Hear No Evil, See No Evil...

Hear No Evil, See No Evil...

The Planet Greenpawn

Hear No Evil, See No Evil...

I’m still keeping you safe from what is happening in the real world.
So it is hear no rumours, see no rumours and speak no rumours.

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And by pure luck when I was googling about I can across this;

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Three players, no idea of the name or the team all doing the same.

This weeks puzzle comes from;

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A book full of good advice and well chosen positions. (Black to play).

To stop the mating threat Black tactically removes the h3 Rook.

And now a smart ‘what have could been’ idea from a 2022 RHP game.

L.A Woman - Contenchess RHP 2022 (Black to play)

Black played g6 and did go onto win. But there was a more dramatic and very
instructive way to stop the mate on g7. Get rid of the g3 Rook with a check.

Joy of joys last week as I stumbled into a charity shop and picked up for £3.50

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Page 118 and we meet Anish Giri v Sam Shankland at the 2019 Tata Steel Masters.

White to play

Here, Giri spotting Sam’s body language was portraying that of a player already
lost played 45.b6 which actually give up all hope of the slim winning chances.

Sam could have just moved his King to c8 and there is no way to dig the King out.

And yes, of course a few RHP players have made the same mistake.

dmcassel - Rajk999 RHP 2012

Black to play resigned.

tuf - Ceddybear RHP 2011

But it’s not doom and gloom and Red Hot Pawn. Sometimes we get it right.

jayaitch - cmsMaster RHP 2006

We move on after taking a peek at Costad - lepik RHP 2013 It is very possible
that Black knew of the Kf8 Fortress but missed a far more easier way to draw.

green pawns

Last weeks new feature where we looked at a chess stamp proved very popular

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Look at this. Next week we will look at another one.
green pawns

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A round 7 game ‘G. Perez - E. Moradiabadi,’ was a 10 mover which though reached
by a perfectly logical sequence of moves has only been seen once on Red Hot Pawn

How do these things happen to the grandmasters. Like everyone else who has been
caught in an opening trick, by going though the motions without being ‘warmed up.’
‘Castle first and then do the thinking’ is a risky rule of thumb which has many victims.

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 195152
The Planet Greenpawn
Last Post
23 Jul 24
Blog since
06 Jul 10

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