"If God didn't exist... "


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Adepto 'er perfectu

05 Jun 13
20 Jul 13

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
"If God didn't exist, what possible difference would it make whether
or not people put their faith in Him?" -JV

"if god didn't exist none of us would have any idea" -empovsun

... the point exactly. And if He does exist and people put their faith in Him
(as some do in this forum), why would their belief bother other people?
love thy neighbor and everything should be pretty easy after that 🙂


24 Apr 05
20 Jul 13

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
LemonJello, please translate your acronym as there's no match in my present vocabulary. Thank you.
The acronym is in your vocabulary, as evidenced in the thread below (top of page 3). Or has your vocabulary shrunk since then?

Thread 151611


24 Apr 05
20 Jul 13

Originally posted by Suzianne
Here is where your argument totally fails.

"That God exists" is a belief, yes, but it is not a "mistaken belief".

Note: I've taken the liberty of assuming that instead of "make no difference", you meant to say "make a difference". As written, it seems to say that you are a proponent of faith based on a belief in God.
Good grief. Before you jumped in, did you bother to even try to figure out what this thread is about? Did you at least read the title of the thread? It's hypothetical, Suzianne. We suppose here, hypothetically, that it's a mistaken belief.

I've taken the liberty of assuming that instead of "make no difference", you meant to say "make a difference". As written, it seems to say that you are a proponent of faith based on a belief in God.

No, I meant it exactly as it is written. And no it doesn't seem to say that I am a proponent of faith based on a belief in God. It seems to say that I am a proponent of the idea that just because (again, we suppose hypothetically) that one's faith is based on a mistaken belief that God exists that wouldn't mean that one's faith-based actions are somehow meaningless or cannot make a difference. Do you disagree?

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
20 Jul 13

Originally posted by empovsun

love thy neighbor and everything should be pretty easy after that 🙂
If so, why 'would their belief bother other people':
narrow mindedness; intolerance; intellectual bias; hatreds?
Mystery to me.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
20 Jul 13

Originally posted by LemonJello
The acronym is in your vocabulary, as evidenced in the thread below (top of page 3). Or has your vocabulary shrunk since then?

Thread 151611
.... 'woke up on the wrong side of the bed' vs. your coarse, ghetto slang for intercourse equate?


24 Apr 05
20 Jul 13

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
.... 'woke up on the wrong side of the bed' vs. your coarse, ghetto slang for intercourse equate?

Adepto 'er perfectu

05 Jun 13
20 Jul 13

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
If so, why 'would their belief bother other people':
narrow mindedness; intolerance; intellectual bias; hatreds?
Mystery to me.
i dont know. it doesn't bother me so long as you mind your own business. if the theists in question were enforcing their laws against other people's business then i can see a bother there. some people are just self entitled zealots 🙂

31 May 06
20 Jul 13

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
"Morality and Spirituality are not synonymous.
You will appreciate neither as long as your circular reasoning
feeds on itself, causing it to become lifeless."

"The only response that comes to my mind here is WTF are you talking about?" -googlefudge

.... intercourse in the context of Morality and Spirituality?

Why don't you say, "WTI"?
For crying out loud...

LemmonJello responded to one of your posts with ...
The only response that comes to my mind here is WTF are you talking about?

Which is a response I frequently have to your posts.

You then asked what WTF meant and so I answered.

I was NOT the one to ask the question LemmonJello was...

Can you please get a grip and properly attribute quotes to the people who actually make them.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
20 Jul 13

Originally posted by googlefudge
For crying out loud...

LemmonJello responded to one of your posts with ...
The only response that comes to my mind here is WTF are you talking about?

Which is a response I frequently have to your posts.

You then asked what WTF meant and so I answered.

I was NOT the one to ask the question LemmonJello was...

Can you please get a grip and properly attribute quotes to the people who actually make them.
I thought you both use identical hyper-offensive urban slang on an active internet
spirituality forum as an emotional overreaction to questions you chose to avoid.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
20 Jul 13

Originally posted by empovsun

i dont know. it doesn't bother me so long as you mind your own business. if the theists in question were enforcing their laws against other people's business then i can see a bother there. some people are just self entitled zealots 🙂
... in my opinion, this post's worthy of its own thread.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
20 Jul 13

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
If so, why 'would their belief bother other people':
narrow mindedness; intolerance; intellectual bias; hatreds?
Mystery to me.
If its still a mystery to you, then that is because you didn't bother to read the many lengthy responses to that very question. Basically you can only blame your desperate blocking of your ears for your ignorance on the subject.

31 May 06
20 Jul 13

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
I thought you both use identical hyper-offensive urban slang on an active internet
spirituality forum as an emotional overreaction to questions you chose to avoid.
You thought wrong.

Also, if you think the use of 'WTF?' is 'hyper-offensive' you need to get out more.

It's a convenient shorthand for expressing confusion/disbelief/"you've got to be kidding me"-ness/ect

A feeling elicited quite often by your posts.

And if anyone is avoiding questions here it's you not us.

Skepticism encourages asking questions and challenging beliefs.

Your religion does the opposite.

Mainly because you don't like the answers.

Which is the fundamental difference between you and me.

I want to know the truth, whatever that truth is.
You want the truth to be what you want it to be.

Unfortunately reality doesn't care whether you like it or not, it just is.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
20 Jul 13

Originally posted by LemonJello
Good grief. Before you jumped in, did you bother to even try to figure out what this thread is about? Did you at least read the title of the thread? It's hypothetical, Suzianne. We suppose here, hypothetically, that it's a mistaken belief.

[quote]I've taken the liberty of assuming that instead of "make no difference", you meant to say "make a diffe ...[text shortened]... -based actions are somehow meaningless or cannot make a difference. Do you disagree?
Sorry, then. I assumed that this thread was somewhat like others here, inviting differing opinions.

When you take as a "hypothetical" something you already believe to be true, you're just shutting out all who believe that your "hypothetical" is ridiculous.

As such, I refuse to participate further.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
20 Jul 13

Originally posted by twhitehead
If its still a mystery to you, then that is because you didn't bother to read the many lengthy responses to that very question. Basically you can only blame your desperate blocking of your ears for your ignorance on the subject.
... why 'lengthy'?

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
20 Jul 13

Originally posted by googlefudge
You thought wrong.

Also, if you think the use of 'WTF?' is 'hyper-offensive' you need to get out more.

It's a convenient shorthand for expressing confusion/disbelief/"you've got to be kidding me"-ness/ect

A feeling elicited quite often by your posts.

And if anyone is avoiding questions here it's you not us.

Skepticism encourages asking q ...[text shortened]... to be.

Unfortunately reality doesn't care whether you like it or not, it just is.
"Also, if you think the use of 'WTF?' is 'hyper-offensive' you need to get out more."

Typically, the 1st sentence contains 90-95% of your substance; the balance,
erudite fluff; do you also employ Scatological S-Words, much in public?