All From One Small Note....

All From One Small Note....

The Planet Greenpawn

All From One Small Note....


Last week there was not enough room to fit in all the analysis on the
exciting game between jamescott - stevie b, so we start this week with the
conclusion of this game.

jamescott - stevie b RHP 2008

Also from last week RHP member Slug Face won the ‘Spot the Mate’ competition.
(23.Qh8 mate). Well done Slug Face you win a years supply of the word
‘Manganese’ try not use them all in one e-mail.
green bar
Wandering King started a thread called.’ There must be a win in there.’
Thread 147848
Here is the game he posted, I have removed all the notes (which were OK)
except one.

paul Bonomini - Wanderking RHP 2012

There is not much room for improvement in wrapping up the game.
Black played it OK. He did not chuck the game as the thread seemed to imply.

Instead of 15…Bh4+ I’m for 15…Qd3

This fits in perfectly with two things I always harp on about.

‘Don’t cash your checks/cheques at the nearest bank. Save them up till you get
a good return.’ and ‘Cut off the King’s squares and the checks will take care of themselves.”

But what Black played (15…Bh4+) was good enough. It’s 6 and two 3’s.

Here is the wee very slight nit-pick. Black has just played 11…d5.

Adding this note:

“Trying to get rid of a weak isolated pawn, and open the d-file for my queen.”

It's a collection of small things like that note that is all that
separates the stronger player from the weaker player.

A good player would not even consider the fact that the d-pawn was isolated here.

OK I'll rephrase that:

I would not even consider the fact that the d-pawn was isolated here.
I never even noticed it till Black mentioned it.
It would not figure in my selection process and d5 must be correct for
other more important reason than the fact it was isolated.
Open files for the better developed side bringing the Queen and the
c1 Bishop into the game.
Doing it with a threat not giving White time to settle and unravel.

Less experienced players often see more in a position that stronger players.
The trick is look at only what matters and seeing what is really going on.
An isolated pawn has it's place in chess but not in that position.

Less experienced players look at all the wrong things as well as all the right things.
The do (or in some case think they do) see more and it is this that affects how they
choose a move or plan.
They can get bogged down worrying about all the wrong things and it’s this
that can cloud the big picture.

Stronger player know how to ignore the chaff and concentrate on the
KEY elements of the position. Not ALL the elements of the position.

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The Duck


I often see posts asking if the grades on RHP match up to OTB play.
The simple answer is No. Now get lost I’m on holiday with Ernie.

Having a nice time, wish you were here.

The Duck and Endgame Ernie.

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Duck. get back here and do a game.

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The Duck

Hello Again,
I often see posts asking if the grades on RHP match up to OTB play.

I have seen some outrageous blunders on this site. Much more outrageous than
those I have seen in Over The Board play.

The chief reason being they are normal chess players who just happen to be
playing dozens of games at the same time over a period of weeks and months.
Sometimes they forget were they were in the game.
A trap spotted last week will be sprung against them the following week,

OTB the players full attention is on that single game (well it should be) and
tricks spotted are stored and not usually forgotten.

So the answer is no. RHP grades are coming from a different type of game.

If most would keep their game load low and take their time to re-acquaint themselves
with the position then 90% of the blunders would dry up.
(…and I would have to do some serious head scratching about what to write about. gp).

Let us look at this sparkling piece of RHP play. It’s quite typical.
Black sets White a trap.
White spots the trap and sets an exact copy of the same trap Black set for him.
Black walks into the trap he set for White.

skydiver - razer1984 RHP 2005

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I cannot find Endgame Ernie, I think he’s pulled a holiday girlfriend ‘Passed Pawn Polly’
and is hiding.

Let’s go back to the original game paul Bonomini - WanderingKing and squeeze
one last drop of instructive play from it.
Wandering King mentioned this in his original notes.

Here White to play his 6th move.

He checked on the wrong square 6.Qb4+ and after 6…c5!

White has lost a piece. If White had thought a bit more about it then he would
have played 6.Qa3+

The big difference being now 6…c5 does not attack the White Queen
and White does not lose a Bishop.

When I say check all checks it means checks all checks including the
square you are checking from.

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 148000
The Planet Greenpawn
Last Post
23 Jul 24
Blog since
06 Jul 10

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