Latest Biden Threat to Democracy

Latest Biden Threat to Democracy


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Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@spruce112358 said
Calm down - it goes both ways. I have to protect your rights, too. So does the guy on the subway.

How? Not by taking a bullet for you. lol. By helping define what all our rights are (e.g. voting for reps) and by paying taxes to protect those rights.

If this were not the case, if I just had an obligation to behave myself, I could choose not to pay taxes - what need? ...[text shortened]... t. Most people just accept that being an adult member of society has obligations. End of discussion.
Not the end of the discussion by a longshot. You are slithering away. There is no way in the world that I am responsible for other people, with one exception, and that is to pay taxes. Since that has always been the case, your post is meaningless. It is always the same old same old with you liberals.
Spruce is not going to tell us what he meant, because he didn’t know what he meant. I think he is saying that we protect each other’s rights by paying taxes. I think I told my five-year-old that a few months ago during a little tutelage session. Stand up now. Where is your sunscreen. Will someone else jump in and settle this matter, since he will not. This is another typical post that I kid about saying winning, but I really do win this post. Slam dunk.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

Yet another post with absolutely nothing of note to say. Keep 'em coming.

Democracy Advocate

23 Oct 04

@averagejoe1 said
Not the end of the discussion by a longshot. You are slithering away. There is no way in the world that I am responsible for other people, with one exception, and that is to pay taxes. Since that has always been the case, your post is meaningless. It is always the same old same old with you liberals.
Spruce is not going to tell us what he meant, because he didn’t kno ...[text shortened]... s is another typical post that I kid about saying winning, but I really do win this post. Slam dunk.
LOL. 'End of discussion' for most people, not this debate.

I never slither.

So we agree - you are responsible for protecting other people's rights and to discharge that obligation you pay taxes. And that has always been the case.

It's not meaningless at all. It's VERY IMPORTANT (I put that in ALL CAPS to impress you with how IMPORTANT it is.)

Stop telling me what I am going to do. As the line goes in 'Casablanca': "He is a difficult customer, that [Spruce]. One never knows what he'll do or why."

I always say exactly what I mean. Except when I exaggerate for effect. Which is a rhetorical device, totally uncalled for and quite unforgivable for a gentleman to do in polite company. Except when it works.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@spruce112358 said
LOL. 'End of discussion' for most people, not this debate.

I never slither.

So we agree - you are responsible for protecting other people's rights and to discharge that obligation you pay taxes. And that has always been the case.

It's not meaningless at all. It's VERY IMPORTANT (I put that in ALL CAPS to impress you with how IMPORTANT it is.)

Stop telling me ...[text shortened]... y uncalled for and quite unforgivable for a gentleman to do in polite company. Except when it works.
"We are obligated to protect one another's rights equally'.
Those are your words, and then you say we have to pay taxes.

That is two different things. Word salad. And, I have no obligation to protect the rights of someone. You are oriented in mob-speak, everyone is your brother?, everyone is not everyone's brother. Dependents and independents, in the same society, are hardly obligated to protect the rights of each other. When I see dependents coming, I cross to the other side of the street.


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04

@averagejoe1 said
"We are obligated to protect one another's rights equally'.
Those are your words, and then you say we have to pay taxes.

That is two different things. Word salad. And, I have no obligation to protect the rights of someone. You are oriented in mob-speak, everyone is your brother?, everyone is not everyone's brother. Dependents and independents, in the same society ...[text shortened]... ect the rights of each other. When I see dependents coming, I cross to the other side of the street.
Someone, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF SANITY, drag this sorry arsed republikunt moron out of here, shoot him, butcher him and feed him to the fukking dogs.

I can’t stand his fukking nonsensical existence anymore.

Democracy Advocate

23 Oct 04
1 edit

@averagejoe1 said
"We are obligated to protect one another's rights equally'.
Those are your words, and then you say we have to pay taxes.

That is two different things. Word salad. And, I have no obligation to protect the rights of someone. You are oriented in mob-speak, everyone is your brother?, everyone is not everyone's brother. Dependents and independents, in the same society ...[text shortened]... ect the rights of each other. When I see dependents coming, I cross to the other side of the street.
You are such a funny guy!

OK, maybe you never KNEW why you were paying taxes before. You just did it because your mommy and daddy told you to. That's fine. No shame in that.

You are paying to protect that homeless guy down the street from Donald Trump. And protecting Donald Trump from the homeless guy. And Donald Trump is paying (well... SHOULD be paying) to protect you from the homeless guy. And the homeless guy from you. And himself from you. And ...

You see now? It's a giant web of mutual obligation. And that's what we call 'civilization.'

EDIT: And you might well ask "But why?" Good question. The reason is that we can all SAY that we have rights - but rights mean nothing unless they are protected. Mutually - in all directions - all at once.

"That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,..." And funded by your, and my, and Donald Trump's tax dollars. Voila. Brilliant, ain't it?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

Wow, you actually figured out those WERE two different things. You have AMAZING insight.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@shavixmir said
Someone, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF SANITY, drag this sorry arsed republikunt moron out of here, shoot him, butcher him and feed him to the fukking dogs.

I can’t stand his fukking nonsensical existence anymore.
Be fair, Shav. This poster has said that we are 'obligated' to 'protect' one another's 'rights'.
Shav, are you obligated to protect my rights?

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@spruce112358 said
You are such a funny guy!

OK, maybe you never KNEW why you were paying taxes before. You just did it because your mommy and daddy told you to. That's fine. No shame in that.

You are paying to protect that homeless guy down the street from Donald Trump. And protecting Donald Trump from the homeless guy. And Donald Trump is paying (well... SHOULD be paying) to protec ...[text shortened]... overned,..." And funded by your, and my, and Donald Trump's tax dollars. Voila. Brilliant, ain't it?
You are a juggler with 3 too many balls in the air.
So, yeah, we all know and pay taxes, and breathe air. A given, why do you type it. Now along comes Sue girl, who pays taxes, turns on her computer, and sees your line that she is obligated to protect AverageJoe1.
Not a pretty sight!!!!

Sure, discussion closed

Democracy Advocate

23 Oct 04

@averagejoe1 said
You are a juggler with 3 too many balls in the air.
So, yeah, we all know and pay taxes, and breathe air. A given, why do you type it. Now along comes Sue girl, who pays taxes, turns on her computer, and sees your line that she is obligated to protect AverageJoe1.
Not a pretty sight!!!!

Sure, discussion closed
🙂 She is. And you, in turn, have to protect her rights.

Stick with me, kid. I won't lead you astray.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
1 edit

My granny just asked, would you make a statement like that if sitting in an office break-room with your friends. Just out of the blue, 'you know, we are obligated to protect each other,....equally,,, guys.' They may look quizzically at each other, or, one nerd might say,,,,'uh, do you mean our taxes which fund the fire department, things like that? But that is already the case;, are you saying that there is some different concept in play? What do you mean?"

And some people don't pay taxes. Are they obligated to protect my rights? Asking for granny.

Democracy Advocate

23 Oct 04

@averagejoe1 said
My granny just asked, would you make a statement like that if sitting in an office break-room with your friends. Just out of the blue, 'you know, we are obligated to protect each other,....equally,,, guys.' They may look quizzically at each other, or, one nerd might say,,,,'uh, do you mean our taxes which fund the fire department, things like that? But th ...[text shortened]...
And some people don't pay taxes. Are they obligated to protect my rights? Asking for granny.
I never delve into libertarian minarchist political philosophy in the break room. It never ends well...

Democracy Advocate

23 Oct 04

@averagejoe1 said
And some people don't pay taxes. Are they obligated to protect my rights?
GD anarchists... they are. They just won't admit it!

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@spruce112358 said
I never delve into libertarian minarchist political philosophy in the break room. It never ends well...
Does a guy who does not pay taxes have an obligation to another to protect his rights? Appears this matter has not been resolved. Can it not end well?

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@spruce112358 said
GD anarchists... they are. They just won't admit it!
One must sense sense itself.