Annotated Chess Game 7746732 by tygertyger

Annotated Chess Game 7746732 by tygertyger

Annotated Games
  • 17... c6
    Good that it is an attempt at limiting the Bishop, but bad strategically after: 1...c6 White has 2. Qxf6 (White can take the Knight right away, but why not weaken Black's pawn structure first and force the game into a very favorable ending for White 2...gxf6 3. Rxe7 cxb5 leaving White up a pawn, with a rook on the seventh rank, and with black having several potential pawn weaknesses (doubled f-pawns, isolated h-pawn, and doubled b-pawns). However, from experience even though white has a lot of factors in his favor rook endings are notoriously drawish, so White should try and limit Black's rooks activity by forcing them to passively guard the pawns weaknesses and not allow them to do any attacking!
    • 18. Qe5xf6 gxf6 19. Bb5c4 Ne7f5
      Missed this move, but I am suspicious of it's efficacy.
      • 20. Re3f3
        Skewering the Knight and the doubled f-pawn and if 1...Kg7, then 2. Bxf7! winning another pawn.
        • 20... Nf5h4
          ? relegating the knight to a passive position and losing another pawn. Why not Nd6 and if Rxf6, then KxB and white has Tripled b-pawns!
          • 21. Rf3xf6 b5
            ? Trying to trap the Bishop, but missing that Bxf7 is now possible! White will now be up three pawns.
            • 22. Bc4xf7
              Black maybe thought that after Bxf7 he had Kg7, but if Kg7 White has several ways to protect both the Bishop and the rook.
              • 22... Kg8g7 23. Re1e6
                Also good was probably 23.Rf4 forcing a trade of minor pieces.
                • 23... Rd8d7 24. Bf7h5 Ra8f8
                  ? Loses another pawn! And also trades down further! Black's drawing chances are diminishing as the pieces disappear.
                  • 25. Rf6xf8 Kg7xf8 26. Re6xc6 Rd7d5 27. Bh5g4
                    Black never seems to try and exploit White's weak back rank.
                    • 27... b4
                      ? Black hastens the end and allows white to freely correct his big pawn weakness.
                        Game started
                        08 Sep '10
                        Last move
                        17 Sep '10
                        Game Lost
                        17 Sep '10
                        17 Sep '10
                        Annotation Id

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