The 18 Queens Chess Problem.

The 18 Queens Chess Problem.

The Planet Greenpawn

The 18 Queens Chess Problem.

Title here

I think it was in it was definitely 1976 when....come
to think of it I’m positive it was 1977..,perhaps.. and I’m sitting
there playing over a game from Chernev’s 1,000 - short games.
(I have that bit right) when Ian was Johnny who...

Title here

‘Why not look at G.M. v G.M games and study those instead?.

I replied I don’t play G. M's I want to see and get inside the
heads of my peers. I want to see the errors they make, not the
possible errors hiding away in the notes. (often too gross to ever
get printed in a G.M. game.) I want to see blunders in action!

Over these many years I seem to have developed a knack of what
is going on in non G.M. games. I can see what they are up too and
80% of the time I’m right. I’m 80% wrong doing this with G.M. games.

I can spot a bad idea a mile away, an unsound sac two miles away
and a basic two move trap from the Moon. (slight exaggeration there).

So when 64 Squares of pain recently posted some of his OTB games.
I was back on my old stomping ground. Squinting at under 2000 games.

This one caught my eye. I think (emphasise ‘I think’ ) what happened was that
White had an idea. Always dangerous getting ideas OTB. I did a whole blog about
that once. Best to let the other chap get the ideas. You can then counter them.

Here is a brief snapshot of a game which leads us onto the theme of the week.

Paul Jackson - Zak Tomlinson (64 Squares of Pain) 2019 Thread 181977

So with 1.Qc4 What was White up to.
Let us take the same position and.....

...give White the move.

First we see an RHP example of this weeks theme in it’s rawest form.

Very Rusty - gundel RHP 2008

Next we see an RHP example taking it up a level.

Jools06 - Kaoslos RHP 2012

And finally we end the RHP theme of the week with a Queen sac on f3 error.

Teddo - USAce RHP 2007

green pawns

Title here

green pawns

We have met Francis Percival Wenman (1891-1972) before.
He was better known as P. Weman and this blog Blog Post 356
mentions some plagiarised problems he published in his books.

Another P. Wenman has dropped into lap (I try to avoid them but what can you do?)

Title here

Again no composers names so we are to believe they are all his.
Maybe they are (history dictates we must have strong doubts) .
And indeed Edward Winter has a page from a CHESS 1937
which list at least 14 problems rotated or lifted in this book.

That said lets us look at some (plagiarised or not) of the puzzles.

There is nothing wrong with the diagram. White to play and mate in two moves.

There is perfectly reasonable and logical solution to this one
Clue: White is a good player. Black a student fresh to the game.

I’ll show some of the easier ones. Try this. It’s Selfmate.

White to play and forced Black to give checkmate in four moves.

We will call this one the French ‘Le Suicide’ Problem.

Black to play and let White give a checkmate in two moves.

Next a classic but worth showing again. (composer?)

White to play and mate in four moves.

Finally. I don’t know why, but on page 37. Mr Wenman decided to
show us how to checkmate 32 Black King with six White Queens.

Should you ever feel the need or get asked to do this. Now you know(?)
green pawns

There is a problem where you have to place 8 Queens on a
chessboard so that none of them are attacking each other.

Title here

I know, here is one of the many solutions.

(first asked for and solved by Max Bezzel in 1848)

But here your task is slightly different. Crack this one...

Title here placing 18 Queens (9 White and 9 Black) on the safe chessboard to open it.
Stipulation: no White Queen is allowed to attack a Black Queen. (and visa-versa).

Good Luck
green pawns


White to play and mate in two moves.

The clue was the good White player. White started the game with Queen Rooks Odds.
In such circumstance the odds player (White) is allowed to castle queenside. But I
hear you shout. ‘There is a Rook on a1’ Yes. But that Rook began the game on h1.

Solution 1.0-0-0 (with the ghost of the a1-Rook)

Now it’s easy. 1...c2 (only move) 2.Ra3 Checkmate.

The Selfmate in four.

White to play and forced Black to give checkmate in four moves.

The French ‘Le Suicide’ Problem

Black to play and let White give a checkmate in two moves.
1....e5 (or 1...Ke7) 2.Qh5 Ke7. 3.Qxe5 mate.

The Classic which I’m 99% sure is not one of Wenman’s

White to play and mate in four moves.

Found a couple of fun RHP game featuring g4 mate.

WernherK - cabandmush RHP 2013

pkprasoon - ItsYouThatIAdore RHP 2006

Open the safe by placing 9 White and Black Queens on the board without
any White Queen attacking a Black Queen (and obviously, visa-versa)

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 182038
The Planet Greenpawn
Last Post
23 Jul 24
Blog since
06 Jul 10

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