The Swiss Gambit Affair + Two Trappers Trapped.

The Swiss Gambit Affair + Two Trappers Trapped.

The Planet Greenpawn

The Swiss Gambit Affair + Two Trappers Trapped.

Hi Chaps.

Swiss Gambit has been tormenting the Chess Forum with
his problems and puzzles.

This has produced a plethora of sleepless nights, busted marriages
and nervous breakdowns amongst the forum lads.
Something had to be done.

So the plan me and Adramforall hatched was to lure Swiss Gambit
to Mount Rushmore by telling him there was a chess problem
carved into the rock that nobody could solve.

Here is Mount Rushmore.
The red arrow indicates where I placed the bait.

The Bait

The idea being whilst SG was studying this position…

no title

…we would drop a net on him and sell him to a circus.

Plan2 (Adramforall’s idea).

no title

I had to hide behind a tree…

no title

…and snare him as soon as he started moving the pieces about.

Sad to report SG failed to show.
Well if he did, he did so in disguise and we missed him.

green bar

And now we see two trappers trapped, tripping over their own tripwire
and blowing themselves up.

The Theme:

This old chestnut.

The Black Queen has been lured onto d4. White checks on b5 and takes the Queen.
Often appears in the Advanced French but it comes from other openings as well.

Aspasia - Zenic RHP 2008

Here we see White setting the trap and catching the Black Queen on d4 but…..

GMF - 2plankS RHP 2008

Now this wee cracking piece of ingenuity.
If ever you need an example for the necessity of looking
deeper into a position then use this.

We are at our most vulnerable after playing a combination.
Our well placed pieces that allowed the combination to be played are
suddenly scattered, protected squares have been weakened and our
sense of danger is at it’s lowest ebb.

Always try to assess the future position before the combination has been played.
That way you will avoid or indeed play for, stings in the tail.

White sets the trap and Black walks into the trap,
he has looked just that little bit deeper.

Schack - PeeHan RHP 2008

The Planet Greenpawn
Last Post
23 Jul 24
Blog since
06 Jul 10

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