Latest Biden Threat to Democracy

Latest Biden Threat to Democracy


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Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@sonhouse said
Again with distraction. You cannot directly answer any question about your orange anti Christ.
But, wait,,,,,I just asked you what Biden said at the funeral, and you did not answer.

Democracy Advocate

23 Oct 04

@averagejoe1 said
Just his little hop-skip (which biden imitates, and faeries love) gives him away....'watch me be cool and cute and athletic', etc. is enough
So he is the ultimate of narcissistic.
Obama is narcissistic because of the way he walked? Hmmmm... what else ya got?

Democracy Advocate

23 Oct 04

@averagejoe1 said
Did you once say you are a libertarian? I say that you are not.
I am still a minarchist and a libertarian. I am not a Libertarian Party member any more. I am registered Independent and will vote Democratic for the foreseeable.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

I don't care what Biden said. TRUMP is the narcissist and the adults in the room know that full well. But you of course will just do your desperate distract BS, YEAH? BIDEN is the narcissist.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
2 edits

@spruce112358 said
Obama is narcissistic because of the way he walked? Hmmmm... what else ya got?
You are right, I left out some stuff. His fake speech to make him loo like he he is struggling for right words, to make us all lean forward to hear what he is 'about' to say. He is all show. He laps it up.
Then there is this. The next one mentioned his cute little 'watch me' self-importance walking. No one walks like that . He is a caricature of himself.

Urban Dictionary › define
A preoccupation with fantasies of pure or unlimited power, beauty, "authenticity", intelligence, love and so on. Has an urgent need for praise. A tendency to ...

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Urban Dictionary › define
1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents while minimizing failures, expects to be recognized as superior without ...

Oh my goodness........I didn't know he has a personality disorder.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

But of course for you your religious leader X45 orange anti Christ is TOTALLY sane, able to face any consequence, he knows all about altruism, only interested in helping his fellow man. Of course, women, Grab 'em by the pussy. You can't make this shyte up.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
1 edit

@spruce112358 said
I am still a minarchist and a libertarian. I am not a Libertarian Party member any more. I am registered Independent and will vote Democratic for the foreseeable.
Y0ur memberships (personal) are irrelevant in an anonymous forum. Even Sue knows that. But what is interesting is, that regardless of man-made parties, etc, you are telling the forum that you, an entity on the forum for discussion purposes, (so that we will better converse) believe in Libertarian principles.

So here is Spruce in a nutshell....forget his affiliations, Ihave never bored you with mine.

Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and political freedom, emphasizing equality before the law and civil rights to freedom of association, freedom of speech, freedom of thought and freedom of choice.

For the record, there is nothing in there about bothering the hell out of other people and confiscating their monies and property. So, discuss, is he indeed a libertarian? Or we can get Sonhouse to discuss Covid. And Trump!!

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@sonhouse said
But of course for you your religious leader X45 orange anti Christ is TOTALLY sane, able to face any consequence, he knows all about altruism, only interested in helping his fellow man. Of course, women, Grab 'em by the pussy. You can't make this shyte up.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

BOO? Oh you mean your orange anti Christ never said grab 'em by the pussy? I guess you figure that kind of talk just shows how much of a MAN your religious leader is.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@sonhouse said
BOO? Oh you mean your orange anti Christ never said grab 'em by the pussy? I guess you figure that kind of talk just shows how much of a MAN your religious leader is.
I'd been over locker-room talk with you before, I'd thought you got it. I've done it, all normal guys do it. Not faerie types, of course. Don't you even tell lewd jokes? Like, a couple lives in the country, she is snapping beans and knitting on the porch. Husband walks by with a sheep in tow, says "This is the pig I sleep with when you are not around." She scrunches her lips and says in a mean tone...."That's not a pig, that is a sheep!!!!", and goes back to snapping beans.
HE says,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," I wasn't talking to you.".
Locker room stuff, that may lead from one joke to another, slang, surly references, men just do that, Sonhouse. You shlould maybe hang around a locker room, high school or college or the YMCA, and get a feel for it. Then you may not find Trump to be so irregular. It's a start.

Democracy Advocate

23 Oct 04

@averagejoe1 said
Y0ur memberships (personal) are irrelevant in an anonymous forum. Even Sue knows that. But what is interesting is, that regardless of man-made parties, etc, you are telling the forum that you, an entity on the forum for discussion purposes, (so that we will better converse) believe in Libertarian principles.

So here is Spruce in a nutshell....forget his affiliations ...[text shortened]... ty. So, discuss, is he indeed a libertarian? Or we can get Sonhouse to discuss Covid. And Trump!!
You did say this: "Did you once say you are a libertarian? I say that you are not."

So if the answer was irrelevant, why ask?

Anyway - there are broadly speaking, two types of libertarians: minarchists (small government OK) and anarchists (Taxation is Theft!)

The Dallas Accord of 1974 fused those two groups into an uncomfortable alliance which became the Libertarian Party. The motivating idea was that minarchy was an early stage while anarchy was the final stage of "getting rid state domination of the individual," so these differing philosophies could work together.

But they can't, for the following reason.

Liberatarian anarchists accept only one obligation: they must not violate the rights of others. BUT they don't feel they have an obligation to PROTECT the rights of others.

Libertarian minarchists accept both obligations: respect others rights AND protect others rights. Two obligations, not one.

Doesn't sound like much, but the minarchist then agrees that to discharge his obligation to protect the rights of others, he has to pay taxes and form a government. Not a huge government. Just enough of a government that protects the rights of all individuals equally.

And from that slight difference... arises this funny thing we call 'civilization.'

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
1 edit

@spruce112358 said
You did say this: "Did you once say you are a libertarian? I say that you are not."

So if the answer was irrelevant, why ask?

Anyway - there are broadly speaking, two types of libertarians: minarchists (small government OK) and anarchists (Taxation is Theft!)

The Dallas Accord of 1974 fused those two groups into an uncomfortable alliance which became the Liberta ...[text shortened]... duals equally.

And from that slight difference... arises this funny thing we call 'civilization.'
Who protects whose rights? Please elaborate. A nice post, by the way. Thumb up.

PS: please change your avatar. I thought I was reading Trumphouse, and was astounded, like he had turned the corner.

Democracy Advocate

23 Oct 04

@averagejoe1 said
Who protects whose rights? Please elaborate. A nice post, by the way. Thumb up.

PS: please change your avatar. I thought I was reading Trumphouse, and was astounded, like he had turned the corner.
We are all obligated to protect one another's rights equally.

In theory, we could have a system where, every time there is a crime, we form a posse and ride off after the bad guys. That gets a little hard to explain to your boss though, after the 4th or 5th time. But note that jury duty is exactly this concept.

So we have chosen a different way - arguably more efficient. We will all contribute taxes to be used to then pay certain individuals to spend 100% of their time on rights protection: police, judges, governors, dog catchers - etc.

Then we can go back to our day jobs, remembering of course that WE PAY those people to protect all our rights equally so they better do that! They are not our "rulers." They are our employees.

My avatar: I won't be here that long. Then you can go back to freely yelling at sonhouse.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
1 edit

@spruce112358 said
We are all obligated to protect one another's rights equally.

In theory, we could have a system where, every time there is a crime, we form a posse and ride off after the bad guys. That gets a little hard to explain to your boss though, after the 4th or 5th time. But note that jury duty is exactly this concept.

So we have chosen a different way - arguably more effi ...[text shortened]... loyees.

My avatar: I won't be here that long. Then you can go back to freely yelling at sonhouse.
I am obligated to protect your rights!??!?!? I have a 'duty of care' to you? No, I don't. (lightweights on the forum think I am being personal, but you know that 'you' means other people besides me). Could be that guy over at table #3 in Starbucks. I have a duty to him? Could you PLEASE elaborate on that one.
Now, the rest of your post is a given, we all pay taxes for universal care and protection provided by those whom our representatives hire. Then, we go back to our day jobs.
I can't believe how bland your post is, it adds nothing. Except, please tell us about our obligations to protect the rights of a neighbor who lives down the street, or a guy that I see in a subway car.
You seem to be dancing around something here.

Edit: What do you mean by 'protect one another's rights 'EQUALLY"?

Democracy Advocate

23 Oct 04

@averagejoe1 said
I am obligated to protect your rights!??!?!? I have a 'duty of care' to you? No, I don't. (lightweights on the forum think I am being personal, but you know that 'you' means other people besides me). Could be that guy over at table #3 in Starbucks. I have a duty to him? Could you PLEASE elaborate on that one.
Now, the rest of your post is a given, we all pay t ...[text shortened]... dancing around something here.

Edit: What do you mean by 'protect one another's rights 'EQUALLY"?
Calm down - it goes both ways. I have to protect your rights, too. So does the guy on the subway.

How? Not by taking a bullet for you. lol. By helping define what all our rights are (e.g. voting for reps) and by paying taxes to protect those rights.

If this were not the case, if I just had an obligation to behave myself, I could choose not to pay taxes - what need? I'm a good guy. I could define 'my rights' according to my personal preferences and act as sovereign over my 5 acres or whatever I have. Any obligatory taxes imposed by "the state" would literally be theft.

Look, the theoretical justification for why we pay taxes is not something most people spend a lot of time worrying about. Most people just accept that being an adult member of society has obligations. End of discussion.