My Chess  Presents and a late Christmas Quiz

My Chess Presents and a late Christmas Quiz

The Planet Greenpawn

My Chess Presents and a late Christmas Quiz

Christmas came and Christmas went. He is me and my presents...
Title here

getting mobiled by my grand daughter with her Christmas present.
Chess books, chess tie, chess mug, silly jersey and a chess DVD?
Dark Horse

The passengers on the E.C.F forum were talking about this DVD
so I asked for it. Unfortunately my family hit E-Bay and saw only
the horsey one. (Why they thought I wanted this one is beyond me)
If I knew there were two films with this title (and here I lay the blame
at the feet of those dimwits at the ECF forum) they would have found.
Title here

Which was the one I really wanted. The book. (which I did not ask for)
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I’m halfway through reading it. Not too bad if you are seriously into
that kind of thing. Most of it, funnily enough is about the history of
the game and I’m just getting onto the proper chess stuff. The Players.

Awful diagrams, This is an example.
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The book which is sturdy and well produced deserved better. How about?
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There are hardly any moves in the book but it has one unfortunate error (page 107).
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The author of course means c4. That one is a real shame. The author
has been badly let down by the proof reader here .One could argue,
and I often do, that the three most famous moves in chess history are:

Marshall’s 23.Qg3 in Levitsky - Marshall 1912.

Fischer’s 29....Bd6xh2 in Spassky - Fischer (game 1 ) 1972.

Fischer’s 1.c4 v Spassky (Game 6) 1972.

red pawns

University Challenge was on BBC a few days ago. The London School of Economics
(LSE) failed to answer correctly any of the following three questions on checkmates.

What is the number of moves in a Scholars mate?

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Here is an actual picture from the contest. The lad closest to us is playing out
the moves on an imaginary chess board. I wonder if he does his sums this way.
Click on this for the answer
The answer is four. LSE said three.

What is the name given to a Knight checkmate when the
King is surround by it's own pieces and cannot move?
Click on this for the answer
Smothered Mate. The LSE said Choke Mate which is quite good.

Anastasia's mate or the Arabian Mate involve which two chess pieces?
Click on this for the answer
Rook and Knight. LSE said Queen and Knight.

At the end of the match Durham and LSE tied on 130 pts each.
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If the LSE had answered just one chess question correctly then
they would have won. Instead they lost the tie break question.

Here is an RHP example of each checkmates in question.

GAPAC - BlackBear32 RHP Ch. 2012.. Scholars Mate.

kellybelly - Jack Alrutz, RHP 2011. Smothered Mate

Kunsoo - mghrn55, RHP 2015.Arabian Mate.

This is a very good example of Anastasia’s Checkmate.
Academus - vantoniov RHP 2015

red pawns

The other book you saw was picked up by my daughter at a 2nd hand shop.
If any of my well trained mob see a 2nd hand chess book then they buy it.
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So let us take a look at some Red Hot Pawns Scandinavians.

jodem - woodyb52 RHP 2011

Tim Robinson - Donadoni RHP 2002

Do you remember morgski who a few years ago dragged his sister onto
an iceberg just to play the Icelandic Gambit for the sake of this blog?
no title

We now have a brief encounter with the Iceberg in the shape of a trap that
at least nine RHP members know only too well. ‘The Titanic sails at dawn. ‘
dizzypawn - Paullli RHP 2012

Thus ends the first Blog of the year. I’m looking forward to blunder free 2016

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 166920
The Planet Greenpawn
Last Post
23 Jul 24
Blog since
06 Jul 10

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