Animal, Vegetable, Mineral

Animal, Vegetable, Mineral

Posers and Puzzles

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oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
30 Jan 18

Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
Would the EU like to make you straighter?
A straight banana? Why would the EU want to do that?

Australian cat


20 Jan 09
30 Jan 18
1 edit

1. Are you edible? Yes.
2. Are you leafy? No.
3. Are you commonly eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner? Yes, any time.
4. Are you a potato or starchy tuber? No.
5. Are you a member of the Solanacea aka nightshades? No.
6. Are you most commonly cooked before being eaten, as opposed to being eaten raw? I am normally eaten raw, but can also be served cooked.
7. Are you red? No
8. Are you a fruit? Yes
9. Is one of you bigger than a grapefruit (about 10 cm) in any dimension? No.
10. Are you sweet when ripe? Yes.
11. Are you an orange? No.
12. Are you in the berry family? No.
13. Would a monkey eat you? Yes, monkeys like to eat me.
14. Is one of you considered a full portion? Yes.
15. Do you come in one typical colour, or in a variety? Almost all of us are one of two colours, but the darker variety is much more familiar to most shoppers than the yellow one. We're all green when we're younger, of course.

Banana shape may not be an EU requirement, but our Australian supermarket cartel has a specified size and shape which must be conformed to if growers wish to sell into that market. Of course that results in a huge mountain of waste, enough to produce biofuel for the entire country.

29 Dec 08
31 Jan 18

Originally posted by @kewpie
1. Are you edible? Yes.
2. Are you leafy? No.
3. Are you commonly eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner? Yes, any time.
4. Are you a potato or starchy tuber? No.
5. Are you a member of the Solanacea aka nightshades? No.
6. Are you most commonly cooked before being eaten, as opposed to being eaten raw? I am normally eaten raw, but can also be served co ...[text shortened]... urse that results in a huge mountain of waste, enough to produce biofuel for the entire country.
Is there a fermentation product (wine, cider, beer, distilled spirit) of you available on the market?

Australian cat


20 Jan 09
31 Jan 18

1. Are you edible? Yes.
2. Are you leafy? No.
3. Are you commonly eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner? Yes, any time.
4. Are you a potato or starchy tuber? No.
5. Are you a member of the Solanacea aka nightshades? No.
6. Are you most commonly cooked before being eaten, as opposed to being eaten raw? I am normally eaten raw, but can also be served cooked.
7. Are you red? No
8. Are you a fruit? Yes
9. Is one of you bigger than a grapefruit (about 10 cm) in any dimension? No.
10. Are you sweet when ripe? Yes.
11. Are you an orange? No.
12. Are you in the berry family? No.
13. Would a monkey eat you? Yes, monkeys like to eat me.
14. Is one of you considered a full portion? Yes.
15. Do you come in one typical colour, or in a variety? Almost all of us are one of two colours, but the darker variety is much more familiar to most shoppers than the yellow one. We're all green when we're younger, of course.
16. Is there a fermentation product of you available on the market? Yes, but it's not very well known. Popular with home fruit wine makers.

18 Jan 07
31 Jan 18

Originally posted by @kewpie
1. Are you edible? Yes.
2. Are you leafy? No.
3. Are you commonly eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner? Yes, any time.
4. Are you a potato or starchy tuber? No.
5. Are you a member of the Solanacea aka nightshades? No.
6. Are you most commonly cooked before being eaten, as opposed to being eaten raw? I am normally eaten raw, but can also be served co ...[text shortened]... ailable on the market? Yes, but it's not very well known. Popular with home fruit wine makers.
You'ra a plum, and I claim my 750 ml of damson wine and half a pound of greengages.

Australian cat


20 Jan 09
31 Jan 18

1. Are you edible? Yes. 
2. Are you leafy? No. 
3. Are you commonly eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner? Yes, any time. 
4. Are you a potato or starchy tuber? No. 
5. Are you a member of the Solanacea aka nightshades? No. 
6. Are you most commonly cooked before being eaten, as opposed to being eaten raw? I am normally eaten raw, but can also be served cooked. 
7. Are you red? No 
8. Are you a fruit? Yes 
9. Is one of you bigger than a grapefruit (about 10 cm) in any dimension? No. 
10. Are you sweet when ripe? Yes. 
11. Are you an orange? No. 
12. Are you in the berry family? No. 
13. Would a monkey eat you? Yes, monkeys like to eat me. 
14. Is one of you considered a full portion? Yes. 
15. Do you come in one typical colour, or in a variety? Almost all of us are one of two colours, but the darker variety is much more familiar to most shoppers than the yellow one. We're all green when we're younger, of course. 
16. Is there a fermentation product of you available on the market? Yes, but it's not very well known. Popular with home fruit wine makers.
17. Are you a plum? No, but the colours are pretty close.
Sorry, you're not there yet.

Read a book!

23 Sep 06
31 Jan 18

18. Are you passion fruit?



18 Apr 10
31 Jan 18

19.A plantain?

Australian cat


20 Jan 09
31 Jan 18
2 edits

1. Are you edible? Yes.
2. Are you leafy? No.
3. Are you commonly eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner? Yes, any time.
4. Are you a potato or starchy tuber? No.
5. Are you a member of the Solanacea aka nightshades? No.
6. Are you most commonly cooked before being eaten, as opposed to being eaten raw? I am normally eaten raw, but can also be served cooked.
7. Are you red? No
8. Are you a fruit? Yes
9. Is one of you bigger than a grapefruit (about 10 cm) in any dimension? No.
10. Are you sweet when ripe? Yes.
11. Are you an orange? No.
12. Are you in the berry family? No.
13. Would a monkey eat you? Yes, monkeys like to eat me.
14. Is one of you considered a full portion? Yes.
15. Do you come in one typical colour, or in a variety? Almost all of us are one of two colours, but the darker variety is much more familiar to most shoppers than the yellow one. We're all green when we're younger, of course.
16. Is there a fermentation product of you available on the market? Yes, but it's not very well known. Popular with home fruit wine makers.
17. Are you a plum? No, but the colours are pretty close.
18. Are you passion fruit? Yes, I'm a purple passionfruit. 🙂

As the name-caller, would you care to designate yourself for the next challenge, Mr Andy?

Read a book!

23 Sep 06
01 Feb 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @kewpie
As the name-caller, would you care to designate yourself for the next challenge, Mr Andy?
Thanks, Kewpie.

Next challenge: I am an animal.

Australian cat


20 Jan 09
01 Feb 18

Originally posted by @handyandy

Next challenge: I am an animal.
1. Are you a primate?

Read a book!

23 Sep 06
01 Feb 18

Originally posted by @kewpie
1. Are you a primate?
1. Yes, I am a primate.

14 Mar 15
01 Feb 18

Originally posted by @handyandy
1. Yes, I am a primate.
2. Did Michael Jackson have you as a pet?

18 Jan 07
01 Feb 18

Originally posted by @handyandy
1. Yes, I am a primate.
Platyrrhine (New World monkey) or catarrhine (Old World monkey or ape)?

Read a book!

23 Sep 06
01 Feb 18

1. Are you a primate? Yes.
2. Did Michael Jackson have you as a pet? No.
3. Are you platyrrhine (New World monkey) or catarrhine (Old World monkey or ape)? Yes, I am a catarrhine primate.