The Duck in America + Richard Rapport

The Duck in America + Richard Rapport

The Planet Greenpawn

The Duck in America + Richard Rapport

The Duck has sent us some pictures of his visit to America.
He is currently staying with ST40 who kindly took the pictures.

Here is The Duck with the Empire State Building in the background.

Empire Building

and here outside the Marshall Chess Club….

Outside the Marshall Club

and inside the Marshall Chess Club…

Inside the Marshall Club

Next to the bust of Marshall, I’m pure dead jealous.

Next to the Marshal bust

The Duck would like to go somewhere else.

If you would like the Duck for a few days and to get pictured at your local chess
club then say so in the thread linked to this week’s blog.

Let’s see if we can get him around the world, visiting as many countries as possible.
He’s light so not very expensive at all to post.
green bar
In Thread 151034 started by woodypusher we were asked what player to
keep an eye on in 2013. Pacifique came up with Richard Rapport.

Any chess player whose name is an anagram of ‘horrid crap trap’. must be worth a look.
(especially on this site where all the traps are horrid and crap) 😉

Pacifique posted some of Richard’s recent games and that whetted my appetite.
I went searching for more. I found this.

Richard Rapport - Davor Rogic, Austria 2010

Now we see Black trying to hold onto the extra pawn.

Varenka - Briscoe RHP 2007

KingMax (1761) - Tukumnieks (1670) RHP 2010

The Duck emailed this analysis from America.
Here he is sitting on a new York cop car.

On a Cop  Car

We end this week’s blog with this joyful effort. Just sit back and watch the fight.

gcw - OldOne, RHP 2005

Like two boxers slugging it out, except White is well ahead on points (positional points.)
as referee I was ready to stop this as Black was getting a pasting. Suddenly…

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 151074
The Planet Greenpawn
Last Post
23 Jul 24
Blog since
06 Jul 10

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