The Wycombe Clan vs UCF (United Chess Federation)

The Wycombe Clan vs UCF (United Chess Federation)

Clan Challenge

The Wycombe ClanUCF (United Chess Federation)
The Wycombe ClanMovesUCF (United Chess Federation)
TTottenhamHotspurFC1422351381Royal LightRL
TottenhamHotspurFC1422711381Royal Light
Wycombe AlWycombe Al1091431365baslindersb
Wycombe Al1091531365baslinders
2Games Won2
2Gross Points2
2Net Points2
Challenge Result Notes

Clan challenge drawn.

2 points awarded to both clans.

4 of 4 games scored for this challenge.

This challenge result contributed to the 2011 challenge table.

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