10/18/14 Daily Games + Saturday Lesson + A look back

10/18/14 Daily Games + Saturday Lesson + A look back

Archrival's Chess Corner

10/18/14 Daily Games + Saturday Lesson + A look back

Coming up today in the Daily Game update. A checkmate! one of the games ended in Checkmate which you can view below until the videos are posted. There may be another two parter for todays daily game.

After the Daily game update.- The Saturday lesson.
I show how putting a ping on a Knight is not always a good idea.
I look at how to get a draw with King vs King and Pawn. Then I leave you with a puzzle - Can you checkmate like this? We also look at a puzzle given to me by 64squaresofpain.

The 3rd Video is a look back at my old League and their website and couple of shout outs to my old team captain and my old club.

The will be another video lesson done tomorrow.
The puzzle by 62squaresofpain I set it up so we can look at it and try to solve it over the week and I will provide the answer on the weekend. I wanted to show you one possible line of thought.

Bored need something to do? How about some end game Practice

I used to practice these all the time when doing nothing. I do realize I didn't play all the best moves with king n 3 pawns vs king n 3 pawns. That is up to you to practice
Archrival's Chess Corner
Last Post
23 May 15
Blog since
16 Oct 14

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