The Christmas 2015 Bloggy Thing

The Christmas 2015 Bloggy Thing

The Planet Greenpawn

The Christmas 2015 Bloggy Thing

Yippee it’s Christmas and just before I settle down to my Christmas Dinner.
(this year we are having D-U-C-K) I’ll go along with what everyone else does
at Christmas. A Christmas Quiz. No. Don’t go, it’s only three chess puzzles.

Usual fare. I’ll show a puzzle and then an RHP game very similar to the puzzle.

This first one is by J. Moravec composed in 1924

All the Russian School children knows two pawns on the 6th beats a Rook.
Infact even some RHP players know this (they must have Russian blood in them)

NoFriendsPete - lord kev RHP.2014

White to play cannot prevent a pawn from Queening and resigned a few moves later.
But here in the Moravec puzzle we have two pawns not on the 6th rank but on the 7th.

Yet White to play can draw this….How?


So how does White draw this.

Some pretty nifty play there and you never know when such knowledge will come in handy.

hari1974 - michael RHP 2014

White missed a chance to use this technique to draw this game.

Sometimes a little bit of knowledge can be a very dangerous thing.
Stop opening your Christmas presents, look at this piece of festive merriment.

loki and harley - wilbot RHP 2012

Black knows all about pawns on the 6th beating Rooks. He even gets pawns on the 7th.

Title here

Problem No.2 is composed by Eugene B. Cook. White to play and mate in 3.

Show this one to your Christmas chums after dinner.
Title here

Of course now the challenge is can I find something on RHP that matches this.
Well I do have two Rooks v a lone Bishop and the lone Bishop actually winning.

ehenes - KDale RHP 2011

Title here

The last one is from a puzzle book I picked up. It a Charades Book.
You have to guess the title of the 1992 film from the picture below.

(answer at the bottom of this page.)
Title here

And the fun continues. This game was sent to me as it has a rather unique wrap up.

Richius - andruike RHP 2014

Not many games end this way. Sit back and enjoy.

We head for Boxing Day with a game of mine which finished just a few days ago.

I’ll be getting socks, aftershave, an electrical thing for nose hair and a tie for Christmas.
But the present from DepecheMode in this game is the one I’ll be remembering this year.

greenpawn34 - DepecheMode RHP December 2014

Merry Christmas to Everyone and see you all in 2015.

Title here

The answer to film question: ‘The Crying Game.’ Well done if you got that at home.

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 162134
The Planet Greenpawn
Last Post
23 Jul 24
Blog since
06 Jul 10

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