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01 Oct 04
05 Jun 17
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
In a fix? Not at all. Indeed, I see you as hoisting yourself by your own petard and it's interesting to witness. Especially after reading your account afresh. In the meantime I am not willing to indulge you by giving you the thread and page number. Consider it a gesture of my personal lack of respect for you.
Yet amazingly even after reading my account afresh you cannot say exactly what made you think that I was abused. And neither can you correct your geester pal who claims that I copied and pasted it. Sorry old chap but you are stalling here.


02 Jan 06
05 Jun 17

Compare the leaders of both religions, Jesus verse Mo.

Nuff said.

14 Mar 15
05 Jun 17
1 edit

Originally posted by dj2becker
Yet amazingly even after reading my account afresh you cannot say exactly what made you think that I was abused. And neither can you correct your geester pal who claims that I copied and pasted it. Sorry old chap but you are stalling here.
"I grew up in a legalistic 'Christian cult' where I was indoctrinated from a young age to believe that the teachings of my church was true and that all other churches that didn't believe exactly what we believed were lost. I was indoctrinated to follow laws that weren't even in the Bible. I was not allowed to talk to the opposite sex, watch tv, listen to non Christian music etc, and believed that I needed to confess every bad thought that I had to a counsellor in the church who would pray with me for God to forgive me. Women in our church were not allowed to wear trousers or jewelry, and you weren't allowed to be romantically involved with the person you wanted to marry. You had to marry someone from the same church. You had to 'hear from God' who the person was that you were going to marry and you weren't even allowed to talk to them before you got married. Anyone who questioned the rules of this church were excommunicated and everyone in the church believed they were going to hell and shunned them like lepers. I was born into the church and for 24 years I believed that everything they taught was the absolute truth. Parents would disown their children if they decided to leave. "

Sure sounds like abuse to me.


28 Oct 05
05 Jun 17

Originally posted by dj2becker
Yet amazingly even after reading my account afresh you cannot say exactly what made you think that I was abused.
Who said I "cannot say"? You are pointedly ignoring what I have said to you about it.


28 Oct 05
05 Jun 17

Originally posted by dj2becker
...a link of other people who left the same place with their experiences.
And just how would you characterize what those people said about their experiences?


28 Oct 05
05 Jun 17
1 edit

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Sure sounds like abuse to me.
I agree.

And check out the testimonies of victims of the same cult at the web site he linked to.

14 Mar 15
05 Jun 17

Originally posted by FMF
And just how would you characterize what those people said about their experiences?
Well, the site he linked to said:

"True stories of broken people and destroyed families, of obscure traditions and rituals, of excessive beatings and virginity tests, of obscure credit transactions and diamond deals, of debts involving millions, of secret agent activities supporting the apartheid regime."

Perhaps he has a different understanding of what constitutes abuse?


28 Oct 05
05 Jun 17

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Well, the site he linked to said:

"True stories of broken people and destroyed families, of obscure traditions and rituals, of excessive beatings and virginity tests, of obscure credit transactions and diamond deals, of debts involving millions, of secret agent activities supporting the apartheid regime."

Perhaps he has a different understanding of what constitutes abuse?
Here's more:

"Painful and, at times, extremely hurtful personal experiences, insights and observations have driven us to expose the dubious and disreputable practices of the mission that are even brutal and disregard human dignity."


28 Oct 05
05 Jun 17

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Perhaps he has a different understanding of what constitutes abuse?
That will be presumably be the tack he will take now, and he may attach the label "universal truth" to the wriggling, squiggling personal definition of "abuse" and "deprivation" he comes up with, for good measure.

14 Mar 15
05 Jun 17

Originally posted by FMF
Here's more:

"Painful and, at times, extremely hurtful personal experiences, insights and observations have driven us to expose the dubious and disreputable practices of the mission that are even brutal and disregard human dignity."
And let's not forget:

"A dictatorial system, in which only submissive servants can live well. But where independent thinking and acting people are marginalised and stigmatised with military precision. Kwasizabantu has made itself God’s watchman who punishes any contraventions of written Old and New Testament rules as well as its own un-written laws, often with brutal harshness whereby respect of human dignity is ignored."


28 Oct 05
05 Jun 17

Originally posted by FMF to dj2becker
I see you as hoisting yourself by your own petard and it's interesting to witness.
Mmm, as I was saying...

16 Feb 08
05 Jun 17

Originally posted by dj2becker
I don't recall saying I was abused that is something you or your crony came up with.
Well that's the thing with lying, you need to have an excellent memory.

16 Feb 08
05 Jun 17

Originally posted by dj2becker
So you decided that I was abused even if I did not use the word abuse myself?
Why don't you look back through your posts as Fetchmyjunk and find the stuff you posted, it may save you further embarrassment and the need to create yet another new account.

16 Feb 08
05 Jun 17

Originally posted by FMF
Consider it a gesture of my personal lack of respect for you.
I nearly choked.

16 Feb 08
05 Jun 17

Where's he gone...?