Annotated Chess Game 7802376 by Raabemaster

Annotated Chess Game 7802376 by Raabemaster

Annotated Games

A highly agressive middle game for both sides then black blunders away the endgame.

  • 1. e4
    Recently, I have begun playing the kings pawn game over the queen's gambit, which used to be my opening of choice as white. I don't know why, but maybe my deeper study into the sicilian defense has made me want to play against it as white. Still, since I know how strong the sicilian defense can be, one would think I want to avoid it. Oh well, 1.e5 is still a strong move and full of opening pleasure!
    • 1... e5
      Made me a little sad, yet glad at the same time. I am sad not to play against the Sicilian defense, but I feel that 1...e5 is slightly weaker than 1...c5. When I play the sicilian defense, usually I play the accelerated dragon or the Najdorf. Still, 1...e5 is good, but it is quoted by a famos chess player that the only thing wrong with 1...e5 is the sicilian defense.
      • 2. Ng1f3
        A common move during a king's pawn game, attack the pawn on e5 with the knight and develop a piece at the same time. Good, sturdy, thats why I played it!
        • 2... d6
          !? I usually encounter 2...Nc6 but 2...d6 is just as strong. The thing I don't like about it is that it restrics black's dark squared bishop which can be critical during blacks opening. It does, however, prevent me from playing the Ruy Lopez, which I am quite a fan of. I had to rethink my game.
          • 3. Bf1c4
            Thought I would through Mr. Bishop in the center. You know, just for giggles! Although now I like the move aggressive 3.d4 which leads to interesting play for both sides.
            • 3... Ng8f6
              Attacks my e4 pawn and forces me to defend it...
              • 4. Nb1c3
                ...However, I am more than happy to develop my knight!
                • 4... Bf8e7
                  Black prepares to castle, and as I mentioned before, his bishop isn't going toward the center, but will be stuck on e7 after 5...0-0.
                  • 5. O-O
                    Castleing is usually always a smart move. I was thinking of playing d4 here, but that would have blown up the center, and usually its smart to castle before opening up the center. I've learned the hard way that if you don't castle early, you can get in big trouble.
                    • 5... O-O
                      Not really surprising. I castle, he castles
                        Game started
                        29 Sep '10
                        Last move
                        04 Oct '10
                        Game Drawn
                        05 Oct '10
                        25 Oct '10
                        Annotation Id

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