The Baltic Trap + When h-pawns Dream

The Baltic Trap + When h-pawns Dream

The Planet Greenpawn

The Baltic Trap + When h-pawns Dream

RHP lad davaniel paid a visit to Tallinn in Estonia.

Bored, he took a stroll along the Baltic coast when suddenly the brisk sea
air reminded him of the RHP blog.

Off he rushed to the local toy shop and bought a magnetic Chess Set
and set up the Baltic opening. 1.d4 d5 2.c4 Bf5

This total commitment to RHP is admirable.

It was so cold he was the only nutcase outside and using the ’Lonely Joe’
feature on his tourist camera he managed to take a picture of himself.

cold davaniel

board enlarged

Magnificent dedication. There is Dan freezing in the heart of Keres country and all
he can think about is the RHP Blog. I am eternally grateful.

So lets us have a quick look at the Baltic Opening.
(some sources say 1.Nc3 is the Baltic Opening… I’ll stick with davaniel)

Baltic Trap

Every opening has at least one trap concealed within it.
(Trust me on this. Show me an opening and I’ll show you it’s opening trap
with an excellent chance of someone on RHP falling for it.)

The Baltic Opening trap deserves more RHP victims because it’s
moves are perfectly logical and any White player playing first glance Chess
will walk straight into it. Behold…

toborxx - bond55 RHP 2009

Cheers davaniel, let's have more of these. Send pictures to:

green bar

And now an interesting postscript to the Assassin Pawn from a few Blogs back.

When The H-Pawn Dreams.

Tripped over this humorous finish when looking for something else.
The h-pawn in the real world.

dRr0x0rZZ - musirapha RHP 2008

green bar

This Blog has been slightly delayed because I entered Tournament 13041
and have been having the selfish time of my life.

greenpawn34 - Bob RHP 2011

Black makes a common RHP error. Too many pawn in the opening without
really considering the consequences.
My 10th move is the one that novice players should pick up something from
and Black’s unfortunate 13th move is one to avoid.

jcozec - greenpawn34 RHP 2011

Black plays the only way he has ever done since the year dot.
An unsound sac which needs help from White.
Thankfully White underestimates Black play.

greenpawn34 - Ooops RHP 2011

Had loads of fun playing out all the tricks and traps with this one.
A wonderful trade down combination.

White to play. Wrap it up into a pure won King and Pawn ending.

The above position appeared after....

All of that happened till 9.Nc4 then Black opted to play on a piece down
and I duly won it.

And finally just to show I don’t always get my own way and
even (ahem) good players cannot break the developing rules.

Augustkim - greenpawn34 RHP 2011

green bar

Finally, when not wandering along the Baltic coast davaniel paid a visit to
the Paul Keres Chess Club. He took this picture of the plaque outside.

Paul Keres

I'll leave comments on. If you want to add a game or position then see Thread 143454

Edit: Paul Keres is the only chess player to appear on currency.
Here he is on the Estonian 5 Kroon note.

5 krron note
The Planet Greenpawn
Last Post
23 Jul 24
Blog since
06 Jul 10

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