tournament rating limit mechanics

tournament rating limit mechanics


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Big Cheese

Pacific NW

11 Apr 06
27 Sep 06

When/how it the rating cutoff for tournaments decided? Example, I am looking at a tournament where the max rating is 1199. Some entrants are over that rating, but tournament has not started yet. I am guessing that at the tournament start, any ratings over the max are auto not entered. Is that how it is done? Also noticing on tournaments in progress (use same example rating max is 1199) some players have ratings well over that (one player is about 1600) - so I am guessing players rating was much lower when he/she entered, and raised that much during tournament. Is that also a fair assumption?

Buzzardus Maximus

03 Oct 05
27 Sep 06

The tournament admits you based on your max rating in the last 30 days.

Big Cheese

Pacific NW

11 Apr 06
27 Sep 06

Originally posted by blakbuzzrd
The tournament admits you based on your max rating in the last 30 days.
So in my example above of a player with a current rating above the limit (on a tournament not started), why are they listed as entered in the tournament?

For RHP addons...

16 Mar 04
27 Sep 06

Originally posted by impatient
So in my example above of a player with a current rating above the limit (on a tournament not started), why are they listed as entered in the tournament?
I'd love to help you out, but I can't figure out how to make the simple statement that I need to make all flowery for you, as per your stated requirements for helpers in the help forum.



The Peacemaker

Out of Lockdown

16 Sep 05
27 Sep 06
1 edit

Originally posted by impatient
So in my example above of a player with a current rating above the limit (on a tournament not started), why are they listed as entered in the tournament?
The rating restriction applies at the time of entry and not at the commencement of the tournament. So using your example, if that 1199 player was eligible when they first entered because their rating fulfilled the entry criteria, they are entitled to remain in the tournament.

Edit: If the rating limit was applied at commencement, you would find players would not met the criteria because of fluctuations in form. This could result in the places in the tournament not fully suscribed and therefore the tournament could remain perpetually open.

Big Cheese

Pacific NW

11 Apr 06
04 Oct 06
2 edits

Originally posted by Ragnorak
I'd love to help you out, but I can't figure out how to make the simple statement that I need to make all flowery for you, as per your stated requirements for helpers in the help forum.


If you see no middle ground between dry, blunt statements (i.e. you saying only "go read FAQs"😉 and "flowery" (your word -not mine), you may want to consider manners/personality class. There is something called simply being pleasant or nice. Its not flowery. Thousands of examples throughout the forums - do some reading. You must have a job where no basic people skills are required. You are obviously still injured by my criticism - I would advise you to consider the constructive aspect of this and then moving on rather than dwelling of the fact that someone dared to criticise you.

Big Cheese

Pacific NW

11 Apr 06
04 Oct 06

Originally posted by STRATOSPH3R3
The rating restriction applies at the time of entry and not at the commencement of the tournament. So using your example, if that 1199 player was eligible when they first entered because their rating fulfilled the entry criteria, they are entitled to remain in the tournament.

Edit: If the rating limit was applied at commencement, you would find play ...[text shortened]... n the tournament not fully suscribed and therefore the tournament could remain perpetually open.
That makes sense. Explained fully and very helpful- thanks.


19 Feb 02
04 Oct 06

Originally posted by Ragnorak
I'd love to help you out, but I can't figure out how to make the simple statement that I need to make all flowery for you, as per your stated requirements for helpers in the help forum.


Please answer the topic question, or don't answer at all.

All those personal 'wars' in the forums are really tiring to read and totally unnecessary.


King David

Planet Earth.

19 May 05
04 Oct 06

Originally posted by adje
Please answer the topic question, or don't answer at all.

All those personal 'wars' in the forums are really tiring to read and totally unnecessary.

Well said. 😉 esp, in the HELP forum.
Now the Clan forum is a different story. It is made for goading and bashing of other clans and players. It's ment for personal wars. The debate forum is debatable. 🙄

For RHP addons...

16 Mar 04
05 Oct 06
1 edit

Originally posted by adje
Please answer the topic question, or don't answer at all.

All those personal 'wars' in the forums are really tiring to read and totally unnecessary.

adje, I apologise to you, for making a point to somebody who has recently blasted me for providing help in a manner which they didn't approve of. Apparently, providing useful information to the help thread originator (who thanked me for helping him) isn't good enough. Thread 52925, I would have liked nothing more than to have answered the kids question with a simple "Rating is only considered on tournament entry and not on tournament start", but I was afraid of the backlash that such a response would precipitate from impatient.

impatient, I apologise to you for not providing help in a manner that is to your satisfaction. I now know that providing accurate, useful information (which the recipient thanked me for) in what little time I had available at the time is just not good enough and I promise to try harder in future. If I don't have time to query as to the help seeker's cat/dog/family while providing the information, then I shall be sure to not provide any help at all.

In the meantime, I'd like to refine the way in which I give help, so that it is to your satisfaction. Could you please provide an acceptable answer to the following questions, remembering to be "kind, supportive and helpful", unlike my pitiful attempt, whereby I merely recommended the chess newcomer (quoted below) to read the FAQ, learn the rules of chess, and learn chess notation to make his life easier. I'm not sure if namecalling is also required (Ignarak? That's genius), so please clarify that in your answer.

"Can anyone please answer a couple of questions for me as I am new to chess. If a pawn initially has two moves, then why can I not take an opponent's piece with the pawn, ie opponent's bishop atB5 my pawn at A7 I thought first move one square to A6 then diagonal toB5 to take the bishop. Why would this move not be allowed.
Secondly, if my opponent makes a move on on the list of game moves the move appears as 0-0 instead of say BF1-D3 what does this mean. Many thanks, Ian Game 2535233"

I would also like to thank you, impatient for the lovely PMs you sent me, to ensure I read your ultra valuable life lesson...

"From: impatient
Date: Oct 04 19:15
Subject: advice

If you see no middle ground between dry, blunt statements (i.e. you saying only "go read FAQs" and "flowery" (your word -not mine), you may want to consider manners/personality class. There is something called simply being pleasant or nice. Its not flowery. Thousands of examples throughout the forums - do some reading. You must have a job where no basic people skills are required. You are obviously still injured by my criticism - I would advise you to consider the constructive aspect of this and then moving on rather than dwelling of the fact that someone dared to criticise you.

In the meantime - dont feel compelled to chime in on any of my posts if you dont have anything helpful or positive to say. Your sarcasm is useless and lost on the rest of RHP."

I really appreciate the criticism you gave me for helping people in a manner which you don't approve of. Of course I know it is all constructive, so I welcome your harrassing messages which judge me and my personal abilities based on some help (much appreciated help, I must repeat) I quickly gave to somebody on an internet chess site.

And I especially appreciated this PM...

"From: impatient Active
Date: Oct 05 00:03
Subject: read...

the responses to your pointless post in the Help forum:

"Please answer the topic question, or don't answer at all." It was a "reply and quote' to your post. Another poster agreed. Might want to take their advice. Noone wants to read your dirtly laundry - keep it to yourself."

Some might call them gloating ("Oooh, look at me, I have support from some random strangers in whatever gripe I have against this guy who gives too-concise help. I better send him some PMs, so he definitely sees it" ), unsolicited and harrassing, but not me... I really appreciate them for what they are...kind, supportive and helpful.

I'd also like to apologise to the originators of the following threads, and I can only hope that i didn't run them off the site with my concise, accurate help...
Thread 52092
Thread 51789
Thread 51604
Thread 51383
Thread 51260
Thread 48566
Thread 48331
Thread 47345
Thread 47444
Thread 47214
Thread 47208
Thread 46709
etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc....

PS: Don't look now, impatient... Thread 43564 😲

Anyway, thanks for the wonderful help, impatient. I now feel that I have learned enough, and am willing to go it alone. I'm placing you on my Ignore List (You have the privilege of being the first), just in case you try to "help" me out with some more PMs.




19 Feb 02
05 Oct 06

Originally posted by Ragnorak
adje, I apologise to you, for making a point to somebody who has recently blasted me for providing help in a manner which they didn't approve of. Apparently, providing useful information to the help thread originator (who thanked me for helping him) isn't good enough. Thread 52925, I would have liked nothing more than to have answered the ki ...[text shortened]... as afraid of the backlash that such a response would precipitate from impatient.


Now I understand your post and I remember the thread you are referring to. There your answer was maybe somewhat short and blunt, but it was to the point and since the originator thanked you for it, there was no reason for impatient to comment on it.

I still dislike the personal 'wars' thing in the forums though, but I can understand it :-)

Please continu helping people in the help forums the way you do!



19 Feb 02
05 Oct 06

Originally posted by Ragnorak
PS: Don't look now, impatient... Thread 43564 😲
Hey! Don't use me as an example!
I'm also not known for my expansive/long answers. 😕

For RHP addons...

16 Mar 04
05 Oct 06

Originally posted by adje
Hey! Don't use me as an example!
I'm also not known for my expansive/long answers. 😕


Buzzardus Maximus

03 Oct 05
11 Oct 06

Originally posted by Ragnorak
adje, I apologise to you, for making a point to somebody who has recently blasted me for providing help in a manner which they didn't approve of. Apparently, providing useful information to the help thread originator (who thanked me for helping him) isn't good enough. Thread 52925, I would have liked nothing more than to have answered the ki ...[text shortened]... ase you try to "help" me out with some more PMs.


You know what? I'll take a manners class when Impatient passes grade-school writing class. Basic logic wouldn't hurt him, either.

Rec'd on principle alone.

Happier Now!!


19 Oct 04
12 Oct 06

Originally posted by Ragnorak
adje, I apologise to you, for making a point to somebody who has recently blasted me for providing help in a manner which they didn't approve of. Apparently, providing useful information to the help thread originator (who thanked me for helping him) isn't good enough. Thread 52925, I would have liked nothing more than to have answered the ki ...[text shortened]... ase you try to "help" me out with some more PMs.


Recced by myself just for the shear pleasure of the material. The time you took to actually reply is truly a touch of beauty. This really should be reconized as a work of art, for you really put this together well.
