Solutions to 8/22 problems

Solutions to 8/22 problems

SG's puzzle torture camp

Solutions to 8/22 problems

helpmate in 3:

Solved: PigsOnThe7th

Mate in 9

1. a8=N! [threat 2.Nxc7] with two variations:

The Knight makes a rundlauf both clockwise and counterclockwise depending on black's defensive choice.
Solved: PigsOnThe7th

PG in 17

Sacrifice and replacement of white's queen via promotion ... and then the replacement sacrifices herself as well!
Solved: Thomaster

prison guard exam

yields the following solution:

White to move and mate in 2.
1.Nh5*f4 ! threat: 2.Nc7*e6 #

Defenses and refutation of each:
1...Nd2-e4 2.Nf4-g6 #
1...Nd2-c4 2.Nf4-g2 #
1...Na3-c4 2.Nf4*e6 #
1...Na3*b5 2.Nc7*b5 #
1...Ra4-a8 2.Nf4*e6 #
1...Ra4-a7 2.Nf4*e6 #
1...Ra4*f4 + 2.Qh2*f4 #
1...Ra4-d4 2.Nc7-d5 #
1...Ke5-d6 2.Nc7-d5 #
1...Ke5-d4 2.Nf4-e2 #

Nobody solved it.
SG's puzzle torture camp
Last Post
30 Oct 13
Blog since
09 Jul 10

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