Things You'd Like to Know

Things You'd Like to Know


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Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
17 Aug 15

Originally posted by FMF
A: It helps me to address the question of whether I've stopped beating my wife.

Q: Is the extraordinarily large prison population in the US in part the result of the ego and demagoguery of politicians?
A. It keeps the number of police shootings down.

Q. Anyone like the new NZ flag shortlist?


28 Oct 05
17 Aug 15

Originally posted by wolfgang59
A. It keeps the number of police shootings down.

Q. Anyone like the new NZ flag shortlist?
A: Excellent. What a large choice! And so many solid contenders. I like the white fern on the black background, but I think it could be construed as a Vegetarian Pirate flag.

Q: Mourihno was in the wrong about his touchline doctor, wasn't he?

14 Mar 15
17 Aug 15

Originally posted by FMF
A: Excellent. What a large choice! And so many solid contenders. I like the white fern on the black background, but I think it could be construed as a Vegetarian Pirate flag.

Q: Mourihno was in the wrong about his touchline doctor, wasn't he?
A. The special one is never wrong.

Q. Halloween will soon be with us. What will you dress up as this year?

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
17 Aug 15

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
A. The special one is never wrong.

Q. Halloween will soon be with us. What will you dress up as this year?
A. As a Ghost. [lol]

Q. What is the meaning of reverse engineering in both its literal and figurative sense?


28 Oct 05
18 Aug 15

Originally posted by Great Big Stees
Q: Do you or have you ever, worn contact lenses?
A: No. In fact I've never given it serious consideration.

Q: Why do some people literally find it creepy to look into the eyes of someone who has changed their eye colour using contact lenses?


28 Oct 05
18 Aug 15
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
Q: Do dogs have a better understanding of God than some humans, and if so, what is that understanding?
A: I'll leave this one for Suzianne to answer.

Q: What do unowned street cats who hang around outside humans' houses think of cats who have adopted humans and moved into their homes?


28 Oct 05
18 Aug 15

Originally posted by lolof
Q: What does retirement mean to you?
A: The opportunity to read more books than I do at present.

Q: "Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose, And nothin' ain't worth nothin' but it's free". To what extent is this true?

16 Feb 08
18 Aug 15

Originally posted by FMF
A: Excellent. What a large choice! And so many solid contenders. I like the white fern on the black background, but I think it could be construed as a Vegetarian Pirate flag.

Q: Mourihno was in the wrong about his touchline doctor, wasn't he?
A. It depends on whether the referee called her onto the pitch or not. If he didn't, then Jose was right in thinking them naive. But either way he was wrong to call them on it publicly.

Q. Should overweight people be made to pay more for their flight?


28 Oct 05
18 Aug 15

Originally posted by divegeester
Q. Should overweight people be made to pay more for their flight?
A: Perhaps, if they are given a non-standard larger seat, but not - I think - on account of the different amount of weight the plane has to carry.

Q: How many serious vehicular accidents have you been in?


28 Oct 05
19 Aug 15

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Q. Halloween will soon be with us. What will you dress up as this year?
A: I will, as ever, dress as myself: shorts, no shirt, bare feet.

Q: The automobile ~ people owning their houses aside ~ is the most expensive thing that most people own during their lifetimes by a fairly long chalk. And yet, on average, people's automobiles stand idle for 96% of the time. What gives?

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
20 Aug 15

Originally posted by FMF
A: I will, as ever, dress as myself: shorts, no shirt, bare feet.

Q: The automobile ~ people owning their houses aside ~ is the most expensive thing that most people own during their lifetimes by a fairly long chalk. And yet, on average, people's automobiles stand idle for 96% of the time. What gives?
A. In the US mobility from place to place [whether a short or long commute to work or vacations hundreds of miles away] is assumed as a birthright.

Q. Any effective home remedies for a toothache for future reference? (friends have given a few recently which are helping minimize the discomfort)

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
20 Aug 15

Originally posted by FMF
A: I will, as ever, dress as myself: shorts, no shirt, bare feet.

Q: The automobile ~ people owning their houses aside ~ is the most expensive thing that most people own during their lifetimes by a fairly long chalk. And yet, on average, people's automobiles stand idle for 96% of the time. What gives?
A. I paid a lot more for my house and that stands idle 100% of the time.

Q. How many grains of sand in the smallest pile of sand?


28 Oct 05
20 Aug 15

Originally posted by wolfgang59
Q. Anyone like the new NZ flag shortlist?
A: Yes. I choose the one with a white fern and red stars on a dark blue background.

Q: If everybody quit suburban life and tried to move to a place in the country with views of the lake and neighbours invisible on the other side of a hill, what would be the economic and demographic consequences?

18 Jan 07
20 Aug 15

Originally posted by FMF
A: Yes. I choose the one with a white fern and red stars on a dark blue background.

Q: If everybody quit suburban life and tried to move to a place in the country with views of the lake and neighbours invisible on the other side of a hill, what would be the economic and demographic consequences?
A: Well, in my country, at least, we'd soon run out of hills!

Q: Do you ever read your local weekly newspaper?


28 Oct 05
21 Aug 15

Originally posted by Shallow Blue
A: Well, in my country, at least, we'd soon run out of hills!

Q: Do you ever read your local weekly newspaper?
A: I used to read a paper called Kedaulatan Rakyat which covers the city I live in, the surrounding Central Java, and some national news too. It now has an online presence and so I probably stopped reading it about a year ago.

Q: Was the lack of certain key freedoms for Singaporeans too high a price for them to have paid for their economic prosperity and political stability since the state was founded 50 years ago?