The First Days

The First Days

SG's puzzle torture camp

The First Days

Newcomer liked chess as much as the next player, but he'd always hated puzzles. So, it was with a sense of relief that he discovered his first tormentor/guard, Milan, secretly believed that problems need not be so different, at least in theme and idea, compared to a real game.

To illustrate his point, he showed the following problem, composed by a distant cousin of his:

Title here

Milan Vukcevich

White moves and mates in 3
(drag mouse over black block for solution)

1.Qb3! threat Qa3# 1...Bc5
[1...Rh4 2.Bd4 Ra7 or Qa3 next; 1...Rg3 2.Bf3 Nc6 or Qa3 next; 1...Rh3 2.Be3 Ra7 or Qa3 next; 1...Rg4 2.Be4 Nc6 or Qa3 next]
2.Bb6+ Bxb6 3.Qxa3#

Kholmov - Bronstein

(drag mouse over black block for solution)

1.d7! Same type interference as in the Vukcevich problem! 1...Rxd7 Pick your poison... [1...Bxd7 2.Rg7! This works now that Ra7 is blocked.] 2.fxe6 Nxe6 3.Bxe6 Q is overloaded, so Black got desperate 3...Rd1+ 4.Rxd1 Bxe6 5.Kxb2 Rb8+ 6.Ka1 Bxa2 7.Rgd3! Black can't hold the Bishop and defend the King both 7...Qe7 8.Kxa2 Qe6+ 9.Rb3 1–0

After spending what felt like hours, but in reality was only a few minutes, Newcomer was able to solve them both, especially once he realized they shared the same theme. If anything, the problem was able to show the same theme multiple times, where the game example could only show it once. Was there hope? Was it possible that there was something of interest to him even in a desolate torture camp such as this? He kept his optimism guarded, not keen on being disappointed at such an early stage.

However, he was forced to attend classes with a portly, heavily mustached, older guard named Sam, who delighted in the perversity of the problem ideas he showed, and how UNLIKE real games they were.

Incidentally, he also shared the same first name as his favorite composer.

Title here

Sam Loyd

White mates in 14

Sam Loyd

White mates in 3

Even under penalty of going to bed without supper, and spending literally hours on the two problems, Newcomer was forced to go bed hungry for three nights straight. Damn Sam Loyd and his creations, so suited for this kind of place, he thought.
SG's puzzle torture camp
Last Post
30 Oct 13
Blog since
09 Jul 10

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