2014 December Year's End Quartets Trial Tournament I

2014 December Year's End Quartets Trial Tournament I

Tournament Round 2

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Group 1
All games complete0
2124 white winwhite winwhite winwhite win
1728black win black winblack winblack win
1523black winwhite win white winwhite win
1479black winwhite winblack win white win
1255black winwhite winblack winblack win 
Total score24018126
Max. possible score24018126
Group 2
All games complete0
1908 white winwhite winwhite winwhite win
1628black win black winwhite winwhite win
1610black winblack win black winwhite win
1576black winblack winblack win white win
1393black winblack winblack winblack win 
Total score24151290
Max. possible score24151290
Group 3
All games complete0
1838 white winwhite winwhite winwhite win
1679black win drawwhite winwhite win
1619black winblack win white winwhite win
1496black winblack winblack win black win
1388black winblack winwhite winwhite win 
Total score24161009
Max. possible score24161009
Group 4
All games complete0
2427 white winwhite winwhite win
1800black win white winwhite win
1619black winblack win white win
1459black winblack winblack win 
Total score181260
Max. possible score181260
Group 5
All games complete0
1790 white winwhite winwhite win
1584black win white winwhite win
1534black winwhite win white win
1297black winblack winblack win 
Total score18990
Max. possible score18990
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7 days
14 days
10 Dec 14
Tournament finished

3 points for a win, 1 for a draw. Leading player or players progress.

Winner of the final group wins the tournament.