Chess Badges + Championship Games

Chess Badges + Championship Games

The Planet Greenpawn

Chess Badges + Championship Games

Last night I spent a very pleasant evening hobnobbing with 3 Scottish Champions.
GM Keti Arakhamia Grant the current Champion, her husband Jonathan Grant
Who won the title a few years previous and IM Craig Pritchett who first won it
before some of you reading this were born (1977) and again as recently as 2005.

It was a Blitz Chess evening, all good fun.
It was to get used to the Blitz Time Control of 4.00 (+ 2 sec increment.)
Which is the TC being used in Blitz tournaments.

greenpawn is on the left

This is Keti and I playing. Looks like I’ve just played the Wing Gambit.

All in all a good time and look what I picked up on E-Bay.

Girl Guides Badge

It’s a Girl Guide Badge for Chess.

The Chess Badge

I think Chess Players should get badges instead of stupid Master titles.

If you win 3 times with the French Defence you get the French Defense Badge.
If you win 3 times with the Berlin Defence you get the Berlin Defense Badge.
If you win 3 times with the Scotch Gambit you get the Scotch Gambit Badge.
If you win 3 times with the.....

(We get the idea.....Russ)

Badges for all kinds of things.
The Greek Gift Badge, The Under Promotion Badge, The Double Rook Sac Badge,
The Back Rank Mate Badge. The Skewer Badge….

You have pull off every tactical trick and win three times with as many
openings as you can to get all the Badges. I make it about 100.

You sow each badge onto your Chess shirt for the whole world to see how good you are.

I’m sending off my idea to FIDE (In your name of course - I’ll say you all voted for it.)
I’ll let you know the reply.

Championship Stats to date 15th May 2012.
Games played 6979. White wins 3483 Drawn 230 Black wins 3266

White Checkmates 1285. Black Checkmates 1155.

There have been 85 checkmates delivered by a Bishop
55 by White and 32 by Black.

The strangest White Bishop mate was in VinceNet - JonPenny RHP Ch 2012

Black played 11...0-0-0 castling right into 12.Ba6 mate.

green bar
The Duck

If you want to take En Passant then you can only do it on your next move.
You cannot capture En Passant two or three moves later.
Some players think it is compulsory to take En passant if you can. It’s not.
Listen to the Duck, you do not HAVE to take En Passant, the choice is yours.

fubsy - labatt RHP Ch 2012

Here Black played 25…c5 and White played 26.dxc6 ep.

You can guess what Black played next. (0-1)

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Hi. Endgame Fans.

Instructive goodies for you today chaps.

* How one slack ‘it’s does not matter’ move in the ending can be fatal.
* We see the importance of Queening with a check.
* How at first glance some endings seem easily won when infact they are drawn.

Zipdrive Nightmare - jose sureda RHP Ch 2012

Now we see how badly White miscalculated. We back track.

Next I have….

(That it is goose head………greenpawn)

…’s a funny cock-up.

(OK then…………….greenpawn)

kingquoble - mobkin RHP Ch 2012

White to play.

Yes 1.Rd3 wins. 1…h2 2.Rh3 but is not what happened.

green bar

I’ve shown 100’s of won games being thrown away because the player
winning relaxed. Here for a change is a very nice and alert finish.

Black to play.

Wrap it up.

Jedisharp - John Evans RHP Ch 2012

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This week’s cartoon is plan127 - johnny50 RHP Ch 2012

White to play looks good here. Yes?
Looking good is not a good position to be in on this site.
White is mated in 5 moves.

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 146660
The Planet Greenpawn
Last Post
23 Jul 24
Blog since
06 Jul 10

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