Half US jobs go US born

Half US jobs go US born


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12 Jul 08
20 Dec 14


Almost one in every two jobs added since 2009 have gone to foreign-born workers.

In November 2014, one in every five U.S. jobs was held by a foreign-born worker, up from one-in-six jobs in January 2010, according to federal data highlighted by the Center for Immigration Studies.

Since November 2007, the number of working legal and illegal migrants has risen by two million, from 23.1 million in November 2007 to 25.1 million in November 2014.



27 Oct 08
20 Dec 14

How dare they work!

Immigration Central


23 Aug 04
20 Dec 14
1 edit

Friggin Israelis stealing all the jobs speaking Hebrew all the time


25 Jun 06
20 Dec 14
1 edit

The influx of foreign workers includes many foreign graduates. Their arrival is forcing many debt-burdened Americans graduates to start their careers in lower-wage jobs. Those American graduates will be stuck with lower wages for many years unless employers face a shortage of workers in the next few years.

That process has widened the gap in wealth between the wealthiest one percent and the rest of the country.

The surplus of workers, dubbed a “slack labor market,” has largely been ignored by media outlets, which have tried to blame stagnant wages on Wall Street greed, technology, education, the recession and various other causes.
The reasoning in your referenced article is curious.

If the wealth and / or income gap between the top 1% and the rest of the US population is increasing as a direct consequence of immigrants taking jobs from Americans, then that implies that these immigrants are earning enough to be in the top 1%, while there is good reason to suggest that immigrants are not as a rule quite in that income or wealth bracket - not as a general rule.

So what the *** is this quote intended to mean?

If one thing has NOT been ignored in discussions I have seen of the American economy, then that is jobs. Indeed, jobs has been a word frequently heard on the lips of Obama himself. So I see no reason to say that the "surplus of workers" (more commonly expressed as unemployment and underemployment) has been ignored - it hasn't. Indeed, this article appears to recognize that there has been an increase in jobs, albeit claiming those additional jobs are going to immigrants. So it is useful to unclutter these issues. Are there more jobs? Is that because American politicians do not ignore jobs? Or are there not more jobs? Quite a separate debate to the discussion who gets those jobs and why. But please stop confusing issues with one another - that makes rational debate impossible.

Now perhaps the idea is the immigrants alter supply and demand in a way that results in lower wages and wage stagnation. Maybe so. But this suggests that there is a force of nature at work, something outside of human influence, by which somehow the only group getting any benefit out of economic growth since the early Eighties has been the top 10% and most of all the top 1%. Nonsense. They earn more, not because others earn less, but because they take more than their share and they take bigger increases than anyone else. They earn more because they take more, not because immigrants are willing to work for less. This anti immigrant rant could only be correct if the top 1% were not increasing their share of wealth and income, which in fact they are doing, so it is just stupid.


04 Feb 05
20 Dec 14

Originally posted by Eladar

[b]Almost one in every two jobs added since 2009 have gone to foreign-born workers.

In November 2014, one in every five U.S. jobs was held by a foreign-born worker, up from one-in-six jobs in January 2010, according to federal data highlighted by the Center for Immig ...[text shortened]... risen by two million, from 23.1 million in November 2007 to 25.1 million in November 2014.
yeh, damn better qualified workers. how dare they play in a free market? everyone knows americans deserve better than any other just because they were born within its borders.

and the employers, traitors every one of them. we should also forget all the times you whined about the state forcing employers to hire gays and just force employers to hire americans.


02 Jan 06
20 Dec 14

Originally posted by Eladar

[b]Almost one in every two jobs added since 2009 have gone to foreign-born workers.

In November 2014, one in every five U.S. jobs was held by a foreign-born worker, up from one-in-six jobs in January 2010, according to federal data highlighted by the Center for Immig ...[text shortened]... risen by two million, from 23.1 million in November 2007 to 25.1 million in November 2014.
What jobs Progressives can't export they give to illegals.


12 Jul 08
20 Dec 14

Originally posted by KazetNagorra
How dare they work!
How dare we import workers when there are plenty of Americans who need jobs.

Oh wait, yeah that's right, I forgot that the international big business guys are the ones in charge. If they need cheap foreign workers to drive down cost so it shall be.


02 Jan 06
20 Dec 14
1 edit

Originally posted by Eladar
How dare we import workers when there are plenty of Americans who need jobs.

Oh wait, yeah that's right, I forgot that the international big business guys are the ones in charge. If they need cheap foreign workers to drive down cost so it shall be.
We must focus on a global economy and a global government. Self interest plays no part in this, for we need to see to the common good instead of what is good for Americans.

I feel the need to speak for globalists because they are too cowardly to speak these things for themselves. For whatever reason they are afraid of people like you and I Eladar.


25 Jun 06
20 Dec 14

Originally posted by whodey
We must focus on a global economy and a global government. Self interest plays no part in this, for we need to see to the common good instead of what is good for Americans.

I feel the need to speak for globalists because they are too cowardly to speak these things for themselves. For whatever reason they are afraid of people like you and I Eladar.
For whatever reason they are afraid of people like you and I Eladar.
So people like you and Elador are frightening because ....


22 Jun 08
20 Dec 14

Originally posted by finnegan
For whatever reason they are afraid of people like you and I Eladar.
So people like you and Elador are frightening because ....
They speak from knowledge....


02 Jan 06
20 Dec 14
1 edit

Originally posted by finnegan
For whatever reason they are afraid of people like you and I Eladar.
So people like you and Elador are frightening because ....
Because if Progressives told the American people the truth, then they could never get elected.

For example, they say things like, "If you like your job you can keep your job". You know, that sort of thing.



27 Oct 08
21 Dec 14

Originally posted by whodey
We must focus on a global economy and a global government. Self interest plays no part in this, for we need to see to the common good instead of what is good for Americans.

I feel the need to speak for globalists because they are too cowardly to speak these things for themselves. For whatever reason they are afraid of people like you and I Eladar.
But why stop at American isolationism? Why not, for instance, ward off the God-fearing states from the Christmas-hating Progressive ones?


21 Nov 14
21 Dec 14

There are many countries that forbid Americans from owning land or taking their jobs !!! Most of the world hate Americans.


25 Jun 06
22 Dec 14

Originally posted by Hugh Glass
They speak from knowledge....
You cannot be serious.

Civis Americanus Sum

New York

26 Dec 07
22 Dec 14

Originally posted by Eladar

[b]Almost one in every two jobs added since 2009 have gone to foreign-born workers.

In November 2014, one in every five U.S. jobs was held by a foreign-born worker, up from one-in-six jobs in January 2010, according to federal data highlighted by the Center for Immig ...[text shortened]... risen by two million, from 23.1 million in November 2007 to 25.1 million in November 2014.
If you want to complain about illegals, that's one thing. But to complain about the "foreign born" is xenophobic, bigoted and invidious discrimination.

People who are here legally have every right to compete for jobs on the same terms that native born people do. If they win the competition because of superior training, diligence or willingness to work for less, that's too bad on the people they beat out.