Did God Command Genocide in the Bible?

Did God Command Genocide in the Bible?


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28 Oct 05
09 Nov 14
1 edit

Originally posted by Suzianne
God cannot abide evil. Why didn't He send angels? How do you know He didn't [communicate with the Canaanites]?
If God revealed Himself to the Canaanites, and they rejected Him, why isn't this in the Bible?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
09 Nov 14

Originally posted by FMF
Well I don't believe in your Christian God figure, if that's what you mean. But I have been open and clear about this for years. I am not a Christian, Suzianne.
Christian has nothing to do with it. Stop implying that it does. Stop avoiding and misdirecting. And STOP saying "if that's what you mean". EVERY time you've said, "if that's what you mean", it's NEVER been "what I mean".

The Jews don't believe in Christ as the Son of God, either. That doesn't stop them from believing in the very same God I believe in.

You know, at this point, I don't even really care if you answer my question or not. But at least acknowledge that you don't want to answer my question.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
09 Nov 14

Originally posted by FMF
If God revealed Himself to the Canaanites, and they rejected Him, why isn't this in the Bible?
God doesn't tell us everything. Don't be pedantic.


28 Oct 05
09 Nov 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
You know, at this point, I don't even really care if you answer my question or not. But at least acknowledge that you don't want to answer my question.
Why don't you tell me which question it is that I have not answered? I've told you I believe there is a God so you know I am not an atheist. I believe He hasn't revealed Himself to me. So I am not a religionist. I don't believe God has revealed himself to you either. So, obviously, I don't subscribe to your religion. What other questions do you want me to answer?


28 Oct 05
09 Nov 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
God doesn't tell us everything. Don't be pedantic.
But if the genocide was a punishment for worshipping "false gods" AFTER rejecting the God of Abraham, wouldn't that make what you believe more coherent, surely?


28 Oct 05
09 Nov 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
The Jews don't believe in Christ as the Son of God, either. That doesn't stop them from believing in the very same God I believe in.
Well nor do the Muslims believe in Christ as the Son of God and see him as a prophet instead. That doesn't stop them from believing in the very same God as you believe in. But there are countless millions of other people who believe in God who have nothing to do with your God figure and they cannot be described as atheists, which means someone who has no belief in the existence of a deity


04 Feb 05
09 Nov 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
I swear, if one more person posts a mobile link... arrrgh...

Anyways, I just KNEW this had to be about Joshua and the Canaanites. The fact is that the Canaanites worshipped FALSE GODS. God knew He couldn't have His people settling in among people worshipping false gods and not have His people tainted by these people. As it was, the Hebrews paid the ...[text shortened]... reason alone, their opinion that this was "genocide" can be tossed out as totally unauthorative.
no no.

the question first and foremost is "did god command genocide?"
the answer to that is obviously yes, since the bible mentions several times "kill everyone,I, God, command it"

what you are doing now is justifying genocide. as in "did those people deserve genocide".
this too has an obvious answer: "of course not, are you insane?"

no matter what you do as a nation, as a group of people, there is no case where everyone deserves to be killed.
i beg forgiveness for mentioning the nazis, but we trialed them for war crimes. we didn't obliterate the whole of Germany. even among the nazis we didn't kill them all.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
09 Nov 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
The term Genocide, as defined by the United Nations, refers to acts of man that can be persecuted and punished.
Please show me the United Nations definition, and also explain why you are sticking with the United Nations definition rather than the one in common use.

Acts of God are above this kind of reproach.
They nevertheless may be genocide whether or not they fit the United Nations definition. Genocide is genocide regardless of whether someone can be punished for it.

You don't buy into this solely by virtue of the fact that you do not believe in God. Well, that's great, but it renders the conversation moot, and meaningless and a point of opinion.
At no point did I talk about not buying into it or whether or not God is morally wrong for commanding genocide.

... this also means that whatever God commands cannot be called "genocide" either.
Sorry, by you don't get to write the dictionary. If I want to call it genocide, I can, and I did. Not even God was able to stop me - what makes you think you can?
It was genocide by the standard definition of the word whether you like it or not.

Standard memberRemoved

08 Dec 04
09 Nov 14

"Genocide" as some of you call it is not called that in the bible. There are very good reasons why God destroyed evil people in the Old Testament.
Here is a "taste" of the article I will refer you to with a link to the article following...

Genesis 6:5
The LORD saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.

That’s bad! Every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. The Flood is only 1,650 years after Adam. Since the Flood we’ve had 4,000 plus years of human history, and is every thought of every person only evil all the time? No! I don’t know the way it is in your state or country, but in mine there are a lot of people that will just pull over and help you if you’re stuck in your car on the side of the road. We’re not in a world where every inclination, every purpose, every thought of everybody’s heart is only evil all the time.

How in just a very short amount of time (historically speaking) was the Devil able to get the world to where every inclination of the thought of man’s heart was only evil all the time? He did it by genetically engineering a race, that had never existed before, that somehow or other was genetically engineered the same way a thorn bush was. A thorn bush is not a good bush. There may be some value to it, but compared to the bushes that God created, a thorn bush is not a very good bush, and in the same way these people that the Devil genetically engineered were not good people. And it had gotten to the point where the earth itself was in danger of being destroyed by this race. The problem was carried in the genes, and passed down from one generation to the next. It wasn’t a matter of environment, it wasn’t a matter of training, it wasn’t a matter that there weren’t enough people teaching morals on the face of the earth. It was genetically engineered evilness, if you will. By the way, this race had never existed before. Obviously, God had made Adam and Eve, and they had made people. So this race is simply called by God in verse four the Nephilim – the ones who had fallen – and I showed you in the verses earlier that this race was the product of fallen angels (devils) and men. By the way, in reading verses four and five there’s an interesting truth.

Genesis 6:4
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days – and also afterward – when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.



28 Oct 05
09 Nov 14

Originally posted by checkbaiter
"Genocide" as some of you call it is not called that in the bible. There are very good reasons why God destroyed evil people in the Old Testament.
Did your God figure reveal Himself to the Canaanites before he sought to have all of them killed for not worshipping Him, according to your beliefs?

Standard memberRemoved

08 Dec 04
09 Nov 14

Originally posted by FMF
Did your God figure reveal Himself to the Canaanites before he sought to have all of them killed for not worshipping Him, according to your beliefs?
Clearly, you have no clue on what spiritual warfare is all about.


28 Oct 05
09 Nov 14

Originally posted by checkbaiter
Clearly, you have no clue on what spiritual warfare is all about.
I have a pretty solid clue about what justice is and what morality is. Some of you Christians don't seem able to discuss either of them coherently but just reference your own superstitions instead. Has the term "spiritual warfare" got something to do with justifying genocide?

29 Dec 08
09 Nov 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
Christian has nothing to do with it. Stop implying that it does. Stop avoiding and misdirecting. And STOP saying "if that's what you mean". EVERY time you've said, "if that's what you mean", it's NEVER been "what I mean".

The Jews don't believe in Christ as the Son of God, either. That doesn't stop them from believing in the very same God I believe ...[text shortened]... answer my question or not. But at least acknowledge that you don't want to answer my question.
They don't believe in a triune god. Do you?

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
09 Nov 14

Originally posted by checkbaiter
"Genocide" as some of you call it is not called that in the bible.
Not in the Hebrew version obviously. It is an English word and a fairly recent one too, so you won't be finding it in the Old English King James version either.
But what is described in the Bible is genocide.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
09 Nov 14
2 edits

Originally posted by josephw
[b]"Why does your god confine itself to just the middle east?"

Amazing how much you think you know about "it", but so little you know about what the Bible says.

The Jews were entrusted with the "oracles of God". Right? Says so right there in the Bible. Romans 3:2b 2 ..: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God.

And were ...[text shortened]... aham? The tower of Babel. Why did God confuse their languages?

Are you following this so far?[/b]
Well, it was written like that in the bible, that must make it true. Still don't know why the word wasn't given directly to the Australian aborigines and the Amerinds who were definitely around at that time. Your little bible verse tells NOTHING about that.

You can't accept the idea that this was a local religion. Meaning written by local people. Meaning there was no deity involved.

Your so-called deity allegedly made an entire universe, so why would such a super power have limited itself to one savage desert tribe in the middle east?

Can't you see the connection here? Local religion, local people totally unaware there was a big planet around them?

Your alleged god would have CERTAINLY known there was a big planet around those humans and if it was truly interested in bringing some universal truth, would have included at LEAST a few people in all parts of the planet but that decidedly did NOT happen.

Even today there are parts of the planets that blessedly has not heard the word of the so-called god.

But Christians don't bother themselves with such details. Being totally brainwashed as they are, any cock and bull story written in the bible HAS to be true.

Your bible talks about your so-called god not wanting anyone worshiping 'false' gods but there are false gods all over the planet then and now.

But there was no effort on the part of your so-called god to work on THOSE false gods.

In short, your so-called god was a one trick pony.