Annotated Chess Game 9268014 by PureRWandB

Annotated Chess Game 9268014 by PureRWandB

Annotated Games

My first annotated game...

  • 1. e4 c5
    Sicilian Defense....
    • 2. c3
      Making the Queen more accessible at the expense of his knight's immobility. White is possibly looking to push d4 pawn...
      • 2... e6
        Making room for my Bishop and more range for my Queen.
        • 3. Ng1f3 Nb8c6
          Developing my Knight and covering the e5 square.
          • 4. Bf1b5 Qd8c7
            Moving the Queen to prevent doubled pawns if WHITE decides to take the Knight. But, I am concerned about the unprotected g5 square.
            • 5. O-O
              Natural move.... White is trying to protect his King.
              • 5... Bf8e7
                Developing my bishop, so now e5, g5, and h4 is covered...
                • 6. Bb5xc6 dxc6 7. c4
                  Pushing the pawn to prevent increased mobility for my dark-squared Bishop, White is looking to eventually move Nc3.
                  • 7... e5
                    Stopping White's e-pawn and reducing the knight's range of motion. I also opening up a diagonal for my light-squared Bishop.
                    • 8. h3
                      We are even in material... Not sure about White's move here, maybe he was concerned with a knight coming in to g4 or a pin with Bg4.
                        Game started
                        09 May '12
                        Last move
                        26 May '12
                        Game Lost
                        28 May '12
                        10 Jun '14
                        Annotation Id

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