democracy. It's completely un-American. These are the words of a proto-dictator. "WTF does this guy think he is? That's disqualifying." I was a little bit concerned.

Then he won, and followed a bunch of weird activity: trying to repeal Obamacare - failed. Trying to ban Muslims from entering the country - failed. Trying to Build a Wall - failed. Cozying up to dictators? YUCK! No! The only laws Trump managed to pass were to increase the deficit by giving the wealthy a huge tax break and making it easier to pollute, both of which actions I disagree with. He did very little that I agreed with except tariffs on China - Biden has left those in place. China has always been a currency manipulator and deserves the occasional punch in the face.

Then came the 2020 election and he lost, which was fine with me.

George Washington left office voluntarily and gracefully after 2 terms, setting a precedent that was followed for over 140 years. He was called 'the American Cinncinatus' after the old Roman who was granted powers during a crisis, and then afterwards, laid down his authority and went back to his farm. I HUGELY admire any leader who relinquishes power voluntarily: Nelson Mandela, who could have been President as long as he wanted but chose not to be. Gorbachev is another example.

Leaving office voluntarily or when the people say is a sacred concept to me. It is holy.

We know the whole story of what Trump did to try to stay in office, what he tried to do, and what he continues to try to do. THAT'S when I started to hate Trump with a white-hot flame.

ALL Americans who love their country passionately hate Trump for trying to overthrow our democracy. Anyone who says otherwise is blind or un-American, or both.


31 May 12
4 edits

You hate him for not getting the wall built in 4 years. Ok, let's discuss that.

Congress controls the purse. The president can set the general agenda, but he has no authority to compel the American tax payer to pay for it. Congress alone decides where the money goes. Trump failed to persuade Congress to pay for the wall, his signature campaign promise. So he did an endrun around Congress and misappropriated military funds to build ... how many miles was it? Less than 500, and at horrendous expense. What an absurdity. A president is not a king who rules; he governs with consent of the governed. Trump failed miserably to govern, failed miserably to garner consent; that indicates a failure of leadership. A real leader would have built up bi-partisan support for his agenda. What did he do instead? He wasted his entire presidency inflaming mistrust and polarisation, not only in Congress, but on the streets and in the minds of America. "Stand back and stand by" -- what a crap president.

Democracy Advocate

23 Oct 04

@moonbus said
You hate him for not getting the wall built in 4 years. Ok, let's discuss that.

Congress controls the purse. The president can set the general agenda, but he has no authority to compel the American tax payer to pay for it. Congress alone decides where the money goes. Trump failed to persuade Congress to pay for the wall, his signature campaign promise. So he did an endrun ...[text shortened]... but on the streets and in the minds of America. "Stand back and stand by" -- what a crap president.
Lol. No, I'm no fan of the wall. I guess that didn't come across.

For a long time, I didn't like Trump but everyone said, "Oh you just hate Trump." They used it as a debate-ending comment.

I agree with you that he is either the worst or second worst President in history (qv. Andrew Johnson). But I don't "hate" Andrew Johnson.

Then Turnip crossed the line. He tried to overthrow MY government. He got with Roger Stone and Steve Bannon and tried to execute a bunch of "dirty tricks" - and even sent a mob to the Capitol - to try to break the rules and stay in office.

Now I hate him. Passionately.

And people (not you) still say, "Oh you just hate Trump," and walk away from debates.



31 May 12
2 edits

Personally, I think the man is repulsive. But that is not the issue. I don't think he is fit for high office. It has nothing to do with his building a wall or inhibiting immigration from predominantly Muslim countries or giving tax cuts to the obscenely wealthy or imposing import tariffs on Chinese products.

Trump's idea of being president is: 'I tell everybody what to do and then they have to do it. If they don't, I fire them.' Well, that's one way to run a company, but not how one governs a free nation. And Trump just doesn't fit the role.

What Trump never understands about anything is that liking him is not the issue. It never is, but he makes it the issue. If judges render verdicts according to law, and Trump doesn't like the verdicts, he attributes it not to the rule of law, but to judges not liking him personally ('I'm a victim of persecution' ). If the VP certifies an election result, as is his duty under law, Trump interprets it as Mike Pence not liking him personally. If a nation does not vote the way he wants it to vote at the UN, he does not understand this as that nation's policy, he interprets it as the head of state of said nation not liking him personally. He has no comprehension of the rule of law or of executing policy. Everything is about him personally. That is a serious character flaw in a person who holds high office. And that is why I think he is unfit for high office, regardless whether I like him personally.

Democracy Advocate

23 Oct 04

@moonbus said
Personally, I think the man is repulsive. But that is not the issue. I don't think he is fit for high office. It has nothing to do with his building a wall or inhibiting immigration from predominantly Muslim countries or giving tax cuts to the obscenely wealthy or imposing import tariffs on Chinese products.

Trump's idea of being president is: 'I tell everybody what to do ...[text shortened]... fice. And that is why I think he is unfit for high office, regardless whether I like him personally.
Totally agree. Unfit.

"What Trump never understands about anything is that liking him is not the issue." Extreme, what some have diagnosed as malignant, narcissism.